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    1. Lucid Dream Within A Dream... on a chopper

      by , 11-17-2015 at 07:17 PM
      In my young lucid dreaming career, this was the coolest one.

      I was with my friend from high-school (I'm out of college now) Eddie, who was the kid you'd catch smoking pot behind the bleachers. Regardless he was hilarious, and got tons of (hot) girls.

      We were at the bottom of a hill and Eddie was on a bicycle riding up the hill. I decided to crank it up a notch and found a motorcycle "chopper" that I immediately hopped on. On the back of my chopper was this girl Lila who was a blonde and stunning. It was at this point I became semi-lucid and I don't really know how. I just demanded that Lila performed reality checks as I started to crank up the hill on the chopper. I was "half in and half out" of lucidity and everything was so realistic around me that I was legitimately fearful of crashing the chopper. Because Lila had no idea what a reality check was I kind of just winged it and said "screw it, this is most likely a dream, how do I go really fast". Then I simply intended to go faster and we zoomed further and further up the hill until we got to the end which turned into a massive jump. We landed no problem and then ended up off the chopper and under a tree on a grassy knoll to the left.

      Eddie caught up with us and this was pretty annoying at first because I had already started to put the moves on Lila. Regardless Eddie questioned me about the dream and how realistic going up the hill was. I concurred that everything was ridiculously realistic and I felt as if I were really alive in the dream.

      At this point I realized I needed to find Eddie a girl for himself so that I could get back to Lila. I look up the knoll and voila, another girl was sitting there waiting to be talked to. I knew if I just sent Eddie alone, he wouldn't because Lila was prettier. So I pretended like I was interested in this other girl and struck up a conversation about TV shows with her. Eddie followed suit and soon they were like PB&J in conversation; a beautiful strategy.

      I made my way back down to Lila who was the fucking coolest girl ever. She had picked out a song on her iPod for us to listen to while we started making out. She was super hot and I felt very connected with her when her earbud fell out of her left ear and I replaced it.

      Then I woke up. My mindset was to just push really hard on lucidity and not worry about reality checks. I was lucid and I knew it. Therefore when I woke up this time I had no qualms about screaming "show me something amazing!" This is when the dream played a trick on me. The response I got was from my roommate in the other room who sarcastically said "I'll show you something amazing". He laughed and I felt pretty embarrassed for having screamed that at the top of my lungs. Unfortunately I never realized this was a false awakening. I was definitely still dreaming and the amazing thing was that my dreaming mind could fake the shit out of me.

      I got up and started texting Eddie about the chopper dream. Eddie texted back that he was in the process of hooking up with 3 bartenders. But he also admitted that there was nothing like that "oriental dream shit" I had showed him.

      Notes: What's funny is how far I strayed from my game-plan on this one. The methodology was WBTB and my intention for the night was to become lucid and do whatever it takes to maintain lucidity. My idea was to do the Carlos Castenada and just stare at my hands producing stable lucidity. For whatever reason this never even crossed my mind during the dream. I think I was a bit too caught up with beautiful blonde girl on the back of my chopper... and in this case, rightfully so. I'm pumped for my next lucid dream =)

      Updated 11-17-2015 at 07:24 PM by 89231

    2. Building Game Maps/Chillin in Nepal

      by , 11-15-2015 at 06:13 PM
      #1 I was talking with an old friend and we discussed the possibility of video game mapping. Essentially how could we create maps and turn them into a virtual reality. One issue that we faced was that on the newer gaming systems the amount of hit points one could receive were no longer transferable. Thus if you got shot across the map, you'd just die regardless of how strong you were. In other words, in the newer systems, one shot one kill would be the norm every time... which doesn't make for great gaming. Therefore we stuck with the older module and worked that. Somehow my friends moms lasagna became the proposed outline for the map... and from what I remember, we started vibrating in a lasagna like virtual reality. Eventually I transferred into FIFA 12 and wondered what it would be like to be in FIFA 15. I played in the home play stage as Ronaldo and Oozil practicing my bicycle kicks. I especially focused upon kicking the ball back over my head and then blasting a goal.

