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    1. Exploring a huge house

      , 01-26-2014 at 03:22 PM
      I was having trouble falling asleep after the last dream and was twisting and turning in bed for a while until I realized I had seen 2 dreamscapes form but not stabilize - one was a video game and the other I don’t recall. So this made me think that this is probably a good time to try to WILD and after a while I find myself in the dream although I don’t recall how I got there and I don’t remember actually entering the dream. I think more happened before the point from which I recall the dream but i just don’t remember it. Anyway I find myself walking through a house and exploring the rooms. I am going through some room where it’s kind of like a mini labyrinth and I have to make right turns like 3-4 times and as I get to the end I imagine findning and hot girl at the end but there is nothing there. I keep searching and I come to a room that is sort of split up in two parts and is also very much like a labyrinth and I hear a shower running. I go through one part of the room and come to a bathroom where the running shower sound was coming from and in there I find a tall black woman with light skin and she is turned away from me. She has a nice ass and then she turns around and her face is pretty ugly. I tell her "sorry, I am mistaken" and I leave. I feel my dream starting to destabilize but I want to get to the door leading out of here before restabilizing. I get in front of the door and I start spinning. Once I stop I open the door but it feels like I need to spin in the other direction a bit and I do like half a spin to stabilize and I’m good to go. I keep looking through the house and the next room I come to is empty and there is a black desk standing in this room that looks like an office. I decide I want to break this desk with just my bare hand. I slam my hand down on it but it does’t break...fortunately it doesn’t hurt me either. I then think that I should have no problems breaking this desk with my hand so I try again and in fact I don’t even hit it as hard and this time it breaks in half but my arm doesn’t go all the way through. So the desk is sort of broken but the two parts are still held together slightly. I think I just push my arm through it to break it. As I’m heading out of the room I see a lot of clatter and there is some object that’s close to the exit and I move it telekinetically...well it only moves a little and not as much as I wanted to...I intended to just shove it out of the way completely and it moved maybe a few inches. I walk out of this room and keep going through the house but now I’m starting to feel my breath being hot and heavy and it makes me think that my real body is in bed and I have the covers over my nose and mouth and in fact I start feeling the covers get wet with saliva and I have trouble breathing. I do my best to ignore it and I think I try breathing through my mouth and my nose gets congested. I’m able to keep going though, but thinking retroactively I should have just completely ignored these sensations of my real body. Anyway, next I get to a room that is sort of open and not surrounded by walls completely and in fact I can see way outside this room but I realize that what I’m seeing is not fully formed and my dream is destabilizing. I start spinning to stabilize the dream and I decide to actually just teleport out of here and go where there are a bunch of SOIs. As I continue spinning everything goes black and I’m in this void spinning and I feel my feet still going in the motion to make me spin. I continue spinning for maybe 5-10 seconds waiting for a dream to form but I wind up waking up. Interesting to note that my blanket was not covering my nose and mouth and I was lying on my belly with the side of my face on the pillow and nothing was obstructing my breathing.
    2. Fishing gets weird and a DC tells me that I'm dreaming

      , 01-26-2014 at 03:19 PM
      I’m fishing at the small lake upstate near the bungalow colony we used to go to years ago. I first catch a little fish and then continue fishing with a regular fishing rod without a spinning. The line is very short and I can barely cast it into the water so I move down some rocks to get closer tp the water. The water looks really muddy but as I cast my line I’m able to see the fish in the water attacking the bait. First it’s small fish that swarm the worm on my hook and then a bigger fish comes and bites. But as I’m pulling it out it seems that my bait is now a fish and the other fish has it by it’s tail so I know I can’t get it out as it’s not on the hook yet. After a while of this I get a a fish on the hook and I try pulling it out but I can’t. I pull the fishing rod up as much as I can but the line now seems too long and I grab the line with my hands and start trying to pull it in. After a little while of struggling with the line I see the contour of the fish in the water and it is humongous...looks like a shark. There is someone behind me and I call them over to look at it. After a while the line is no longer in the water and now it’s above ground and I try follow it to my fish. I wind up going over some fence and up on the roof of some house and track the line down some pipe that goes down into the house. I open a part of the pipe but then this kind of freaks me out a little and I leave it alone and then I get off the roof and now I’m walking out of some room in the house and behind me there is a DC (probably the same one from before) and I say something like this is really weird and he says that this may be a dream (this is the first time a DC has ever told me this might be a dream). All of a sudden I realize that this is probably true and I look at my hands and on my right hand I think I have 6 fingers and I know I’m dreaming. I think I go to give the DC a high five and then I start rubbing my hands but after a few seconds I wake up.