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    Magic users and Santa Claus

    by , 04-02-2011 at 08:32 AM (710 Views)
    The scene start with the Rusoe family being taken away, and thus the magic is revealed to the government, the scene then changes to my school, where me and Mark is on our chase to find a way to get to safety, before the government finds out that we're magic users as well. At the same time, the school tries to get us to participate in a play, which is a high waste of time for us now, but we must avoid it without getting caught. For some reason the government has found a way to teleport three of their agent, who now look kinda like wizards. We are cautious who we trust of the non-magic users, because we know that they would betray us. As time is running out, we set up a trap to distract the two Cecilie twins that are on our tails, and we make it to the living room, where we are to prepare a magic to get us out of here. Alas, the agents have somehow monitored the couches in the living room, and we are caught. The scene changes to our friend Pyrus (who for the record in a Christmas elf), he wants to help us break free of the agents cages, but is now current in another room, similar to the green on my school. He is hiding in the toilet, trying to figure out a way to help them. But then he gets an idea. He will summon Gyldengrød, who is a more famous, older and wiser elf. Gyldengrød is summoned, and everything seems brighter now. But then, one of the agents teleport into the green to arrest them, but when he sees Gyldengrød, he is intrigued. Claiming that Gyldengrød is a famous drum elf, and Gyldengrød agrees with him, that he is a famous drum elf. For some reason a drum set is now in the green, and Gyldengrød is getting behind it. Now a nice song starts, and Gyldengrød participated, putting in more drum sounds than normal, and it sounds really good The agent is now on our side, after having listened to the music (which is also beauty full), and he suggest, that our best option, is to summon Santa-Claus, Gyldengrød then sends a little prayer, and we wait. Somebody tells Pyrus, that you know that Santa is on his way, when you can hear crows nearing. Pyrus listens, and he can actually hear crows! Henrik comes in, and for some reason he shows a picture of himself and his brother, with their father, except the fathers face has been torn out of the picture. He smiles, and makes us believe that his father is Santa. (very strange part) Santa arrives, and grants us the Christmas wish, to make so that the government never discovered magic, and thus all magic users are free again. A quick cut scene where magic families are gathered again, and everyone are happy.

    Now, this was a wierd dream, it sounds more like some kind of movie, but it was actually a dream. I think I was lucid in some means, as to minorly nudging the dream around, but I'm not sure that I was fully lucid.
    Pyrus and Gyldengrød are characters from a christmas movie here in Denmark, that I've grown up with, so they're not uncommon.
    Mark and Cecilie are students from my school.
    Rusoe family is a fictional magic family on Disney channel, the dream got much of it's plot from the commercial for next week episode, where the goverment will find out that they have magic, and will try to lock them up.

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