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    My otherworldly experiences.

    More DILD success :D

    by , 04-05-2011 at 08:11 AM (917 Views)
    Lucid = orange

    I'm at my James' (my bro) house. We're playing football on the kinect and my team is losing. Random people come from nowhere and join in on my team, in the attempt to tip the scores to my favour. Unfortunately, the time runs out when we're like 1 goal behind. I then have to make a move home because it's getting quite late and it'll take me a while on my bike (it's just a regular push one), and my Dad can't give me a lift 'cause he's unable to use the car currently. I find all my various things and pack them into my bag. It's bulging full and extremely heavy. I put it on and am almost overwhelmed by the weight so I put it down. Mum and my sister Tabitha are there as well. My sister's like ''You wuss.'' and I hand it over to her to see how heavy it actually is. She claims it's not actually that heavy and I'm just like ''Meh.'' I then look at my watch and I only have 5 minutes to get home (it takes me about 20 usually, from his place). Also, Mum stays behind and then Tabitha has to come with me too.

    On our way I receive hate from nearly everyone we pass. Some taking the piss out of my style, others commenting on the fact that I'm in the 1st year of college (I'm not sure how that's supposed to be insulting, probably something to do with being young) but anyway they were pissing me off and I flashed a middle to quite a few of them. It's late at night and I assume most of them are drunk.

    As we near our road, my sister notices that we've been followed by some of them. A car speeds past us after she's pointed it out, and we both race up the road scared of what their intentions are. When we finally reach the drive, all the lights are out. I say to her ''I hope Dad's home, too. I was worried something might happen which is why I wanted to come home earlier.'' We're then walking past the garage and realisation hits me.

    ''Wait!? I'm dreaming! You're dreaming too! Help me become lucid!''
    Note: As soon as I became lucid, my sister turned into somebody else.
    We then walk up onto the steps just before the door. We're just standing there. I start thinking to myself ''Well. I've wanted to try out a gender change in my dreams so why not attempt it now?'' and tried to will myself into a girl. At one point I thought I had succeeded, and turned to face myself in the window. I was still me, though. Then what usually happens to me happened, and my vision started fading out and it was hard to see I tell her (the girl I'm with) ''Keep focusing! Focus on your senses! Don't rely on your sight, just keep aware of everything else!'' I'm grasping on to her arm while saying this and focusing on how it feels as my vision starts to fade out. I focus on what I can hear, smell, etc. Everything except for my sight, as that is failing me.
    However, while this is happening, I can see something huge coming towards us. I feel kind of scared but I assure myself it'll be alright as I'm only dreaming, and I'M in control.
    Then, something magical happens. Everything suddenly becomes crystal clear! This huge thing turns out to be a giant chicken, too. Just standing there. It's really trippy but I can sense he/she is totally friendly.
    I think to myself ''Woah! I can see SO clearly now, and I'm not even using my eyes! I must be proper lucid. What should I do now then? Explore or try to pull off dream sex again? I'm more lucid than usual, so I should be able to do anything without waking up.''
    I then notice the garage is open. There's light emitting from it, also. I try to think of somebody to spawn as it's the perfect opportunity (as somebody will be in there, and I can just will whoever it is to my liking). I can't think of anybody though, so I consider the girl I'm with. It's not my sister now, it's somebody completely random, so I think ''Why not?'' and go through with it. She complies completely, and this time I'm actually able to 'do it' instead of getting really excited about it then losing lucidity almost instantly.
    Note: All the while since I became lucid me and this girl have been talking. She's asking me technical questions which are keeping me conscious and making me think, such as width of planets etc, and I can see numbers coming up in front of me which I must have seen in school books, so I reply with those.
    Also, dream music was playing. It was ambient and consistent, kind of like one of the binaural beats I used to listen to frequently.

    I then woke up, VERY proud of myself!

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    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes
