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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Frisky With the Wife

      by , 10-29-2014 at 01:40 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      I am sitting on the couch watching tv with my wife sitting on my lap.
      Spoiler for Mildly Sexual:
    2. Hero

      by , 10-28-2014 at 01:27 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am in grad school walking up an escalator. There is a young, beautiful woman next to me. I know that she is going to be shot by a man at the top of the escalator but I do nothing to stop it. I get a do-over to try and do the right thing. We are back on the escalator and I see the man aiming the gun at the woman. I play the whole scene out in my head where I am the hero that puts my arms in front of the bullet, saving the woman - but I don't have the courage. Apparently running the scene through my head is enough to stop the bullet. Somehow all the people around know that it was me that stopped the bullet and I am a hero.

      Dream 2:

      I only remember fragments unfortunately but I had a strong feeling of love when I woke up. A really nice girl helps me find a restaurant in Westwood - we are in love.
    3. Meditation Leads to Floating

      by , 10-26-2014 at 01:24 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      I am meditating and it causes me to float. I float over to my parents house in Anaheim and pee in their shower. We start playing a card game that I am making up as we go. It uses baseball cards. One player puts a card down and the next person has to match the card #, team, jersey #, lefty/right, etc (players choice). My dad argues with me saying that David Ortiz bats righty.
    4. Big Presentation

      by , 10-25-2014 at 01:18 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I gave my big presentation to the department on my project I. There were lots of questions about the role of STATs in my project.

      Dream 2:

      There is a huge outdoor party with a lot of people from my work. I jokingly offer to serve my boss RL some food. He thinks I am serious and I spend the rest of the night serving him and AC food and drinks like a waiter. I serve kung pao chicken and several mixed drinks. This was a long and very important dream. Unfortunately I only wrote down a couple of words thinking that I would remember it all in detail. I didn't...
    5. New Sports Car

      by , 10-24-2014 at 01:16 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1: My friend AC posts a long message on facebook trashing TA's projects at work.

      Dream 2: I got a new turbo sports car.
    6. Talking Cat

      by , 10-23-2014 at 12:49 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am at a fancy dinner or wedding with my wife. The food and service sucks but I still leave a huge tip.

      Dream 2:

      I am in lab with TA and DM working on new methods. DM has a primitive dilution machine. We put concentrated sample in A1 of a 96-well plate and the machine serial diluted the sample into all of the other wells. MM is also there and it is the morning of the layoffs. I left my blot at room temp on the shaker overnight by mistake. I am interviewing for jobs remotely. DM has some of his friends vouch for me - one of them in Jonathan Schoop from the Orioles.

      Dream 3:

      I am watching a baseball game. Trout hits a lazy fly ball to right field. The right fielder goes back to the wall, times his jump well but still drops the ball. Trout wasn't running hard but gets a triple out of it.

      Dream 4:

      I am watching a commercial on tv. There is a guy driving a Prius. You think he is very good for the environment. He pulls over to the side of the road and takes out a big hose and puts it in the sewer. He dumps all of the crap he used to do into the sewer. Clouds gather and a corvette explodes out from the hose. Not sure why but this was hilarious in my dream and right when I woke up.

      Dream 5:

      I am taking a cat to see a doctor. I go through an old, run down building with lots of bums. There is fire/lava around. I get to the room with the doctor at the end of the hallway. It is a very large and dark room with an uncomfortable table in the middle. The doctor is Einstein. (I think he shows me the commercial I describe in dream 4) There is a screen above the table showing streaming stock tickers and prices. DOW is up and EBAY is down for the day. I have a very strong bond with the cat. She (the cat is female) is getting molars pulled. After getting them pulled she says that her leg hurts now. I fear for the cats life because I have realized that I love her deeply. I look at her leg and am relieved to find that it is just a growth. I communicate to the cat that everything will be ok and I was shocked when the cat understood me and communicated back somehow. The cat now turns into a beautiful woman who I have apparently always been in love with (in past lives too). The feeling of love is indescribable. The woman looks like a girl I knew from way back named Emily. We go outside of the doctors room onto a dock next to a huge lake. I playfully push her into the water and jump in after her. We hug for what seems like an eternity.
    7. Lucid in a Restaurant

      by , 10-22-2014 at 12:18 AM
      Non-Dream Dream Lucid

      Dream 1:

      I am at a Target store buying gear for a home run derby. I have a bat and a Mike Trout ball that is oddly shaped. Trout is there too. Now I am at the home run derby in the stands. The crowd has to pay per pitch. Therefore the popular / well-liked players get more pitches because the crowd is willing to pay.

