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    , 06-12-2012 at 05:45 AM (687 Views)
    kind of trippy, somewhere there are lots of buildings and mechanical objects. Once again realize I'm topless and I recognize I'm dreaming. Lucid immediately. Flying around these urban landscapes, wondering what I want to do. Called for J but nowhere to be found and I was ok with that so I conjured my subconscious. It took the shape of my older male cousin. I asked how come I can write beautiful music in the dream state but I can't remember it once I've awakened. I'm stuck when writing music in real life but it is amazingly easy to do while dreaming. My subconscious said that I need do "real' work on myself, both inside and out. Marry the creative with the physical life. Stop living in my head. I also asked what should I be doing with my life - the answer was I'm a long ways off to getting the answer to that question. Do more work.

    I asked about J not showing up. Subconscious said I'll have to wait another week or so.

    Then there were storms brewing off in the distance - looked like tornadoes - I felt like I was going to wake so I rubbed my hands together to stay grounded. Went to the basement of some monstrous building to wait it out.

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    1. LAJ's Avatar
      Ended up at Joe and Peter's. I needed a shower. Peter's tub was a mess so I used Joe's shower. Fun on all fours.