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    Your a dream yoga practitioner

    by , 11-20-2015 at 06:40 AM (298 Views)
    * I was surrounded by many Tibetan teachers. One of the teachers that were in charge told the others that do not take the drums into town. At this moment somehow I became lucid. Being listed I decided to kind of go along with the dream. I hope the monks take the drums back into the temple. After I did that I decided to walk around and observe the temple.

    I noticed there was no furniture no chairs to be seen. Nonetheless the temple was it completely empty there was pictures hung on the wall. As I walked up to the first picture I realize this was Shakyamuni Buddha. I am neatly folded my hands to my heart glad to see this image appearing with in my dream. As I did this the Buddha immediately transformed in chenrezik who also had his hands folded to his heart.

    Then I moved on to the next picture as I approached I saw many white beans displayed in this environment. It almost looks like an ancient Indian painting. As I stared at this picture I began to feel incredible sense of a divine presence. Then I walked and approached another picture this one appear to be a picture of my girlfriend in her younger age with blonde hair. As I stared at this picture I began to become uncomfortable for reasons I am unaware.

    Then I proceeded to walk outside and I noticed a group of people preparing lunch. I walked into this little shack where monks were preparing meals for everyone. Then a teacher who might have a connection with in real life walked into the sack and greeted me with the words, while I see we have a dream yoga practitioner. He then said, you know you can actually visit others within the dream state right? And I responded, yes that's what they say is true kind of in disbelief almost.

    I said it in this matter because I was questioning if he was actually with in my dream. Then all the months within the room started to laugh as if of course it's possible you can be visited within a dream. After this they gave you my plate of lunch and appeared to be kind of a Indian food almost. I walked outside and enjoy the environment just walking around snacking on my food enjoying the meal and this lasted for some time. For eating my food I thought I would say a prayer call the seven line prayer to guru rinpoche. As I began to say the prayer the environment meant immediately transform into kind of a Pure Land which was vast in vivid.

    My awareness within the dreamscape seem to provide all of the space within it which was extremely vast and bright. I was very amazed by this and just relax for a bit. Then all these people showed up out of nowhere that I knew. One of my friends ex girlfriends approached me and gave me a kiss on the lips without notice and this made me uncomfortable. She saw that I was uncomfortable and immediately walked away. I also noticed some other people that I knew but didn't speak to them. In the background at this point the monks were playing basketball and just having a good time.

    I thought to myself this lucid dream is different and extremely realistic I wonder if this is actually happening on some level. Then I began to take another walk and I noticed that the Sun was really hot. I thought I can I feel such heat within a lucid dream my actual physical room must be hot. Then I try to feel for my physical body and then dreamscape faded. As I did this I noticed that there was just some blank vivid vacuity and I thought I should let myself rest here for a while as some meditation teachers suggest. I did this for a while and notice that this very vivid voice began to speak with in the vacuity.

    Most of it sound like incoherent garbled words but some words I can make out. For some reason this voice was very piercing as it was being spoken very loudly which was kind of disturbing. Then I woke up.

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