      Dream 2:

      I am at a restaurant with my friend/coworker GM. I am teaching him how to play a video game and the subject of lucid dreaming comes up. I become lucid. Not too sure how it happened - I guess the just talking about it made me become aware. I tell GM about all of the different things that I like to do when I am lucid like flying and eating. I cook some hamburgers and we both eat one - it tastes amazing. I am bored so I decide to trash the back of the restaurant where the cooks are. After this I go outside and decide to do something constructive with my lucid opportunity. There is nobody outside of the restaurant - which now looks like one of the outside eating areas at UCLA (above the bookstore). I yell out "why am I so anxious all the time." No answer and nothing happens. Then I yell out "show me something I am afraid of" so maybe I can conquer some of my fears. Still nothing so I yell it out again. Suddenly a man appears from behind one of the buildings and walks toward me aggressively. I know he wants to fight me. Apparently I am afraid of confrontations. He starts punching and kicking and I block all of it. Not just normal blocks though - I actually catch his fists and feet with my hands. Then I proceed to thoroughly kick his ass.

      After the ass beating I do my favorite lucid activity - flying. I fly over the football field at UCLA. There are people playing so I join the game. I make several great catches while flying and I shout out that I am the greatest football player ever at UCLA.

      Dream 3:

      I am having amazing sex with a very petite woman. At times during the sex I can see us from 3rd person view.

      Spoiler for Sex details:

      I stay the night and we have sex again the following morning in the shower. We head out to the backyard to do some gardening and I think her parents are there with us. It is very awkward. I am trying to stake some pepper plants but I am out of string / tape. I try to find an Ace or Home Depot store driving through the Culver City / Inglewood area on Sepulveda. The area looks like one giant mall towering over the street. I step into a Home Depot store and find the string - the store is very ghetto. I go to the outside section of the store and find myself in the army doing drills.
    8. Gardening

      by , 10-21-2014 at 12:15 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1: I am gardening in my backyard with my dad. He is messing everything up and pouring some white stuff into all of my garden beds. My brother is there too. All of the carrot and radish seeds I planted for my son's birthday party have sprouted.

      Dream 2: I am at work with my boss, RL. We have a meeting to discuss new compounds with the chemists Wednesday from 5-6pm.
    9. Physics Exam

      by , 10-20-2014 at 12:10 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1: I am running to my final exam up a hill through huge doors into the physics department. Then I run down some hills jumping like crazing yelling info about the exam to people behind me (cheating). I'm not doing well but I don't seem to care. So much more buy I dont remember - I think my dad was there too.

      Dream 2: I am in an airplane.

      Dream 3: I am driving to work for the big layoff meeting.

      Dream 4: My bowling alley has an incredible daycare facility.
    10. Helping Coworker Move

      by , 10-19-2014 at 12:07 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Helping coworker (BW) move to Santa Barbara. My family is with me. BW has a really bad broken leg and my family leaves me with him. He is grateful.
      Tags: family, moving, work
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Stop Sign Beat-Down

      by , 10-17-2014 at 08:17 PM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I believe I had this dream twice in a row last night - as if I did things wrong the first time through and then I had an opportunity to fix things the second time. I only remember the second one. I am in a house in a narrow kitchen with white tile. There is an evil woman (possibly a witch) there who I am supposed to battle - I think it is a sword fight. There is a large crowd and they are all on my side because apparently this woman is terrorizing our civilization. She is an older woman - possibly in her 50s - and in my dream I think she is my mom (although she bears no resemblance to my mother in waking life).

