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    The Fourth Factor

    Another Melody Fragment (With Lyrics this Time)

    by , 08-16-2023 at 03:27 AM (240 Views)
    Melody Fragment (with lyrics)

    I awoke around 4 am from a rather confusing dream in which I may have been singing this, although the conscious ‘me’ seemed distinct from the dream ‘me’, and I have the impression that I woke myself up intentionally at this point since I always try to be on the lookout for dream music.

    This is what I can remember of the melody, with the approximate tempo:

    The accompanying lyrics were: ‘Sam, you are lucky. Sam, you are empty,’ with the first three words corresponding to the initial three notes of each phrase. As a note, it’s fairly normal for me to listen to, play or write things in 7/8, but I can’t say the same about Eb major.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails blogs/leaningkarst/attachments/10690-another-melody-fragment-lyrics-time-dream-15.8.23-1.jpg  

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    Tags: music
