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    My First Earthquake

    by , 05-25-2018 at 10:02 PM (427 Views)
    It is funny how an unusually strong lucid dream brings me back here to post. I just haven't felt the need to journal my dreams for awhile there. After reading some news article that most men have dreams of earthquakes or natural disasters and the like, I wondered to myself why I never had a dream of earthquakes, not at least that I remember of. Tornados, yes, plenty of those, just no earthquake dreams.

    Well to start off, the road I was on led me to a rail-yard, where trains and railway-cars are parked. There wasn't a whole bunch there at the moment, but some. I do remember seeing all the rails all about the place, the layout of those are always cool to look at. There was even a giant warehouse building where trains could enter & exit on both sides. I found an empty coal car and jumped on top of it, riding it through the building. It seems as though I was trying to get away from something earlier that I don't quite remember. After getting through the building, I jumped off. The railways gleamed in the sun, and as I looked up I seen people approaching from the distance. Well they were human looking, even if they were not fully human, but I knew they were the menace I was running from earlier.

    It was then I remembered my powers, but looking around, there was nothing to throw at my enemies. The railway-cars in this area were cleared away, which I would have levitated and force-hurled at the approaching mob. Instead I focused my dream powers on the ground itself, and induced a devastating earthquake which leveled many structures, and prevented them from coming any closer to me. The way my powers seized ahold of the ground, and made several hundred thousand tons of earth move in wave fashion against each other like it was silly putty was just awesome. Despite the ground acting like jello and bouncing this way and that as I focused on it, the ground buckled and swole up but did not crack open. And even as all this was happening, I was the only one able to retain my footing.

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    Tags: earthquake
