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    1. For got to wbtb and no recall

      by , 11-20-2014 at 11:49 AM
      I forgot to set an alarm for my wbtb/mild, so any chances of a Ld and recall were pretty low.
    2. Bits and fragments.

      by , 11-18-2014 at 12:04 PM
      I remember s few fragments and scenes of 3 dreams.

      1.) I told my parents to go somewhere else because I wanted to hang out with my friend. We pretty much just watched YouTube videos.

      2.) I was getting ready for camping( recent DS) and my dad asked how the batteries was working. I said that we had it last year and he said that I could explode.

      3.) I was at school eating lunch, when a really a noxious table started to be annoying.
    3. No dreams to remember

      by , 11-17-2014 at 11:51 AM
      I didn't remember any dreams this morning or durring my wbtb/mild. I think I'm on my first dry spell.
    4. Just a couple of fragments.

      by , 11-16-2014 at 03:22 PM
      I woke up in the middle of the night and remembered a couple of fragments. That's all.
    5. Wrote a book and searched for gold

      by , 11-15-2014 at 05:42 PM
      looked for gold

      My dad and I decided to go up on a mountain to search for gems and precious metals. The mountain was covered in leaves, and looked like it could have been a granite Corey at one time. We came upon a small enterance In a cliff. For some reason some other people were with now. We all went In and took a the left passage. After walking for some time everyone came upon a large chamber that was shaped like a hollow pyramid. There was a thick line of gold going along the roof of it. I forgot what happened after that, but soon we headed up at our house and my dad was holding a large Quartz crystal.

      wrote a book

      I wrote 2 books that both looked like they could have been 100 pages. One was blue and the other was red. Eventually my family and I were in the car going on a camping trip. I gave a coppy of the bok to everyone, except for my parents. I'm not sure why I did this, but everyone was proud of me including my parents. Then we ended up In a park, with a lake in the center that was surrounded with a field and trees. My sister invited some friends over, but they looked just like people from school . What was also weird was that there was a older coppy of everyone. However I didn't catch this as a dream.
    6. No lucidd, just a nightmare and shchool

      by , 11-14-2014 at 11:59 AM
      Dream 1.
      I was at school, trying to open my locker,but it wouldn't work. I tried multiple times, but it just wouldn't work. Eventually I started to look for locker 10 and when I found it I got it open. The lock on it was very worn, and I couldn't see any dials. When I got to my bag I started looking for the binders that i needed. It took a long time of searching my backpack, but I finally found them. When I was walking back up the stairs to class, there were two kids listening to a water fountain play music. Finally I got to my health class, and everyone was digging through mounds of dirt.

      Dream 2.
      Some friends and I went to an old abandoned asylum to have a party. We found some weird stuff, like when my friend put his hand on a curtain it would appear on the other side. We all,concluded that we should leave. Before we lift, I picked up a bottle and threw it at a wall. Then some monsters came out. One was a human centipede, a weird stranger, and a zombie alien. They probably don't seem scary,must they were. No one els knew they were there, so I convinced everyone to leav before we died. We finally got on the roof for some reason, where all the monsters were waiting. I jumped to the other room, but whacked my face on the edge and bounced back to where the centipede man was. He stood over me and said, 'we all die someday, juts your gonna died today.' Then I closed my eyes and held my breath, and woke up. I haven't really had a nightmare that bad in a while, so it sucked.
    7. Lost a shoe durring school

      by , 11-13-2014 at 11:56 AM
      Lost a shoe durring school

      I can only remember 1 dream that was after wbtb. I was in school and trying to get to my next class on time. I was pulled to the side by the jantor (not sure for what reason). Then I ended up downstairs Ina place that looks like a mall. For some reason there are shoes everywhere, except mine. Then I go to the school gym and start searching for my shoes, but still can't find any. Eventually I give up, and just go to class. When I got there, the teacher was the advisor of my club at school in RL. I was a little surprised, but went in any ways. While I was there I finally found my shoe,then th room warped into my house. I also missed a ton of dream signs, like the school, and an certain section of the school.
    8. Very aware in my last Dream after ssild

      by , 10-19-2014 at 07:54 PM
      I was in my neighborhood up the road from my house where my little brother and I were saying goodbye to our parents, which I don't know why.
      Then as we were walking back to our house we found a wagon. So my little brother got in and went really fast down a hill. I followed him because I was scared he would get hurt. Eventually we ended up in someone's yard and created a ditch there. I was really embarrassed as I tried to walk away like nothing happened. Then for some reason someone pulled into their drive way with a really old car. When he got out he had an aparell that looked as if it belonged in the 1930's. Then I finally arived at my house where my older sister was waiting. I was really happy to see her and hugged her because I usually don't get to see her because she is always at college. Then we talked for alittle and the Dream ended.

      Key points

      Very vivid and long
      Strong felling of emotions
      Neighborhood seemes to be out of place and also a lot nicer than usually (not to say my street is crappy, it was just a little more vibrant)
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