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    Lucid #191-basic Totm success

    by , 07-05-2013 at 04:35 PM (883 Views)
    Non Dream

    I was on dreamviews or a similar site looking at a random members post. He used his dreams to create a complex world. Somehow, it seemed like his goal was to make it to a mountain outside of the city to fulfill some task. Next thing I know, inexplicabily, a bird popped out of the screen and started chirping some random stuff, something about Macy's. I laughed and thought "What the heck!". After a couple seconds it clicked that I was dreaming and should go about my goals. I walked out of the computer room to find myself in the hall of my grandma's house. I used the behind the hand trick to summon a dc but couldn't feel I hand this time. I turned around and saw a dog I used to have and then my sister. Since I saw my dog first I figured I had to hug it for Totm. I went up to him and hugged him. He licked my face and looked like he was happy to see me. I didn't really talk to my sister, I just told her I had to go. Since I was inside, I found a good opportunity to walk through some walls. I walked through the wall of the master bedroom to try to go outside. Somehow, I wasn't sure if I did it correctly even though I successfully walked through it. Luckily I ended up in the family room. From there I walked through the closed sliding glass door, making sure I kept my eyes open. I was successful once again and ended up in the backyard. I jumped up to fly. My goal was to go to the beach. After a couple of seconds, I found the beach but had a tough time lowering myself and landing on it. On the way down, I saw a 3 headed dc trying to talk to me. I woke up.

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    Updated 07-05-2013 at 04:58 PM by 57896

    lucid , task of the month


    1. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      3 heads? Mercy.

      Congrats on the TOTM!