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    12/2: Sex, Drugs and Polka

    by , 12-03-2010 at 10:37 PM (1230 Views)
    Non-lucid Lucid Side notes

    I went to bed at 2:00 am and woke up at 7:30 am to attempt a WILD. It didn't work, but I had a very entertaining lucid dream as a result.

    I am in a hotel room with three guys my age and some random old lady. One of the guys is really nerdy and is annoying the living daylights out of everybody. This hotel room has bunk beds and I am chilling on one of the top bunks. We want to go outside of the hotel and are all talking about where exactly we want to go. We can't decide on anything, and then from out of the blue, the nerdy guy says, "Polka Town!" and slaps his knees repeatedly. I am beginning to wonder if he has a mental disorder. All the other dream characters somehow think that going to this "Polka town" would be a good idea. So they go over to the window that overlooks an empty green field, and one by one jump out of the window. Our hotel room is on the third floor so I am very shocked, but then I come to the conclusion that this is a dream and I become lucid.

    I jump out the window as well and fly with them over the empty field for a bit. We land in some Victorian-style town and everything somehow becomes animated. All the towns people are ambling around and playing accordians. None of them are good at playing, so all of them combined sounds like a jumbled mess. When they see us, they go berserk and start to chase us. They are filled with a rage virus like in 28 Days Later that makes them want to eat brains and play crappy polka. We sprint away from them, and at this point there are about five other normal people with us who are running away from the bloodthirsty polka folks. One guy has a club, so he stops momentarily to get a good swing at a towns person. He clubs this person in the head, but three or four other towns people quickly descend on him. An attractive black lady who is running with us from the towns people also stops running for some reason. Her husband, who has the rage virus, runs towards her and is about to eat her brains. However, he changes his mind suddenly because he recognizes his wife, drops his accordion, becomes normal again, and tells his wife that he missed her. We decide that we've had enough of polka town (no country hospitality whatsoever) and fly up into the air again. We fly back through the window and into our hotel room again.

    I remind myself that I am still dreaming. I look at the walls of the hotel room and there are large grey numbers everywhere. Even though we were almost ripped apart by crazy polka folks, everyone is thanking the nerdy guy for his recommendation. I say it actually wasn't too great and he punches me in the arm. The nerdy gives jolly ranchers to everybody, but gives me a yellow flower. He says its a powerful and dangerous drug that I shouldn't try (not sure why he gave it to me then). I pop it in my mouth and eat it up because I'm not afraid of the effects since its a dream. It tastes very bitter and very sour at the same time. A warm sensation rushes through my body, and everything suddenly becomes much brighter. I look out the window and see that there is a big snow storm (which is a hallucination because it was nice and sunny before I ate the drug). I am majorly trippin' and am laughing like a crazy person. I look at the dream characters and see that they have freakin' chimpanzee faces. I say to them, "heh heh heh... You guys have monkey faces... heh heh".

    I walk through the door and out into the hallway to explore the dream level a bit. The effects of the drug wear out when I'm halfway down the hallway. I remember my dream goal to enter another world via a door portal. I walk up to a hotel room door, imagine the planet Pandora from Avatar on the other side and open the door. To my disappointment, it is only a bedroom with dark blue walls and lots of lava lamps. I walk inside, go up to the window, look out of it and see a large expanse of jungle. I get excited and leap out of the window. I fly over the jungle and want to land on the ground and have an adventure. I can't enter it however, because the landscape gets all hazy and two-dimensional. I am afraid that I'll wake up so I fly back into the hotel.

    I decide that I want to have sex with a hot girl so I start looking for women. I see an open door to a hotel room, so I walk into the room but there's only some fat chick playing a keyboard. I am awkwardly silent for five seconds, say hi to her, and walk away. I walk down another hallway and it leads me into a mall. There are restaurants and clothing stores and such, and I see lots of beautiful women in bikinis walking around in a clothing store on my left. I walk in to the store, approach a tall blonde woman, and ask her if she wants to have sex with me. She is repulsed and tells me to screw off. I see another woman who is tan, brunette and much more beautiful than the one who rejected me. I walk up to her try a different tactic by whooing her. She likes me so she says "bite me". I grab her behind and before we do anything I wake up.

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