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    Drive lucid

    by , 04-13-2011 at 01:06 PM (452 Views)
    I used a member's advice and tried something called ADA if i remember correctly which should stand for "All day awareness". There has to be some truth to it since i havn't had a lucid in almost 3 weeks, and last night i get one after just briefly trying ADA. It was a very brief dream, and is probably shorter than this informative part here in the beginning but the lucidity is what i was happy about.


    I'm driving a car down a road. Everything seems to be normal. It's my car and it feels just like normal. I start to question reality like i sometimes do. A reality check and... I'm lucid. I continue driving along the road. I can't believe it's a lucid dream after my long dry streak. I literally have a hard time believing it for several seconds while i'm driving, but a few reality checks put some perspective on my situation. I immediately decide for some fun. I run into the other lane halfway and make oncoming cars quickly pull off the side of the road. Some crash, but i don't really look. Then the car goes into a 3rd person view that i'm still controlling. I decide to drive around for a while.

    Eventually other things happened while i was lucid, but i just can't remember.

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    Tags: car, driving, lucid
    lucid , side notes
