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    Building Game Maps/Chillin in Nepal

    by , 11-15-2015 at 06:13 PM (360 Views)
    #1 I was talking with an old friend and we discussed the possibility of video game mapping. Essentially how could we create maps and turn them into a virtual reality. One issue that we faced was that on the newer gaming systems the amount of hit points one could receive were no longer transferable. Thus if you got shot across the map, you'd just die regardless of how strong you were. In other words, in the newer systems, one shot one kill would be the norm every time... which doesn't make for great gaming. Therefore we stuck with the older module and worked that. Somehow my friends moms lasagna became the proposed outline for the map... and from what I remember, we started vibrating in a lasagna like virtual reality. Eventually I transferred into FIFA 12 and wondered what it would be like to be in FIFA 15. I played in the home play stage as Ronaldo and Oozil practicing my bicycle kicks. I especially focused upon kicking the ball back over my head and then blasting a goal.

    #2 I was looking over a massive expanse of land with beautiful mountains and pastures. There was an old cow in front of me and I wondered how he survived this long out here; where were the wolves? I then saw his barn next to me and figured that he must have gone inside during the night times. My Dad was way up yonder to the left on top of a mountain near the car. He wanted to get going to the vacation house. Subconsciously I knew that I was purposefully delaying but I also knew what better view was there but here? It was a testament to how my dad just goes and doesn't reflect. So I sat back and eventually he called out towards me hollering that I must have misplaced his swim bag. I remember that I may have put it in the car but wasn't for certain. Then I realized all the contents of his bag were stored on my smartphone in a folder.

    Somehow we ended up in a snowstorm car of last year's winter in Boston. We were cruisin' through powder and I couldn't help but notice how close my dad was to the person in front of us; tailgating in a snowstorm. The person in front of us put on the brakes but I felt a bit more comforted when I took a bird's eye view of our car and realized the snow tires were in full effect and efficient.

    Lastly I was in my home kitchen and excited to eat Rice Crispy Treat cereal. What was funny is that when I opened the bag, there was literally half rice and half crispy. This concerned me and could have easily been a dream trigger but I happily went on pouring my bowl of Crispy's and played with the rice balls all the same. Then I went to do the dishes and there was a strainer that was filled with red and nasty hamburger meet. I knew how much it meant to my mom to clean the kitchen and her to come home to a clean kitchen, so I broke out the soap and bubbles and did my duty.

    Notes: I am developing the correct balance between recording too much and recording too little. If I record too much of the dream, I run the risk of not being able to fall asleep due to active mind and light stimulation. If I record too little, I run the risk of falling into a poor habit of not recording. I know it is wise for me to err on the side of too much recording. Then the worst that can happen is an elongated WBTB. This will be my plan.

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