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    My poisoned mind O_o

    Laser Sniping

    by , 06-25-2010 at 12:26 PM (482 Views)
    Success, after 3 days I remember something of a dream I hadn't realized just how much I wasn't remembering dreams lately...
    Only a fragment, but here goes.

    I'm playing a game, but I'm in it... I'm playing against 2 other people, one of them is B. The scenery is remarkably blue, but I don't remark on this. I make my way to a ramp and spot B. I take aim with my sniper, but noticing the blue laser pointer coming from it I point the gun down and change to my sniper, I don't want B to see the laser before his time comes. I don't get this, I did have my sniper, but I changed to another one. I take aim again, he's seen me and is lining me up. He's too late, I take the shot and head shot him. This is very odd as in any game I've ever played there's no way I could do this to him. He would see me first and I would just see him as I die. Later I wake up while feeling that my girlfriend is upset for some reason.
    A fun dream, oddly blue, with a curious end... I have no idea why I dreamed about her being upset, she only featured in the last half a second of my dream, and that was her being unhappy. Also about about 8000 km away from her.

    I remembered another really fun dream I had one time, amazing sights.

    I'm walking between the flats at my house, it's night but seems unusually bright. I look up at the sky and my breath is taken away. Thousands of slowly spinning asteroids fill the sky. Sparkling in a myriad of colors. I explain to the people around me, a small group, 2-3, and they weren't there before, that the earth must be passing through the asteroid belt.
    That view was absolutely amazing, one of the most truly amazing looking things I've ever seen in a dream. Very memorable. A bit scientifically inaccurate, but who cares. Science is for wl, not my dreams.

    I've been trying some methods to gain lucidity, mainly WILD's, but also for DILD if I can. However this has been I think a bad idea, as waking up in the middle of the night when you have to be up for school at 6 am and you're in the middle of semester end test week... Well I've been fairly tired. I think maybe this has been causing me to fall asleep too easily too, and hence not being able to transition into lucidity. So I've just been interrupting my sleep for no reason effectively.
    So I'm gonna start on my dream recall for a while instead of trying for lucidity atm, as that evidently needs work.

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