      #2 I was looking over a massive expanse of land with beautiful mountains and pastures. There was an old cow in front of me and I wondered how he survived this long out here; where were the wolves? I then saw his barn next to me and figured that he must have gone inside during the night times. My Dad was way up yonder to the left on top of a mountain near the car. He wanted to get going to the vacation house. Subconsciously I knew that I was purposefully delaying but I also knew what better view was there but here? It was a testament to how my dad just goes and doesn't reflect. So I sat back and eventually he called out towards me hollering that I must have misplaced his swim bag. I remember that I may have put it in the car but wasn't for certain. Then I realized all the contents of his bag were stored on my smartphone in a folder.

      Somehow we ended up in a snowstorm car of last year's winter in Boston. We were cruisin' through powder and I couldn't help but notice how close my dad was to the person in front of us; tailgating in a snowstorm. The person in front of us put on the brakes but I felt a bit more comforted when I took a bird's eye view of our car and realized the snow tires were in full effect and efficient.

      Lastly I was in my home kitchen and excited to eat Rice Crispy Treat cereal. What was funny is that when I opened the bag, there was literally half rice and half crispy. This concerned me and could have easily been a dream trigger but I happily went on pouring my bowl of Crispy's and played with the rice balls all the same. Then I went to do the dishes and there was a strainer that was filled with red and nasty hamburger meet. I knew how much it meant to my mom to clean the kitchen and her to come home to a clean kitchen, so I broke out the soap and bubbles and did my duty.

      Notes: I am developing the correct balance between recording too much and recording too little. If I record too much of the dream, I run the risk of not being able to fall asleep due to active mind and light stimulation. If I record too little, I run the risk of falling into a poor habit of not recording. I know it is wise for me to err on the side of too much recording. Then the worst that can happen is an elongated WBTB. This will be my plan.
    3. BMX into the Ravine

      by , 11-13-2015 at 09:49 PM
      All the sudden I found myself about 200 feet in the air and had that feeling you get when you know you took a ski jump and are way too bloody high. I looked in front of me and saw a bridge on the left which crossed a ravine that had waterfall in it and seemed endless. I was headed straight for this and felt like I was going to die.

      Then I started to weight my options and recognized that on top of the trees I was flying over there were stumps that I could potentially land on. I landed and then climbed my way down limb by limb like a monkey to the bottom. At the bottom there was a family waiting for me with a dog. This dog was playing with a stick and for whatever reason this stick made me lucid. I watched the stick as it broke and rebroke itself into different angular formations. I didn't become ecstatic or really all that excited. I just knew I was lucid and knew my goal when becoming lucid was to just recognize lucidity and continue with that recognition. Unfortunately after a few second of watching the stick break and re-break, my visuals began to fade and I woke up. Bummer.

      Notes: What is working, when I do it, is regardless of how I feel during the night, I need to get mentally and write down every detail of every dream. Then I can go back to bed like this with one thought in mind; I will become aware of when I am dreaming. My recall is better and I am recalling up to 4 full dreams a night. I still think I can improve upon this because I am getting lazy toward the later hours of the morning, which are likely most fruitful for lucidity. Ultimately these past 2 days I have woken up between the hours of 10am and 1pm and just rolled back over without any effort.

      Good news is that I became lucid. I rewarded myself with a bar of chocolate. I am going to go shopping again today and line up my next bar of chocolate =)

    4. Jerry Seinfeld, Back at HighSchool, and Neon Dino's

      by , 11-13-2015 at 09:39 PM

      I was Jerry Seinfeld giving a talk on knowledge and how while I possessed the necessary knowledge, I hadn't allowed it to fill in fully. What I do remember from the dream is actually watching Jerry in the third person and when he spoke, the professional microphone vibrated quite loudly throughout the auditorium, which, now I remember was very similar to the College Classroom where I took Geology.

      I was being shown this ladies Dinosaur contraption. I think I was in the 1950's and in a Bomb Shelter of some sort, or at least that's the vibe I got. I was looking out a window and it was a basement window. The section I was looking at was like one of those drainage holes around a basement window. The drainage hold was covered and inside it was a Dinosaur display of miniature dino's. They were formed by neon light tubes that you'd see on a Beer sign. I realized that this lady was figuring out Solar energy single handedly and didn't care much for the aesthetics. There was cocking around the window which she pointed out and I felt to know there wasn't any way the rain was going to get in.

