*Dear sivason, you wrote:

Quote Originally Posted by sivason View Post

Perhaps you would agree to copy and paste this dream into my thread on 'Other Worldly Enties'? The thread is not neccesarily for thing you know to be Other Wordly, but just a place for people to read about dreams that makes you wonder. (...)
Yes sivason

Yesterday I did Two things that might have triggered this dream. I chatted on yahoo messenger with a new member here called hategringo. He migrated from Saltcube. I believe that we are all one in the Matrix. I think I merge with folks who talk with me on-line. Maybe hatefringo has merged with these advanced monks and nuns, (he may not be aware of this) but maybe merging (by chatting on-line) with hatefringo opened me to the great privelige of meeting some of his deep friends.

The other thing I did was post this post on IASD psi-dreams Yahoogroups:

Thanx b.

Dear S.


I made a registration here at Psidreams Yahoogroups in 2005 under the anonymous name of anonanon1959. I did that because when I opened a yahoo email account for my teacher, Yahoo kept inviting me to join one of its scores of yahoogroups to make friends ect.

For nearly 3 years I would go to an internet cafe once a fortnight, (on pension day) to look at my email account. It would some times have umpteen emails from here and I would just panic, (sort-of) and delete them all unopened.
Then on Saturday 1st*of March 2008 there was only one email and so I opened it to find that I had mutual dreamed with Jennifer Dumperts dream group.
Since that day I have only really been interested in paramornal dreaming, (psi-dreams).
You locked me out of your private "Psi Dreamers" forum because I am emotionally unstable and always off-topic. You're right. But my only interest on-line is what happened that day, nearly 4 years ago.

I have been to 4 pdc's and contributed to every psi dreaming thread I found and I have also perpetually hosted a psi dreaming thingy for over three years now. The latest version of it is here:

I am not asking to be un-banned because I am a multiple personality and can't guaranty not to be off-topic and emotionally unstable.
I mean, I did get banned off the big, main, IASD discussion board, (on 11th*of the 11th*2010) and almost got banned off the last pdc. So I can't expect to be a part of a nice, big, group of IASDs member's private forum. I accept that.

can't you at least do what Jennifer Dumpert did way back on Saturday the first of March 2008 and invite any lurker, (like I was back then) to follow your instructions and join your dream group in its mutual dreaming experiments?
Letting them and me post here.
Please, pretty Pleeease, (end of post).

Now, sivason

Here is the dream you asked me to copy and paste here:

I dreamed a dream

Shadowofwind and MrMarley


I slept and drempt well last night. It dosent suprise me that I should wake and find great depth on DreamViews. It is 8:33 am Tuesday 14-Feb-2012 here now.

Had nice smooth dreams but the one I liked best was... I saw a notice inviting folk to a meet of some sort. I went to the place willing to wait, even sleep in the wet, (with rain or dew) grass til other folk turned up.

When they did they were humans but unusual looking.

Like beautiful hand-carved living wooden statues. Every move was extremely beautiful and perfectly poised. But totally natural, as in, they had been highly routinized and highly self-disciplined monks and nuns for a single life of thousands of years with thousands of happy years of highly routinized and highly self-disciplined life yet to live.

Their prayers and meditations were non verbal it was all gentle movement and body language and facial expression.

Together we went places.

Gently teleporting, smoothly, imperceptiblty. We were just there quickly and quietly.

At the last place, before I woke, I stood beside this cool silent monk in a forrest on the side of hills. I was aware of standing beside him as I desired to also be a yellow orb.*

Then I was a yellow orb of gentle energy.

I wanted to, (metaphorically) die.

So, as an orb, I Rose a mile or two, slowely, into the air, with reverent gratitude. Then Gently and greatfully descended untill I touched the juicy topsoil of this sacred place and merged, formlessly. Then I wanted to keep descending to the dark. molten and hard core of this divine planet but the quiet monk silently seemed to encourage me to consider remaining in the organic and alive, juicy, life-giving topsoil.

Then I gently woke up.

Then I found this lovely thread here on DreamViews.
(end of post)