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    1. 11/20/15: 24 Hours to Death (Sad)

      by , 11-21-2015 at 03:30 PM
      - Although the dream itself was stressful and sad, when I woke up I was immensely relieved after a few moments.
      - First cohesive dream I've had in several days. All thanks to a good day and dream binging!

      [Plot 1 begins]:
      So I'm taking the SAT with a chemistry teacher. It's really informal, and we're talking about the questions when we got confused with them. I'm with a few other friends in the room (which seemed like a strange protrusion from H/A building). So we get to one of those questions and I decide I'll take a bathroom break. I get up and move into the empty hallways and I look over. There are these bunches of fire alarms grouped on the walls weirdly, and I notice that several of them have their plungers pulled (there were these strange toilet-plunger-like buttons that indicated if we were in a fire drill or not). Immediately I wondered if our sound wasn't working in this building.
      So I take the chance (better safe than sorry, right?) and go and pull one all the way out and follow my SAT group to the outdoors. We end up in a place that's a strange mix of the school and my house's lower area. There, the teacher tells us that our SAT is cancelled now, and he shows us the scores we would have gotten through this cool UI. I learn that mine was better than my old one, but it wouldn't be counted because it was cancelled.
      So we chill out outside and realize that they're going to do a witch hunt to try and find out who pulled the alarm, because there wasn't actually a fire.

      [Plot 2 begins]:
      I'm somewhere, and I've learned from my doctor that I only have less than 24 hours to live. There was something about driving through the forest... It's two thirty in the morning and I'm in my house. I'm wandering around trying to figure out what I should do. Should I send an email to all my contacts? Call J? Talk with my parents about my legacy? I scrambled around for a while trying to think.

      [There's more to it, but it all fragmented...]