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    03-27-11 to 03-31-11

    by , 04-11-2011 at 07:54 AM (339 Views)
    Was living ar the apartments. There was this guy who.was weird and lived on the bottom floor. He was sketchy. I found him in my car diggin through all of my stuff. We got into a scuffle. I managed to get into the car and lock the.doors and drive to front office. I waited to speak to the "principal of the apartments. When she openned her soo she let two twins out and said those shores were.in trouble. I told her what happened and she fallowed me to the apartment. He was waiting on the stairs. She gave me his machetty and walked him away. A ton of ghetto peps were at the top of the stairs. We were shouting things at the guy. I went inside my apartment and allen was sleeping. I woke him and told him about what happened

    I was from the point of view of bart simpson. Homer and I were moving into a new place together. Didn't know our new roommate. Heard okkkaaallloieee dookkkkkkkalllloeeee coming from next room all creepy like. We were disappointed it was flanders. The I was me again. Was prego with allens baby. The moon turned into a satellite. Everything was so high tech and modern. Allen went in a space ship to fight off the aliens. Some blonde chich was there and jealous that I was peggers with allens baby. I knew that I had to have the baby to bring allen back, even though I didn't want the baby, it would be end of the world if I didn't. Blonde Bitch was up to no good.

    Was sitting in dinning room of allens moms house with allens mom. Stephanie was getting married and I wanted.to help plan it out with her. I was discussing the proper way to fold napkins with her

    Was walking around this large public buliding. A giant cartoon terrantula was hiding in the corner of a basement dance, eatting people. Everyone started to run. I ran upstrairs and found a hiding spot. Next thing I am shopping in a store with katie and some of her friends. She keeps complementing me but im skeptical of her. I see allen outside and I want to go to the beach with him. He halfway is ignoring me because he is with his dad. I try to walk with them but they are too fast.

    Was with Barron and allen. We were.hanging out at the camp thing, some chick kept sending allen messages and it was pissing me off. Allen wanted her to stop to. I was preparing for what to say to her to make her stop. I live at the camp now with a lot.of girls. I don't fit in with them. They ignor me. I drive to carlas house to buy drugs and she tells me she's.completely over dad. She has boat keys in her hands

    Was camping with allen at the koi pond spot. There were the ponds stretching out for miles. There were narrow pathways in the pond made of ropes and wood. The water was warm. The pond was packed with beautiful fish. Allen and I were there, allen was ignoring me. Brandi walked by and I told him that was stews ex. Allen thought she was hot and started hooting and ranting at her saying hey sect baby, come here. I was humiliated and wanted to dump him. It was getting late and I needed to set up camp. Allen was chatting away with some people as I struggled to open the tent.

    Dream fragments:
    Pink bed
    Two familys fighting
    Hayden panitar having no ass on rolerskates
    A playing going on

    Me and allen were at a community party. Everyone was dressed in costumes and the roads we're filled with water and foam. We floated on the foam. Allen said the foam was dirty and we stopped. Luke shroom was somehow there. There was a big party in the rec center. It was all hazen kids but no one said hi to me. Its because brandi was there. Allen saw I was upset and I left. He went back and shouted "that was kara mcpherson you Bitches!!". Everyone felt bad.

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