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    The Band and Party Demon

    by , 09-04-2011 at 10:19 PM (403 Views)
    Dream started out while my brother and I were driving in separate cars. I ran a red light badly while there was a cop right there. Luckily he was distracted with some girls, who were climbing through his window. After the light turned green my brother followed. We were driving across a bridge and he disappeared. I appeared in a auditorium playing a wooden flute, which is weird because I play bass clarinet. I was amazing at playing it and i was ab libing. I left the auditorium and appeared up stairs in a house putting the instrument away. I was very lethargic and was taking forever to do anything, not the first time this has happened in a dream. The teacher was mad and I apologized. We left.

    I came back later riding a boat, as the house for whatever reason was on an island. I jumped off the boat and swam to the house. My family was there celebrating 3 birthdays, mine, my brother's, and some girl. I got a peace of each cake and i remembering it tasting really good. We then went swimming in the pool. There was some pet komodo dragon swimming with us ? A song came on and i started swimming in rhythm with the girl.

    I left the house and came back. The house was now on my neighborhood street and i was driving my mom's van. There was a horrible storm and it was pouring(later found out there was a horrible storm that night.) There was some evil demon scarring people in the house. We went inside and went to a armory. I grabbed an arctic skinned Ak-47 and a katana, set that down and got a knife instead. We decided to use hand signs because the demon good shape himself into anyone and we might tell him our plans. I saw a friend and stupidly told him our plan. He turned into the demon and started attacking me. I then threw the knife at him and it fell. I started stabbing and punching him. Dream ends....

    Good dream

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