      There was a boy there. A cute little guy and he was staying with me to be protected from his fat bastard father. The father was clearly sick in the head but had hired me to do some type of work for them, now I am not sure. Regardless I went further into the house/shelter through double doors that led me into a sort of closet type area. Here another boy, an Asian boy, came and pointed me out to the father as if I was breaking rules. I felt anxiety and as if I had been breaking rules, but I didn't know which rules I had broken. The father was now drinking wine and the wife was apologizing to me for the spills on the carpet. Clearly the spills were from the father but the wife seems to take full responsibility for the spills. The Husband had a "bucket" of liquor. It was clear he was a heavy alcoholic.

      It was at this point where I just merely thought, and didn't necessarily express that I had negative feelings about this guy. It seemed as if this was this dudes whole ordeal, he was a magician at recognizing when people were thinking negatively about him. Before I got any further there was a plate full of cakes and truffles. He stuffed himself full of strawberry shortcake and made a comment about how he was going to bring anyone that had ridden his wealth down with him; his family being his main target. I indulged myself in a creampuff cookie. Again he recognized my negative thoughts and this time flat out sucker punched me. Before he did that it was as if I could read the quivering of his lips for words. Then we turned into an epic boxing match; he was a white guy and I was Muhammad Ali.

      Thinking he had me down after the first punch was a mistake on his part. I immediately sprung into action and went at his like a butterfly and a bee. While I certainly landed some eventually he got the best of me and grabbed my hair from behind and pinned me down. I legitimately thought he would kill me.


      I was back in highschool with a new schedule and a cool kid. It was nighttime and I was sitting in the cafeteria with Jong K and one of his friends. They weren't part of the "cool click" but that is why I was so cool, I could hang out with anyone and just be cool. At this point the cafeteria cleared out and I become naked. I tried squeeze my naked body through a window in order to get free. For whatever reason I was having tremendous difficulty getting through this window. In fact there was a squash patch there with those big big leaves that I didn't want to throw off kilter due to my bodily movements. Furthermore there was an adjacent hut next to me where my third grade gym teacher was. I knew there was a chair that she sat and she was likely watching me but I couldn't see her. Very strange.

      Then I started looking for my housing. I was walking to the right and it was sort of outside and felt like an island atmosphere. I ran into a heavy set girl who was looking for the same room # 148. While I like people, it was clear that she had intention of being more than friends and I wasn't interested. I just turned around and looked for #148 in a different place. Eventually I found the building which was similar to the central dormitories where I stayed in India and blended with where I stayed at camp in Maine. There I found Alex, who was complaining about the Govt to some of his friends. I thought about chiming in and how we should just be grateful that we are able to live without overt oppression and thus move on. I kept my mouth shut.

      Eventually I ended on a lawn in class. My two classes on the schedule was gym with one of my former bosses who looked like a Pit-bull and a class where we ate jelly waffles off those Styrofoam lunch trays. That was my morning schedule and I didn't bother checking the afternoon. In the Jelly class we were on the lawn and the teacher was asking the question of why it would be unsanitary to touch birds. The class went around giving answers and I played with a bird feather. Eventually I raised my hand and said it would be unsanitary. At this time, I didn't realize it but I had been the only male that had spoken up and it attracted a lot of looks from females. Including this one girl who was stunning Emma.

      Then a guy pointed out to the girl sitting next to me that she had weird eyelashes I couldn't help but to look and then to start laughing. They weren't weird but I was more flirting with this girl. I then mimicked her mental dialog of "be strong". She laughed and accepted that I was actually helping her out by letting her know who cares. I then got up and started being angry at this place who makes people pretend to be who they are not and then force to believe that they have to be unflinchingly confident about it. When in reality, true strength lies in being able to laugh at our gaudy attempts.

