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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Lucid Dream Within A Dream... on a chopper

      by , 11-17-2015 at 07:17 PM
      In my young lucid dreaming career, this was the coolest one.

      I was with my friend from high-school (I'm out of college now) Eddie, who was the kid you'd catch smoking pot behind the bleachers. Regardless he was hilarious, and got tons of (hot) girls.

      We were at the bottom of a hill and Eddie was on a bicycle riding up the hill. I decided to crank it up a notch and found a motorcycle "chopper" that I immediately hopped on. On the back of my chopper was this girl Lila who was a blonde and stunning. It was at this point I became semi-lucid and I don't really know how. I just demanded that Lila performed reality checks as I started to crank up the hill on the chopper. I was "half in and half out" of lucidity and everything was so realistic around me that I was legitimately fearful of crashing the chopper. Because Lila had no idea what a reality check was I kind of just winged it and said "screw it, this is most likely a dream, how do I go really fast". Then I simply intended to go faster and we zoomed further and further up the hill until we got to the end which turned into a massive jump. We landed no problem and then ended up off the chopper and under a tree on a grassy knoll to the left.

      Eddie caught up with us and this was pretty annoying at first because I had already started to put the moves on Lila. Regardless Eddie questioned me about the dream and how realistic going up the hill was. I concurred that everything was ridiculously realistic and I felt as if I were really alive in the dream.

      At this point I realized I needed to find Eddie a girl for himself so that I could get back to Lila. I look up the knoll and voila, another girl was sitting there waiting to be talked to. I knew if I just sent Eddie alone, he wouldn't because Lila was prettier. So I pretended like I was interested in this other girl and struck up a conversation about TV shows with her. Eddie followed suit and soon they were like PB&J in conversation; a beautiful strategy.

      I made my way back down to Lila who was the fucking coolest girl ever. She had picked out a song on her iPod for us to listen to while we started making out. She was super hot and I felt very connected with her when her earbud fell out of her left ear and I replaced it.

      Then I woke up. My mindset was to just push really hard on lucidity and not worry about reality checks. I was lucid and I knew it. Therefore when I woke up this time I had no qualms about screaming "show me something amazing!" This is when the dream played a trick on me. The response I got was from my roommate in the other room who sarcastically said "I'll show you something amazing". He laughed and I felt pretty embarrassed for having screamed that at the top of my lungs. Unfortunately I never realized this was a false awakening. I was definitely still dreaming and the amazing thing was that my dreaming mind could fake the shit out of me.

      I got up and started texting Eddie about the chopper dream. Eddie texted back that he was in the process of hooking up with 3 bartenders. But he also admitted that there was nothing like that "oriental dream shit" I had showed him.

      Notes: What's funny is how far I strayed from my game-plan on this one. The methodology was WBTB and my intention for the night was to become lucid and do whatever it takes to maintain lucidity. My idea was to do the Carlos Castenada and just stare at my hands producing stable lucidity. For whatever reason this never even crossed my mind during the dream. I think I was a bit too caught up with beautiful blonde girl on the back of my chopper... and in this case, rightfully so. I'm pumped for my next lucid dream =)

      Updated 11-17-2015 at 07:24 PM by 89231

    2. BMX into the Ravine

      by , 11-13-2015 at 09:49 PM
      All the sudden I found myself about 200 feet in the air and had that feeling you get when you know you took a ski jump and are way too bloody high. I looked in front of me and saw a bridge on the left which crossed a ravine that had waterfall in it and seemed endless. I was headed straight for this and felt like I was going to die.

      Then I started to weight my options and recognized that on top of the trees I was flying over there were stumps that I could potentially land on. I landed and then climbed my way down limb by limb like a monkey to the bottom. At the bottom there was a family waiting for me with a dog. This dog was playing with a stick and for whatever reason this stick made me lucid. I watched the stick as it broke and rebroke itself into different angular formations. I didn't become ecstatic or really all that excited. I just knew I was lucid and knew my goal when becoming lucid was to just recognize lucidity and continue with that recognition. Unfortunately after a few second of watching the stick break and re-break, my visuals began to fade and I woke up. Bummer.

      Notes: What is working, when I do it, is regardless of how I feel during the night, I need to get mentally and write down every detail of every dream. Then I can go back to bed like this with one thought in mind; I will become aware of when I am dreaming. My recall is better and I am recalling up to 4 full dreams a night. I still think I can improve upon this because I am getting lazy toward the later hours of the morning, which are likely most fruitful for lucidity. Ultimately these past 2 days I have woken up between the hours of 10am and 1pm and just rolled back over without any effort.

      Good news is that I became lucid. I rewarded myself with a bar of chocolate. I am going to go shopping again today and line up my next bar of chocolate =)
