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    1. DILD: A New Cat in the House

      by , 10-17-2014 at 02:29 PM

      9am DILD

      After a series of normal dreams, I fell asleep after my alarm waking me up again (maybe pressing snooze is a good technique for lucid dreaming?! always seems to trigger one) and entered a lucid dream.

      I was in my living room and really thought I had woken up, but for some reason, it entered my mind that I should check if this is a dream, even if I thought it was silly because I was awake, and to my surprise, it was a dream! I forget how I checked it was a dream. Maybe levitation, but I don't think it worked when I tried to jump up. Even though my RC didn't work, I think just the process made me realize it was a dream by the tunnel vision I had looking at the floor.

      From there, my mind sent me back to my room and I was standing by my bed and looking at my lamp. I knew lights didn't work in dreams, so instead I said "bright" and after a few tries with variations of the word, it works and the room was slightly brighter.

      I went back into the living room and tried to turn on the light knowing it wouldn't work (and now that I think about it, I actually don't have a light switch where I tried) and it didn't.

      My mind sent me from room to room and from a standing position to my bed quite a few times as I struggled to wake up.

      I went out to the kitchen and saw my two cats, one grey and one black, and then noticed a third, white cat. We only have the grey and black cat in waking life. I knew all the while that this was just a dream and took the opportunity to bend down and pet the third cat.

      Finally, in bed, my alarm goes off and I wake up. Probably should've explored more instead of trying to wake myself up and just let my alarm do the job! The whole dream I was very aware that I was dreaming, more so than the usual FA lucid dream. I had fun looking at my environment as I was trying to wake up, instead of the usual panic of feeling like I'm half dreaming.

      Updated 10-17-2014 at 02:31 PM by 68036

      Tags: cats
      lucid , false awakening
    2. DILD Flying Into the Trees

      by , 10-05-2014 at 07:50 PM

      Hard time sleeping all night. Woke up various times, feeling like I was in a constant stream of thought, but would forget the thoughts after a few seconds.

      Finally, at 9am, I go back to sleep, and enter a deep sleep.

      11am DILD and non-lucid

      I'm on the highway, it seems, and walking on the side of the road when I notice I'm dreaming, so immediately I attempt to fly. I jump high up into the air and can see tree branches going past me.

      That's all I remember from my lucid dream. I lose lucidity at some point, and continue dreaming.

      Updated 10-05-2014 at 07:59 PM by 68036

      Tags: flying
      lucid , dream fragment