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    KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different

    Lucid Dream 183: Reinforced

    by , 02-25-2011 at 08:56 AM (743 Views)
    February 23, 2011
    Lucid Dream 183: Reinforced
    Series: Friends, Episode 3
    around 5:00am

    Category - WTF

    Hmm, so I got wasted drunk and passed and ended up passing out on a friend of mine's couch. I woke up around 4:30am, got a drink of water, and went back to the couch. I went to Netflix and started to watch the newest Spartacus episode when I began to drift. I tried to stay awake and watch, but I kept falling in and out of consciousness. I got up to piss and then when I laid back down, I felt SP setting in. I'm surprised I was able to keep consciousness as tired as I was, but I managed to enter the dream state with only some brief HI/HH. I sat up on the couch and stabilized the blurry room. Spartacus was still on the t.v. I just sat there for a while and watched it. There were several people who aren't actually in the show. Angelina Jolie was one of the Gladiators. Olivia Munn was one of the other slaves. There were a couple more that I no longer remember. Later on that day, I watched the episode in real life. I was impressed with how much of the dialogue actually come through to my dream. After a very brutal fight scene where Angelina cut off the heads of two other gladiators, I decided to resume the quest from my previous LD.

    I got up and turned toward the window. I dove head first toward it and just before hitting the glass, I noticed a there was a metal frame on the other side of the glass. It was like a flat, mesh frame. I slammed into the glass and it jarred my entire body. I bounced back a little and fell to the floor. It actually made me a little woozy and didn't exactly hurt, but it certainly didn't feel pleasant. My friend ran downstairs yelling, "WTF are you doing?" I stood and I asked why he had metal windows. He told me they were reinforced for hurricane season. I laughed and said, "Motha f***er! We live in the Appalachian Mountain range! You don't need hurricane shutters!" He replied in a slow, drawn-out, philosophical-like tone, "Better safe....than...sorry." He then turned and got excited that Spartacus was on. I walked over to the front door and opened it. There was a huge metal obstruction in behind the door. I turned to say something to Shawn and noticed that the ceiling fan had been reinforced with steel as well. I looked at Shawn and he is wearing a metal body suit. He noticed the expression on my face and pointed at the t.v. It was the weather channel showing a hurricane coming toward the shore. I looked at the land mass and couldn't tell where it was, but it definitely wasn't the east coast (US). I pointed this out to him and he said "Oh, your right." He then pushed a button on the remote and all of the reinforced steel retracted. I exited the house.

    Shawn followed and I explained to him that we were lucid. We then began flying around in the sky. I showed him how high up I could fly. I kept flying higher and higher, until I was in outer space. I looked around and I couldn't see anything, but stars all around me. I looked out into the distance, but could see no end. I noticed something coming toward me. As it approached it got bigger and bigger, until I noticed it was a whale shark. For some reason, I freaked out a bit and dove back down to Earth. Me and Shawn landed in a wooded area and looked around. There was a huge colony of beavers all working around me. One of them looked at me and spoke in a woman's voice, "I have been poisoning your wine." They all seem to be working together to cut down the trees. All of them were wearing hard hats. A tree fell in the background and one of the beavers started shouting, "She is dead!" I walked closer and saw a beaver laying under a tree. One of them looked at me and said, "It must have been the wine!" They all looked pissed and came marching up to me in unison (left foot, right foot, left foot,, etc). There were at least 30 of them. The one in the front began speaking (what I thought was German). The beavers behind started doing the gestapo march. I now noticed that each beaver had a red cloth wrapped around one of their arms. There was a black swastika on each cloth. They stopped in front of me and stood at attention as if they were awaiting my order. I began to feel the dream fade as I laughed and wondered what the f*** was going on. I tried to hold on, but couldn't do it. I awoke.

    Series Details
    In the dream series, "Friends," I join the DC counterparts of my waking life friends and tackle the dream world. You never know what we will be up to next, but I guarantee it will be one hell of a time. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

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    Updated 03-20-2011 at 08:47 AM by 22654

