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    Lucid #194-Time Control

    by , 07-13-2013 at 05:17 PM (650 Views)

    I was walking with a huge group of DCs on the shoulder of a freeway when I thought, "I must become lucid. Oh, wait, I'm dreaming! Nice." I remembered the task of time control. I asked a DC for a watch. When I got no response, I quickly thought "Okay, I could just summon my own". I reached into my pocket and took out a small pocket watch. It was just a simple old school watch, one with roman numerals in place of the numbers. I switched the watch to my left hand, looked up at the scene, and tried spinning my right forefinger. It didn't work. I figured I had to look at the watch while spinning my finger like I'd done in the past. I looked at the watch. The time was about 4:20. I tried spinning my forefinger again. The hands of the clock quickly accelerated. Success! After about 15 seconds. My hand became tired so I stopped. The time was about 9:00 now. I looked up at the scene and saw the crowd of DCs had greatly diminished and it was starting to get dark. This was proof to me that I actually manipulated the time and didn't just change the hands of the clock. Satisfied that I had completed the task, my subconscious ended the dream.

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    1. bro's Avatar
      I have had that same reality check work well for me! When I found myself wearing analog watches, the hands would move quickly like yours, and digital of course displayed nonsense such as "00:00" or "7e:89".

      Recently it's been my hands that have helped me get lucid.

      I am also making mental notes of your conjuring/switching abilities. I've not mastered that yet.

      Nicely done
    2. Nelzi's Avatar
      I thought, "I must become lucid. Oh, wait, I'm dreaming! Nice."
      Satisfied that I had completed the task, my subconscious ended the dream.
      You make it sound sooo easy... you have a cool subconscious, congrats on the task