January 10 - Intelligent Zombie Apocalypse
, 01-10-2011 at 06:52 PM (864 Views)
This time the dream starts off in the middle/near the end of a zombie apocalypse. Up until this point I have somehow survived, but I am suddenly trapped by two zombies. One I recognize as a friend of mine, and the other seems to be one of her friends. Strangely enough, my friend starts to speak about how she really doesn't want to kill me. Turns out some of the zombies have been able to retain all their previous memories and all human functions although they are dead and now crave flesh and blood. So, instead of killing me, my friend bites into the side of my wrist so that I will become one of them.
Her zombie friend starts complaining, saying that he really wants a bite of me before I turn into one of them. He begins poking me in different spots, asking if he can bite a little of the flesh off in those areas. I give in and allow him to take a small munch of skin right above my hip bone and just below my belly. I turn into a zombie soon after, and am luckily also one retains all previous functions. Wanting to head out on my own for a while, I wave them goodbye and walk in another direction. Soon I come across what appears to be a cross between a Wal-Mart and a mall, and another of my friends is also standing outside. We can instantly tell that each other is a zombie, though our bites on our arms are hidden by the long sleeves we wear. The people barricading the compound don't know that some of the zombies still appear human and act human, and so they let us in.
Once we're inside, we wait until the people we are following have turned their backs on us, and then we begin to ravage the inside. It turns out that there were other 'smart zombies' within, and my attack has encouraged this sort of rebellion to begin. In the dream, I can see my friend and I ripping out intestines and scarfing down flesh. Our entire group has started heading for the main communications building before I wake up from the dream.