      We go out into the back yard and the setting resembles something out of the show Game of Thrones. There is a small concrete section in the back right corner of the yard. The woman steps onto this section with her back to the stone fences and is ready for battle although she has no weapon. Instead of a sword I have what appears to be a stop sign. She gets into a position where her arm is somehow laid out on the concrete. I walk up to her holding the stop sign by the metal post and start hitting / smashing her arm with the sign portion. Initially she laughs at me. (This is very similar to the scene in Game of Thrones where Daenerys ties the lady up to the wooden structure and sets her on fire. The lady initially says she will not scream but ends up screaming later). After several smashes it begins to hurt her but she has too much pride to show any weakness. I continue smashing and she eventually breaks and screams "please stop!" She stands up and I continue smashing the sign over her head until her shoulder ignites. The fire spreads across her entire body. She drops to her knees and changes into a younger woman and starts calling out for her mother.

      Dream 2:

      I am at work in a lab. I am running western blots on my DEG project looking for BR. The results show crystal clear degradation products - 16 bands to be exact. I ask SC if the number of bands correlate with splice variants.

      Dream 3:

      I am out in the woods with RL and AM from work. I have a high powered rifle with a scope. There are two people guarding a bright blue orb that I am supposed to destroy. I am hiding in the bushes next to a larger group of the enemies. I sneak around this group and go up a hill to where the guards are. I take out the one of the guards with a single shot and then I have trouble shooting the other one. He is a much better fighter. Just like in "Dream 1" I get a do-over like in a video game. This time I try to take out the good fighter first. It takes me two shots but I get him, then I easily take out the other guard. In order to get to the blue orb I have to sprint across a 100ft section where I am susceptible to being shot by the larger group below. I make it past and start shooting the orb as the large group closes in on me. It takes 3 shots to destroy the orb.

      Dream 4:

      I am on a red planet with no plant life and no structures. Just dirt as far as the eye can see - similar to what I imagine mars would look like on the surface. There are giant rolling hills everywhere which makes it difficult to see very far. There are enemies scattered around and they can be identified easily because wherever they stand the ground turns black.
    12. Failed Drug Development

      by , 10-17-2014 at 12:46 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am jogging in my old neighborhood on Capitancillos Rd. There is somebody else jogging close to me and we start to compete with each other. I am amazed at how easy it is for me to run long distance at very high speeds. This other person keeps catching up to me and then falls back. After a few rounds of this he fall back again and then I get hit hard in the back by something and fall to the ground. It turns out that this other person had caught up to me again but this time purposely crashed into my back. I finally catch a glimpse of his face and it is CH, someone I mildly picked on when I was a kid. He tells me that because of what I did to him he is going to make it so the drug I am developing at a major pharmaceutical company will fail. I'm not sure how he does it but he actually pulls it off. This upsets me to the point of crying to my wife - this drug was to be the next big blockbuster and make the company billions.

      I "wake up" and frantically write this dream into my notebook in great detail. Then I wake up for real. These false awakenings where I am writing in my dream journal are very common for me. In the past I would always do the plug your nose and try to breath trick as I wrote in my journal which allowed me to gain lucidity. I will have to remember to do this in the future.

      Dream 2:

      I am in a department store buying clothes. At checkout I tell the cashier that I would like to pay for the stranger's clothes behind me, thinking that I would do some random act of kindness. It turns out that the clothes added up to thousands of dollars. The cashier asked me for a deposit of 10%, or $400. The person that I was buying clothes for left so I wasn't sure what to do. My brother is also in the store and he is incredibly tall.

      The night before I did something similar in real life by purchasing Del Taco for a random person behind me in the drive through. It wasn't quite $4000 though!

      Dream 3:

      I am having lunch at a cafeteria with my friend KC. I go to the counter to order some kind of drink for her. When I bring it back to her she makes fun of me and says something like "who gets fruit punch flavored drinks these days?" She is also being very loud and embarrassing.
    13. Building a Pool and Indoor Baseball

      by , 10-15-2014 at 09:59 PM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am jogging through what looks like a bunch of freeways. One section in particular looks like the 405-101 interchange. There are a bunch of homeless people sleeping / living up against the fences on the side of the freeways. I encounter a young woman speaking to the homeless people and one of the guys offers to buy her car for $2000. I quickly intervene because I get the sense that these homeless people are trying to screw her over and I say something like "shame on you."