      Finally I was about to run the 1 mile race. The only caveat was that it was a relay race and therefore I was waiting on my partner Ben to finish. The only thing was that he was in first and then mutated into the slowest girl in our grade. He/she fell behind, running like a grandma, huffing and puffing and swinging his/her arms helplessly. In the meantime I stood up off the metal bench I was resting on and began to size up my competition. There C, who is a dream sign, and a black activist from the 1960's who I can't quite recall the name of. Regardless these guys could run and I had to be ready. I was fearless and jumped around as such. My competition got a head start so I screamed to slow them down and then took off as soon as Ben crossed the finish line.
    5. Kundulini Energy In a Cow Field

      by , 11-11-2015 at 09:30 PM
      Dream Plots:

      #1 I was in a field with people and couldn't tell if was possessed, high, or a genius. I had been Carlos Castanenda's "Teachings of Don Juan" and he described a scene where he met a dog on Peyote. The dog went transparent and turned into an almost silvery blob that looked like a moving blob of clear water. In this field the person I was next to turned into exactly that except he retained his person figure. He spoke to me in sort of a slow motion gibberish and I wasn't sure if they were making fun of me or proud of me. Eventually I rolled my way into the middle of the field, it was night, and a single pointed like shone down from the sky. It penetrated the lower part of my back where they say the Kundilini energy resides. All I can remember is waking up in real life with that area extremely tingly.

      This portion of the dream was end result of #2


      A dog was lying down in a dirt patch protecting his wife who had just laid a puppy. The Dog's hind legs were sprawled out in front of him while his hind legs were spring loaded and ready to attack anyone that tried to mess with the puppy. My mom was there and the Dog trusted my mom and therefore let her help the puppy. At that time there were no potential intruders that were likely to overtake the dog. As soon as I thought that a massive Gorilla came and sat down right next to me, unsure of his own motives. At this point I realized the gorilla had an almost sharp coat of hair and unbelievably dry skin. It was unspoken but the Gorilla could have easily won over the Dog and we all knew it. Feeling bad for the Gorilla I brought him inside to show him a bottle of Vaseline in which he could heal his dry skin. This happened in my old house and the Gorilla became unbelievably grateful and eventually lathered all the Vaseline over his body, which transformed him into a young and radiant young boy.

      We then went to the boy's room where he had friends waiting for him. These friends were playing a game of airplane and trains. I was amazed at the simplicity in which these boys were playing. They had a train down below and one of the boys was "flying" an airplane in his hands. What was amazing was that the boy was able to calculate that if he flew his airplane higher in the air, the train would seem as if it would move slower below. He was talking the theory of relativity and it made we wonder if he was a genius or not. Then all the sudden a race-car came of the television and I noticed another boy had a Halloween costume on of one of the Race-car drivers that was on TV. The TV driver started talking to us through his cockpit and it was all very exciting. Soon the driver shifted and I became absorbed into the race. At this point it was no longer a Nascar Race but more of a Underground type of Road Race. I went into a dark Tunnel and this is where I started meeting the characters that were introduced in dream scene #1. The only way to describe the first Character was Legolas. I found him in what I'd call a mine shaft and he was mourning the loss of his Boyfriend. Now at that time he also had a female friend who was possessively in love with his rare surge of energy. It appeared that Legolas had little time for the women and was more concerned with pursuits of energy. That is when I cut to the field.


      #1 There is no question now that doing these two things helps my recall a lot

      - As soon as I wake up I ask the question; Am I dreaming?

      - As soon as I wake up after I reality check, I grab my notebook and write. I must be hard on myself to make sure I get steadily into the habit of writing down, at that time, every little detail I can possibly come up with. I must be stern on myself to keep an impeccable dream journal.
    6. Succubus Trap

      by , 11-10-2015 at 04:15 PM
      Dream Plots:

      #1 This one particular part of my dreams was brilliant on behalf of my dream characters logic. I was on a double date of sorts and somehow the 4 of us (2 guys 2 girls) ended up on a stairwell. What happened was that the girls swapped guys and started making out with them in order to "test" if they were faithful. The girl that I wasn't dating sped downstairs with me and started seducing me; I failed the test.

      When she sped back up the stairs to check if her boyfriend had survived the test, she found the other couple to still be going at it. This took a massive toll on her self confidence and then re-opened the door for me to hook up with her again. She was much taller than I but was self conscious of her breasts.

