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    Lucid Lore ~ The Afterlife ~

    Dream Friday 10th February 2012

    by , 02-10-2012 at 09:19 PM (527 Views)
    I tried to share dream with Wana and Hukif. I think I failed, They may of been in my dream, But I don't know what they look like.

    Anyway, Here we go.

    I dreamt I was on a plane, A jumbo commercial jet to be exact. Terrorists had took it over and flew it up in the sky, towards space, And me and someone else where fighting them. At one point in this fiasco, The plane went into a nose dive and everyone was floating from such a dive. So some person gave me a wrist gravity controller. I put this wrist gravity controller on And the person whom gave it to me said "Be careful with this, Because the wrist gravity controller can screw up your personal gravity" I put it on anyway,And I headed towards the planes cockpit.

    Now the plane was heading towards space again. I remember feeling pressure from the plane rising, And the plane made a sort of sonic boom as it entered space, The journalists in the seats made no expression, They were all still, Soulless, Which I thought was strange. I went to the cockpit and it was empty, I used my gravity wrist thing and automatically knew where the person was, He was invisible. So I swished my arm about and he went flying banging against the cockpit walls. But it was all in a computer game manner a banana and orange appeared on his body, to let me know I had hurt him, If that makes any sense? That was it, In that dream.

    The dream before this one, was me in my old house, My sister had just brought it, It was back to it's former beautiful self. I remember the neighbours being noisy. So since my sister had all this money, I asked her why doesn't she buy the neighbours house so we can have a peaceful neighbourhood. She started shouting over something like how how she has bad credit now, For making a insurance claim. Before she could buy that house, She would have to wait 20 years. I was happy about this house, My mother started shouting saying the new house wasn't home, and she wanted to move back to our current house in waking life.

    There was one dream where I was in my bedroom of this old house, My sister brought and I had some poster and it had and on the poster it had something that someone wanted... I folded it up, Which was a pain, And hide it. ii remember the result of me hiding it changed the scene of the dream to a transformer as it was jumping out underneath the sand and did it's transforming, I know it wasn't happy. That's all I remember.

    Now to the first dream. In terms of vividness, This was the best. I went to a corner shop, In the city, Where it was cold and raining I went into the shop, where there where lots of Muslims in it. I then remember the shop keeper said when I went to pay for the sweets and drink I wanted was said : On the house for your sister" I was happy, As it was a full white bag. I went outside and went to the apartment building where we lived. The guy at the apartment doors opened them to me, He had a reddish hat on. When I entered it, It was pure glistening clear cream marble, Which reflected the artificial light from the light bulbs. It was vivid. But a dream non the less. Men and women where in black suits. It felts like this building was a business area, as well as apartments. I just sat outside the elevator because I forgot what floor we lived on. People looked at me as if I was crazy that I didn't know what floor I lived on, Then I seen the old fashion elevator arrow pointer dial that was gold move towards zero from the seventh floor. The elevator doors opened, My sister ran towards me to grab the bad of food I had in my hand. As well as giving me a hug. She said: "You idiot, What you doing down here?" I replied: "I forgot what floor we lived on" She had a weird look on her face as if she thought I was a weirdo.

    That's all I remember!

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