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    Extra Lives

    Extra Lives

    by , 09-05-2012 at 07:15 AM (359 Views)
    [I'm getting restarted with this dreaming thing. I've been out of practice so long that I rarely remember my dreams. And my dreams have always brought a special meaning to my life and sleepy times. I don't want to miss out on any of my life, especially the most free-thinking, creative 1/3 of my day!]

    3 Sep 2012

    Set in a huge cathedral, my brother J was there, and it was really religious in theme. Christopher Hitchens was giving a speech in the hall, and I was reading a Reader's Digest about religion. At one point, J wanted a book and we tried to sneak it out, but the cathedral had those library theft-detection devices, so we (J?) threw the book out of a large window and it landed in a pond.

    4 Sep 2012

    I was in a big square shower room where soap and water was constantly being sprayed onto me from the walls. (The house was owned by D**** M*****, who I recently heard from after years of no-comm. She made a short appearance.) I also remember that I was running or hiding from someone/something. It wasn't anything malicious, just something I didn't want to deal with maybe.

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