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    Dreams of Hash

    July 16

    by , 07-16-2011 at 03:52 PM (440 Views)
    Went to bed 12:15
    Goals: teleport
    Recall is starting to get back on track Lots of fragments in early morning, must have been some short rem cycles.
    I rem being on dreamvews and lemon drops asked a question, i think it was what was the best sight you have seen in a dream. I rem thinking about it and trying to decide but cant think of one to post about. Kingyoshi posts, i dont know lemon blah blah

    *I rem playing, or watchin michale p play some game. When he is playing it reminds me of some game my sister told me about in waking life and thats what i assume it is in the dream. I rem him customizing and enchanting items. When he would equip a new item with new effects it would change the character class as well as the name of his character. So it would be like mage of whatever. While watching i get a message from jessica, i think on the phone. I check it, she asks what im doing, i tell her making a character and then describe it, She says thats cool, and in the dream i think huh i didnt think she would care for that.

    *I rem being in a city and its dark and cloudy in the sky. A helicopter, i think maybe a jet r something, flies up into the sky and gets the attention of the people. It launches a missile into the clouds and we cannot see where it goes. In the dream i feel like it is meant for a ver far off target. i rem feeling fear in this dream.

    *Vaguely rem being in my room and thinking about this night of sleep, like an fa, just rem thinking i slept really wel and must have done enough excersise the previous day

    *I rem being outside in the frontyard and its a sunny day and i see down and across the street david and some other dude with long curly hair, i think, getting ready for a soccer practice.

    *i rem some kind of like amuesment park ride but no details.

    7:OO I rem being in a classroom and i have just fininshed up a test but no one else is done yet so i lay my head down and relax and whatnot. I think jessica was sitting across from me and i think miss weber was teaching. I rem the dream would keep shifting a bit, i would look over to my left and instead of seeing the rest of the classroom it was like looking outside. I rem looking and seeing this dude in a black muscle shirt trying to climb to the third story of an apartment building. He grabs onto a balacony on the third floor but then slips and falls. I dont see exactly how he lands but i hear a big thud and everyone in the class starts going oh and making noise. One person says, right on his head. I worry about the dude for a second but he gets up and kind of wobbles a bit. He does something else, maybe tries again cant rem. I rem i keep laying me head down and muttering something in class until miss weber says, dude, i lay there for a second but then think perhaps she is talking to me, i pop my head up and she is looking right at me. She says to stop talking while others are stil taking the test.\

    *I dont rem where i am but i rem thinking about taking a nap, i decide not to because in the dream i had just been smoking and did not want to nap so soon after
    nito89 likes this.

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