      Dream 2: I am with my Dad (maybe whole family) in a one-street town. Can't remember much else about this one.

      Dream 3:

      I have a gigantic backyard and I am attempting to build a very large swimming pool. It seems to be about 20-30 feet deep and as large as an olympic sized pool. I believe there is also a gas station in my back yard. Several friends (I think - can't recognize them) and co-workers show up to help. One of my friends, a young woman, steps into the back yard and is not paying attention. She falls into the pool and I am terrified that she would fall all the way to the bottom. Luckily there is a large cypress tree growing in the pool and she grabs onto it and climbs out.

      We all move inside to play an indoor baseball game. There are several coworkers there - especially from TA's group. Other people that are participating include SC and BW from work, my one year old son and Kevin Cosner. The game somehow involves us splitting up into pairs and my son was the pitcher for a brief moment until I realized it might be too dangerous for him. I don't recall who my partner is but we are very vocal and having a great time. Towards the end of the game TA confronts me and says something like "I was hoping this game would allow you to come out of your shell." This really pisses me off because my partner and I seem to be having the most fun. SC and BW were partners and weren't talking to anybody yet TA still decided to call me out. I start yelling at her and say she is a weird and awkward bitch and several other things I can't remember.
    14. Reunion?

      by , 10-14-2014 at 06:40 PM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am at a fancy bar / restaurant with a few friends - I believe they are the guys from Workaholics. I am drinking wine for a while then switch to very cheap whiskey. Suddenly the place gets much more crowded and lively and it seems to be like a high school reunion or something. Throughout the dream I find that I am either really bad at talking to chicks or I just have no desire to do so.

      Fragments from this dream:

      - Ders from workaholics had invented an automatic lawn mower and was testing it out outside. It works really well but he has the settings coded wrong. It goes too far laterally during the turns and won't overlap the previous path. This leaves long lines of uncut grass. I go up to tell him how to correct it and he had morphed into my friend BW.

      - There is a very long and steep gravel driveway outside. My friends and I slide down the entire thing on our feet.

      - There are lots of older people and they are disgusted by our behavior.

      - Two chicks are in a battle over who is hotter. We determined who is hotter by asking them to show us their raw steaks. The girl sitting up at the long table shows a very thick and bright red ribeye steak. The girl sitting down at the round table also shows a nice steak but I can't describe it in detail. The crowd unanimously votes for the girl with the ribeye. I was the first to declare her the winner. I had been mean to her earlier in the dream and she didn't like me but now she does.

      - We are all signing a card towards the end of the night. It is massive with seemingly hundreds of notes / signatures. I can't think of what to write and my writing is very sloppy. I am also having difficulty gripping the pen. The card is taken away from me.

      - My friend and I ask two chicks to join us in a dance competition. It turns out to be a mixture of dancing and golf.

      Dream 2: The golfing continues on an actual course with different people. The first whole is a short, 115 yard par 3 with a huge lake between the tee box and the green. The first lady to hit is new to the game and very intimidated by the lake. She hits a low line drive that looks like it will carry the lake. She is very excited thinking that she did it. The ball does in fact carry the lake but hits the wall behind the green and bounces back into the lake. I am up next and I am trying to decide which club to hit. I pick the pitching wedge and then wake up.
    15. Cant Drive

      by , 10-13-2014 at 09:09 PM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1: I am creating virtual cities and buying/selling people and accessories. The people / accessories can gain or lose value depending on their interactions with everything else in the simulation.

      Dream 2: I am driving on a freeway with my dad and I am unable to negotiate turns. I am not drunk or on drugs but every time I need to make even the slightest turn I veer into other lanes or off the road. Miraculously I do not run into any other cars even thought the freeway is packed. I finally pull off the road and we go into a bar/diner. People in the place have large bags of weed.

      Dream 3: Picking up my brother from an airport. Not sure where we are - perhaps Vietnam. It begins to snow and I am terrified of driving in the snow / ice but my brother's wife makes me. There are strange trains going all throughout the city and they frequently hit cars - but this is acceptable.
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