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    1. Nightmare

      by , 08-27-2010 at 04:04 PM
      I was in a car, in the back seat, riding down a peaceful country hillside somewhere in either Alaska or Canada. The houses and trees seemed to close in on me a in a way that was haunting yet extremely comforting. It felt like a fairytale with a tinge of danger, making it all the more exciting. I was focusing on this amazing scenery, and soon it began to snow. I focused intently on the snow and the dream became very vivid. Suddenly...

      The snow disappeared. I was now on a highway. It seemed there were police cars and medical vehicles up ahead, but I had an ominous feeling that there was more to it, and I was afraid to find out. I had the intent of waiting to get closer so that I could get more of an idea of what it was, yet as soon as this thought crossed my mind, there was a sci-fi sonic explosion about 40 feet in front of the car, the driver lost control and we swerving off the road when a green sphere going at a high speed past by. We had to pull over and I knew that something even more terrible was about to happen. All of this seemed so real and scary due to my focus on the snowflakes beforehand, and the feeling of danger I felt became extremely alive. All in all, it woke me up, leaving me afraid of returning to dreamland.