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    The Zombie Apocalypse

    by , 09-04-2011 at 10:20 PM (446 Views)
    Dream started out in a house, and I had a shotgun. I ran into a room and killed all the zombies in it. The door was broken open and zombies came in. I killed them and i saw a friend from school. She disappeared and I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Turns out she was half naked in there haha. I told her to chill and tried to come onto her but she pushed me away. Damn . I said there are zombies outside and what would you do if you had one day to live, I gave her a massage and she said wait till tomorrow, well she dies that day. lol.

    I left and came into a open field. I had a crazy idea to build a restaurant. I started spawning stuff and made the restaurant. Floors were wooden and granite, and i had some mexican install electricity. I invited people and we had a party. I was mad so i tried to hit my little brother (idk) and missed, I hit a bird cage and knocked it over and said sorry. When they were leaving i found and excavator and had to move my recently spawned car with it so they could leave. Dream ends....

    Weird dream but it was a long one.

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