      #2 My old neighbor was screaming in the window upstairs and the cops came rushing bye and pounded on the door to see what was wrong with her. They couldn't open the door so they knocked it down and rushed upstairs to find her in the bathroom screaming. I never found out what she was screaming about but it was scary. The whole scene was out of a horror movie in that she only had 1 light on in her house and it was pitch black outside.

      #3 I was on the bus back to another year in high-school. Somehow I teleported into one of my friends Jeeps and we drove off-road and took a shortcut to school. My friend J was in the front seat and he got out and I followed suit. As I made my way towards school, I ran into a bunch of kids that I started giving "fist bumps" to. This made me happy and feel accepted. As I progressed I made my way into the lunchroom where I saw C who had a yellow hat on. It made him look pompous and he carried himself that way as well. I put on the necessary social make-up to get past the situation and move on to fist-bumping my X-girlfriend twice. She is clearly a dream sign as she's been in two consecutive nights and I haven't seen her in 3 years.


      #1 I saw a black Porshe parked in front of my driveway that was unbelievably cool. It had a "muted" black color so it was smoky instead of being shiny. It also had large, bat-mobile type wheels and my friend needed to test it out for himself.

      #2 I flipped through a year book which had an orange page with a "popup song" that came along with the visuals. The visuals told me not to forget the "Inner Smile" that can be cultivated through Buddhist awareness.


      #1 Dream signs are becoming more obvious. Whenever I see a girl is a great time to reality check. Furthermore if I see my girlfriend or my high school (I'm out of college), then that would be a great time to reality check

      #2 I am now convinced of this strategy. Wake up in the night during preset times and record your dreams in full. While this can probably be cut out as I get more accustomed to recording my dreams, in this early stage I think it is pivotal to do as much as possible in terms of dream recall... so that's what I'm going to implement tonight. I will write down in full detail the recordings of my dreams regardless of what time it is or if I am tired.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    7. Fragmented X Girlfriend

      by , 11-10-2015 at 12:14 AM
      I was at a party taking place at my old Grandparents house. The room was very well lit and longer than in reality. My mom was drinking a raspberry-lime-rickey beer and was going to write a story in my Grandfathers office. At some point I came across my X girlfriend who became a succubus. She got very close to me and made sure that her intent was sexual. She told me that her relationship with her current boyfriend is no good and that she needs someone else. At this point we were very close to one another and I could feel myself getting overly excited. That's all I remember from this segment.

      In another dream all-together I was with my uncle and cousin who had both gone bald. Now they don't get along in real life so it was strange to see them such good friends in my dream. We went for Pizza and waited in line. It was winter outside or at least felt like that. My uncle gave a kiss to his two sons and a loving way and that was all I remember.
    8. Gaming/Editing - 11/7 - NonLucid

      by , 11-07-2015 at 09:04 PM
      I developed a system of gaming in which I had a distinct advantage over everyone else that played. I had a friend with me and we set up a "man-cave" on the 2nd floor of a house. Now that I am recalling it, it was a friends house that I used to go to way back when; just a little bit different orientation. With the cave set up we have "challengers" that rotated playing us while trying to dethrone us.

      It got to the point where I didn't even recognize people as people. They were just another thing I was going to defeat. Because of this I just wore Bose headphones and didn't pay attention to people. On an off-note, my friend that had set up the "man-cave" with me came up with this saying of "ultra-password" and we said it in sort of a snobbery-British accent like you'd hear someone say, "my [I]Jaguar" [I] is a luxury car"


      My friend was working hard on a website and doing his best to create a place where people could subscribe by e-mail. The layout of the website was great, the text was green, and the background was a simple white. The email subscription list came from a third-party source and therefore he had to use their logo on our website. Regardless it looked great. The one worry I had was that in order to get to this subscription page a person had to click on the "tab". This worried me because it wasn't "in your face" enough to be noticed outright and therefore we were probably going to miss a bunch of potential customers.

      No Lucid today. My sleep schedule is very strange right now and I am going to keep it that way. I seem to be going to bed around 3-4 am and waking around 12 noon. My ideal is to get a WBTB period in there around 8-9 am and then use 9-12 strictly for WILD's.