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    Missing and broken glasses

    by , 06-19-2015 at 03:15 PM (505 Views)
    As the dream starts,I'm standing in a room with some girl I don't know and another I have a rl crush on,Lily. The two of them were talking. I was glad to see Lily was alright after some unfortunate circumstances. She had on a black tank top and dark jeans. She was wearing glasses,but not the ones she usually wears. Lily asked the other girl if she knew what had happened to her other glasses. "They told me after the accident they were picked up by two guys,Joey Edwards and Bugg," I heard the first name and it set something off in me. I growled loudly,not caring how weird I looked at that point. Lily asked if I knew him and I told her about him telling me to back off trying to get with her. "Yeah,he told me you might say something like that," she said. From the tone of her voice,it didn't sound like she believed him. I stood there a moment,formulating a plan in my head to go on Facebook and hit the guy up,asking him to return the glasses. If he wouldn't,then I was determined to track him down and do what I had to,regardless whether it was just him or him and this guy "Bugg",whoever that was.

    The next part,I'm laying on my couch asleep. I hear noise in the room next to me. Two dogs come running out of that room,past me. My nephew and his wife were over for a visit and I guess they had brought their two dogs along. I looked at the stool next to me where I had set my phone and glasses while I slept. I noticed a square reflective object. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a lens from a pair of eyeglasses. I picked mine up and looked at them. The left lens was broken out and this,I realized,was a piece of it. I looked up at my sister and said,"Really? I gotta wake up to this??" She explained what had happened,that they had gotten knocked off and accidentally stepped on. I thought about calling the shop where I had gotten them to see about getting them replaced but I wasn't sure if they would since it had been longer than six months since I got them. I knew I had my old glasses I could still wear until they were fixed,but I didn't want to do that if it could be avoided.

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    Updated 06-19-2015 at 04:10 PM by 66492

    dream fragment
