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    thirty five

    by , 01-14-2011 at 04:44 PM (345 Views)
    In which I'm on a movie set...

    I'm an extra on a movie set. Three actors are standing on a golf field. I'm supposed to be a deranged caddy, and I'm directed to walk up to the three men and shoot them all at point blank range in the face. The director hands me a gun that is loaded with blanks and calls "action!".

    I walk up to the men with the gun, but when I point it in the face of the first man, something feels really evil about it. I refuse to pull the trigger. The director yells at me and I tell him it just feels wrong and I can't do it. He asks me if I know what acting is. This is pretending, he tells me. I tell him that I understand that, but it still feels wrong.

    The three men get impatient with me. One snatches the gun out of my hand and opens up the chamber. There is one real bullet in the gun. Everyone looks astonished. I say, "That's how Bruce Lee's son died."

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