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    Mask's Makeshift Lucid Dream

    by , 06-12-2012 at 04:23 AM (460 Views)

    Note: Keep in mind that this Journal is for me to record my dreams and look back at what adventures I've had. It's not meant for you to read, but you can still read if you want. Just know its not meant to convince anyone of anything, I don't care.

    My little brother found a powerful spirit (we nick named him 'Mask' to protect his identity) in the spiritworld that he made a deal with. The deal was: My brother would go through 5 fucked up zombie dreams and Mask would give me full lucid dreaming abilities. Last night, I could sense Mask waiting for me in my dreamspace, but I had a bit of insomnia and finally fell asleep at 4:00. As the night grew later and later, I could sense that Mask was getting tired of waiting for me to fall asleep and had something to do. My assumption is that he slightly altered my dreamspace/mind and left, like a make shift bong (no I don't smoke).

    The Dream

    (This part isn't lucid) So I was at my cousins' house on the 1st floor. Apparently it's my birthday, so my uncle points to the sliding-glass door and says there's a surprise for my out there. Something about having sex with my step aunt (don't ask). So I go out there to see if he's for real and there's nothing out there. Just a hose and a mini pool. He starts to bolt for the hose, and I start booking it around the house. I vault over a small picket fence and turn the corner around the house. At that point he kinda sprayed me. I looked around the corner and saw him coming with enough cord to reach around the corner. For some reason I was tired, but I ran around to the other side of the house. Telling myself to keep going just like a Marine, even if Im tired. For some reason I jumped to the ground just as I crossed the corner. I had to force myself to roll over the backpack I was wearing. During which process, he sprayed me a little more.

    I went into the garage and the fucker finally ran out of cord. But I know he was just joking and stuff. From the garage, I walked into a hallway that was in the house. I think I force jumped up to the second floor, next to the stairs. I landed laying down on a hallway, with railing next to me. Looking up, I saw the third and fourth floors. The hallways, doors, and family walking around, just what I could see from my vantage point.

    At that point I realized I was dreaming. I got excited and thought of the real world for a second, but remembered that would wake me up. So I focused on the dream itself. Then I remembered to stabilize the dream. I said out loud, using will," this dream will last for 100 years." I acted quickly on the stabilization and said the first high time limit I could think of. I walked around for 3 seconds and woke up.

    I went straight back to sleep and had another 5 second lucid dream. That process repeated 2 more times. Totaling about 4 lucid dreams with an average time span of 4 seconds.


    I was hella excited I finally got into lucid dream, but kinda pissed it lasted only moments. The lucid dreams toke place at about between 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Later, I talked to my brother and Mask in real life (yes I talked to a spirit). I gathered that Mask left before I fell asleep, but left me a little lucid-dream-juice, if you will. And that if I go to bed at a decent time tonight he'll come into my dream and teach me everything about lucid dreaming and fully activate my lucid dreaming so that I naturally have lucid dreams instead of regular dreams.

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    Updated 05-21-2016 at 01:20 AM by 50595

    lucid , task of the year
