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    KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different

    Lucid Dream 241, 242, 243

    by , 07-13-2011 at 08:28 AM (1049 Views)
    This first dream is out of order, but I went ahead and posted it for the Nightstalker Task Club.

    July 8, 2011
    Lucid Dream 241: Arise From Your Grave
    Series: Task-tacular, Episode 2

    It was night time and I was hanging out on the deck of some random house. There were several other people with me, but I can't remember who they were. We were talking about forming a Resistance Group in order to fight off the military. Apparently, some other country had taken over the eastern United States. During these talks, I suddenly realized I was dreaming.

    I jumped off the deck and landed in the yard below. There was a full moon and the trees around the area looked quite sinister in the dark. It reminded me of the Nightstalker Task Club. I decided to resurrect some bodies. I looked around the yard and noticed a large area where the grass had died and there were scattered tombstones. I stood above it and started muttering some made-up incantation. I flexed my fingers and started to feel a force connected with my hand. It felt like my hands were magnetized to the ground. With a bit of extra effort, I slowly raised my arms/hands up into the air. As I did this, the ground began to crumble in front of me and a group of zombie soldiers emerged from the ground. They were wearing very futuristic gear and holding strange looking guns. Their body armor was metal and very robotic. It was sort of like soldier from Halo, only with less armor coverage. They moaned and wandered randomly around the yard I was in. They didn't seem to be interested in me at all. My hands still felt heavy, so I lifted them even higher into the air. A large metal frame began to surface. It was the frame of a Knightmare (a mech unti from the anime Code Geass). It was black and looked awesome. I couldn't wait to get into the knightmare and kick some zombie ass with it. As I was climbing into the unti, my dream began to fade. I thought, "No please, just a bit longer...don't do this now!" I tried to hurry up and get into the knightmare, but I awoke before I got the chance.

    Series Details
    In the dream series, "Task-tacular," I take on the Advanced Tasks of the Month, Tasks of the Year, or some other sort of predetermined dream task. Stay tuned for more episodes in the series.

    June 15, 2011
    Lucid Dream 242: Free Table Show
    Series: Sexcapades, Episode 11

    I was at some huge park-like area. There was some sort of mellow music concert going on west of my position. Me, JT, Cliff, and some other random people were sitting on top of a grassy knoll. We were passing a blunt and I was slowly becoming lucid. Finally, I full grasped the fact that I was dreaming.

    I looked around and saw a baseball. I picked it up and told JT that I would challenge him to a throwing contest. He threw first and it went about as far as I expected. I then put some extra thrust into mine and launched it. As it soared across the landscape I used my lucidity and dream control to push it further and further along. Finally, it landed after traveling and impossible distance. We threw again and the same thing happened. JT had caught on and said, "Wait a second? We are dreaming aren't we?" I laughed and told him that he was a bit slow today.

    We took flight and flew down toward a large blue building. I landed in a seated position on the window seal. A few moments later, JT came crashing into me and I fell backwards through the window and into the building. I fell around 20 feet onto a concrete floor. It didn't hurt in the slightest. I got to my feet and jumped up into the rafters. I started swinging around the rafters, using the beams like a gymnast. After doing this for a bit, I landed back down on the concrete floor. I noticed there was now a group of people sitting at a table in the middle of the room. I recognized many of them. One of them was the asian chick from the tv show, "Glee." Another was a girl I know, "Nii." I walked up to her and began kissing her. We kissed for a bit and then she pulled away from me, smiled and said, "Not here!" I told her we were dreaming and it didn't matter. She didn't believe me at first so I told her to do a nose pinch RC. She did and then started kissing me. I pulled down her shorts and slid "myself" inside of her. I started banging her on the table as everyone else just seemed to watch us. It was a little strange, but I didn't care. After a bit, my friend Cliff walked into the room and started talking to me. We carried-on a conversation as if I wasn't having sex with lots of people watching (can't remember what was said). I began to get really intense with the thrusts and the dream started to fade. I just kept on going and eventually everything went dark. I immediately prepared to DEILD.

    Series Details
    Class is thrown out the window in the dream series, "Sexcapades." Not unlike your favorite porn video, I unleash my inner "Ron Jeremy" and give those DCs what they are looking for ! Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

    July 15, 2011
    Lucid Dream 243: Everybody Dance Now...
    Series: Land of Dreams, Episode 12

    I transitioned back into the dream and found myself on a stage with a closed curtain. There were quite a few people on the stage with me and they turned and told me to get ready because they were about to open the curtain. Everyone was standing still with their eyes looking toward the ground. I moved into a vacant area on the stage and did the same. The curtain opened and I could hear people cheering and clapping. It then got silent and some music turned on. It was a pop song, but I can't remember the lyrics. Everyone started dancing, so I did as well. Apparently, this was some sort of dance competition. Naturally, I made my way up to the front of our group and started dancing in the spotlight. The crowd was going insane as the rest of the group stopped and I was performing a dance solo. I did a crazy variation of the moonwalk and performed some Usher-like dance moves. The music then changed to a rap-like club song. A very attractive chick joined me at the front of the stage and we began dancing in a pretty sexual manner. The crowd loved it and started throwing flowers on the stage.

    The music stopped and I noticed someone had beer pong set-up on the stage. I went and challenged two guys to a game of pong. With my superior beer pong skills and a little help from lucidity, I was kicking their ass. The cups kept changing into strange glasses of many random sizes. A couple were no bigger than a shot glass, but I managed to make them anyway. The game never ended because more glasses and cups kept randomly showing up all over the table. The dream was very unstable at this point and I had to stop and stabilize the dream several times to keep it going. Eventually, it completely faded and I woke up.

    Series Details
    In the dream series, "The Land of Dreams," I explore the depths of my subconscious. With no real goals in mind, I explore the creative lands and characters that come before me. Who will I meet? Where will I go? What will I do? These are the dreams that fit into no particular category. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

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