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    Cheap Nightmare-Lucid #71

    by , 01-12-2013 at 09:10 AM (581 Views)
    Non Dream

    All of a sudden my vision turned from black to bright red. At this point, I realized I was dreaming. I looked towards the wall and saw shadows of flames materializing. When I got up and looked around though there were just cheap cardboard cutouts of flames scattered throughout the room. I jumped out of the window to escape. I was in another room with more cardboard flames. My vision turned from bright red to somewhat black and white. It was as if I was in a cheap 1920's silent film. I dodged the flames and jumped through another glass window into another room. I could finally see the outside through another window. Then, K (a big girl) came up from behind and bit my arm! I got away and when I looked back I saw that K had a shovel and was trying to hit me! Luckily, I was able to grab the shovel from her hands as she was taking a swing at me and got away again. My dream ended just before I could make it outside.

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    lucid , nightmare