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    iFaTaL's WILD Group

    by , 09-11-2010 at 07:25 AM (10159 Views)
    Welcome to iFaTaL's WILD Group

    Here is where our group will discuss our WILD attempts and fails. Our experiences through sleep paralysis or transitioning into a WILD. Share any interesting WILD experiences you encounter while try to WILD so we can learn from your mistakes and problems (if any) or learn from your success.

    Group Members:

    1. iFaTaL
    2. Shadow27
    3. Raspberry
    4. Refrain
    5. Katsuno
    6. siuol

    Group Challenge

    Have a WILD by the end of March.

    Group General Task

    Get into sleep paralysis.

    Latest Group Discussion

    WILDing in general

    Experiences (Any wild interesting experiences will be posted here.)

    No wilding experiences.

    Spoiler for Vivid Dream:

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    Updated 03-02-2011 at 04:53 AM by 36094

    side notes


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    1. siuol's Avatar
      i have 2 alarms, one for 6:10, another for 6:40, im going to turn the 6:10 off and see if i can wake up for it. also if this fails, im going back to basics and taking my time to build up on 1 technique and try to get it down. probably FILD since its given me most of my non-random lucids, and MILD if i screw it up and move. i plan to spend a good few days practicing waking up during the night untill i have it down... its not like im having lucids ill be missing out on by taking my time anyway. the thing is the 1st night i wanted to try FILD it worked... and im just like, oh that was easy, i can do this whenever, and i stopped putting serious effort into it. so now im going to give serious effort.
    2. Katsuno's Avatar
      I realized something in the last few days that I already knew when I started with ld but then somehow forgot. A thread here on dv made me remember it: http://www.dreamviews.com/f12/dont-try-so-hard-115582/
      It's so true (at least for me) in the last months I always tried new techs and got frustrated if the didn't work. I followed the exact rules from the guide instead of making it my own -.-
      The true way to get a tech working is to take everything from all the techs that worked and mix it together to create your own unique technique. I'm gonna try this in the next days/weeks
      I'm gonna take my knowledge from the wild tutorials and mix it with the technique where you just forget the pressure about ld and make it go automatically. I tried this last night and it felt way better. I just let my doubts about staying awake or forgetting my goal (and all the other doubts/thoughts that frustrated me) go and I even got into sp
      From now on I'm forgetting all the tutorial rules and just take the basic knowledge to mix my own technique. It's true what they say: ~It's all in your head~

      For the first time the wild attempt felt like it could work
    3. siuol's Avatar
      yea i think things like MILD and WILD you have to find out on your own, but some things you need to follow somewhat, for example if you dont listen to the rules of DEILD you may make it way harder for yourself by moving.
    4. Katsuno's Avatar
      well, that's not entirely true
      You can also have a deild without being in sp (I experienced it myself). All you have to do is to be in the right mindset like for example if you think too much about the rules you wake yourself up way too much
      After all, everyone is different and what works for one doesn't always work for the other.
    5. siuol's Avatar
      i never said it is impossible, however it is harder. i dont even think it has to do with sp, since when i wake up i can easily move, the hard part is not to move, so you arent in sp. the point is to trick your mind into thinking it never woke up. moving = waking up.
    6. Katsuno's Avatar
      Yeah that's what I meant siuol. I don't believe that it's harder because I already had a deild even though I turned over a few seconds ago. In my opinion the hard part is to get the sleepy and drowsy but yet awake state of mind that allows you to go back to sleep immediately. Maybe I'll start deild again but since I had those creepy transision noises/hallucinations on my last few deild attempts I'm afraid of doing it again
    7. siuol's Avatar
      Had my 2nd MILD. its different than what i expected, most tutorials tell you to use it to recognize a dream sign, but i just chant in my head that ill have a lucid dream, then i have a really short dream, and when a new one begins i become lucid. it feels different than any other time ive become lucid. its almost like i have doubts on if its reaal or not, or it seems real but dosent feel real. its like i dont know if im awake or not, and if i wasnt already lucid there would be no way to distinguish it from real life, maybe it was just realistic. also when i became lucid it didnt hit me like that, i had a general thought about lucid dreaming or faintly knew i was dreaming, and then kind of realized what i just thought and had to grab onto it. the dream lasted longer than my last 2, it was about 1 minute rather than 4 seconds, however im still pissed off i did absolutely no stabilization to make it last longer /wrists (however i did fly without my wings for the first time, instead of hovering). i hope this means im out of a dryspell.
    8. Katsuno's Avatar
      Don't be so negative about this
      It's a success after all. Well I convinced myself that I don't need stabilisation anymore and it works for some reason (maybe the stabilisation thing is kind of placebo).
      I'm trying to get how wild works now since I started to lower the pressure on myself. Trying something out in the next week and I think it will work
    9. siuol's Avatar
      yea im glad i had this, its the first one in a while, and better quality than the last two, and since it was easy i feel like i can get alot more. do you ever get that feeling though, kinda like you arent supposed to be lucid or something? oh and i just realized we must have like 75% of all the comments between us lol
      Updated 05-16-2011 at 02:42 AM by siuol
    10. Katsuno's Avatar
      Yeah I had this once and it was kinda weird because it feels like somebody doesn't want you to get lucid
      Hmm yeah it's getting pretty silent in this group (well except us two ). I already wrote a message to raspberry and she said that she's pretty busy atm but she will post if she finds time (that was about 3 weeks ago )
      If we keep trying hard we will become lucid every night for sure !
    11. iFatal's Avatar
      Nothing for me right now. Just some vivid dreams here and there.
    12. Katsuno's Avatar
      Weekend, so I'm getting lucid again
      Had some part successes in the last days (like being more aware than ever) but only got about 3 hours of sleep every night so I couldn't get enough REM sleep
    13. siuol's Avatar
      should be able to get one over the weekend.
    14. Katsuno's Avatar
      I think I had a wild with an FA tonight but I failed to realise that I was dreaming. I woke up in the night and was in sp, then tried to get out of it because I got many different hallucinations. At first it felt like I was inside a huge storm and the wind blew me away but then I got scared because it felt like there was a dark presence in the room (normal for sp). Then I fell asleep and had a FA so I thought I was still awake and didn't do a reality check (when I woke up I knew I dreamed about my room -.-)
      Also I'm in the DV akademy meditation course now and gonna use meditation to get more focused for wild
    15. siuol's Avatar
      i failed. i woke up without moving, i think that i was in sp (or on the verge of my arms and legs falling asleep from lack of circulation), i started to move my fingers, cleared my mind and told myself to do a reality check after about 15 secs, when my dad comes in and tells me to get up... this always happens, ill be woken up from some sound, remember not to move, and the thing that woke me up was either someone coming to wake me or they end up being really loud for a long time and it screws up my attempt.
    16. Katsuno's Avatar
      Haha I know how you feel ^^
      You could try to make a mantra to wake up at a specific time (early enough so you won't get disturbed).
      I'm getting really close to wild now that I meditate regularly again (Also I'm figuring out a way to speed up the HI process greatly).
      When the technique to speed up the HI process works good I'll post it here so you can test it out
    17. Katsuno's Avatar
      So it seems that this group is going to an end because nobody's here. I'm also pretty busy lately so I'll stop posting here for a while (or maybe forever )
      It was a great time in this group and I have to thank you for all the knowledge I could gain from your experiences!
      It's not like we'll never see us again (DV is big ) but I don't think we'll post as often as this again.

      Greetings, Katsuno

      PS: Siuol, you're the last "active" member in this group so if you still want to share your experiences you can send me a PM.
    18. siuol's Avatar
      yea the group is inactive, anyone can send me a pm also, and katsuno i want to hear your HI technique =) maybe we can do something similar if we can learn to wild first, then try to improve, but i think im done with this here. see you guys.
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