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    1. Eye Scribbles

      by , 11-26-2011 at 01:45 AM
      I started off with a lucid in some dark bunker, where I had a false awakening after a few seconds. I thought I was still awake, so I got the thought "maybe if I lie still, I will go into SP". So I was still, staring at a spot on my blanket. Then that spot started flickering into scribbles of eyes. It kept doing this and some other scribbles for a while, before I then woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. Shark tits

      by , 10-29-2011 at 12:15 AM
      I was at the beach, when suddenly people got attacked by a sharks. Everyone ran out of the water, but a couple people were floating around in the water, dead.
      As everyone was out of the water, the sharks disappeared just as fast as they appeared. Some people tried to walk a tiny bit into the water. A big wave appeared, and this knowledge in my mind told me that it was the sharks returning as they could sense the humans in the water. One guy got mauled, and the rest stepped out of the water.
      The sharks disappeared, and I now started jumping in and out of the water in some stupid way that I can't explain and would be physically impossible. A bigger wave of sharks was now on it's way, and I got out of the water.
      As the sharks disappeared again, my mom now stepped into the water. She wanted to lure the sharks, and brace yourselves, a god damn tsunami of 10 meters height appeared. Everyone on the beach started running, but the tsunami caught up to us, slung us all to the top, then splashed us down by my previous school's stadium.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Battlefield 3 Cannibalism

      by , 10-19-2011 at 01:49 PM
      I wanted to try the Caspian Border map on Battlefield 3, so I entered the BF3 Beta (which in my dream had an IN-GAME server browser. Can you believe it?). I chose the map, and started playing.
      Before I spawned, I saw a map showing overview as well as all my teammates' positions. I could see that all the jets were taken, so I decided to play on the field instead. I spawned with a soldier outfit and an automatic assault rifle. I was in the game, as if it was real life, however I had to control myself with an XBOX360 controller. I was placed in a large sandy field, with a couple buildings. I found a concrete tube sunk into the ground, so only 1/4 of it was above ground, which provided a good cover. I lied down inside the tube, and started camping.
      I mowed about 30 enemies down, before I ran out of ammo and had to run to grab one of their guns. I swapped my weapon with one I found, and saw a pack of 7 enemies near me, trying to kill me. I dodged and ran into a building. I tried spraying them all down, but the rifle I had picked up was a 3-burst-weapon. I spammed on a trigger as much as I could before I had to reload, and proceeded further into the building through a door. An enemy was blocking my path, so I stabbed him in the throat. A couple more enemies appeared, and a couple more enemies were killed.
      I walked up some stairs, and got disarmed. Two teammates were captured in the room as well, along with a bunch of armed enemies and their general. They were discussing whether to kill us or not. I took an opportunity to dash up to the general, beat him in his face until it was a bloody pulp, took his weapon, and shot the other enemies.
      I cut the general's chest open and pulled his heart out. I put it in a dish full of rice pudding, and used my engineer drill to blend it out. I wrapped it in dough, and flipped it a couple times, like a pancake. Then I served it to my teammates.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Most boring lucid possible

      by , 10-19-2011 at 01:55 AM
      I woke up in my bed, feeling groggy as I do in the mornings. I stood up, and something told me that this was a dream. I did a nose-pinch and hand reality check, none of them seemed to work in an unrealistic way. I was still pretty sure it was a dream, even though everything looked like a completely normal overcast morning.
      My lucid seemed boring, so I wanted to make something out of it. I tried to picture a girl standing in my room. Nothing happened. I tried to figure a girl standing outside my room's closed door. I opened the door. No one there.
      I thought that I could just as well go down the stairs and see where my mind brings me, even though I had a feeling, I would probably wake up from it. I walked down the stairs. I woke up halfway.
    5. Cookie virus

      by , 10-14-2011 at 08:43 PM
      The dream started off with me sitting in my living room's couch, with my laptop on my lap, watching porn. Then my little sister came into the room and sat beside me, wanting to watch what I was doing. I minimized it all, but for some reason, big thumbnails to all the images I had just watched filled my desktop. I tried to open up a program or two, to put in front of the thumbnails, but the thumbnails appeared everywhere. She asked me what that was and I said I didn't know why or where they came from.

      Next thing I know, I was at a LAN, supposedly in my school, but in a supposed classroom I've never seen before. My teacher was there. He stood behind me without me noticing him, and he must have seen the thumbnails everywhere. He asked me if my laptop was infected, and I said "no, I think it's just an error, I don't know where they came from". He kept asking, and in the end I almost hammered my fist into the table and yelled at him. Then a page popped up on my screen saying:
      "LOL I hacked your PC, and I was extremely efficient at it!" along with a bunch of Russian text and disturbing pictures. I figured what this virus did was redirect files from your temporary internet files (cookies) folder, to your desktop, which is not a huge damage, but can still be quite annoying.
      Next thing I know, we had to get out in the main lobby, which was a big place I've never seen before either. We had to sit on the floor and watch some lame 'magician' or whatever. She asks for a volunteer. I was the only person not raising my hand. She chose me. So, she wanted me to throw some ball, for a reason I do not know. So we threw a ball around a couple times. For some reason I dropped the ball every time, even though it was some easy throws, but oh well, it's a dream designed to make me feel bad, just wait.
      She told me to crawl up in a really large double-chair, like one of those chairs tennis judges sit in, just way taller. She sat beside me. I asked her how far up we were, and she replied with 50 meters. I felt my fear of being on fragile objects in extreme heights kicking in. I noticed there was a balcony beside us, so I held onto it. "Oh come on, you big pussy" she said. Then she started rocking with the chair. I told her to stop.
      "What? Stop this?" she said and started rocking more. A man at the bottom yelled that I was a huge pussy, and I heard the students sitting on the floor laugh. The man started crawling up the chair, while shaking it violently. I thought fuck no and climbed onto the balcony. He laughed at me in a degrading manner and said:
      "Oh what, are you going to go play your computer?". I got pissed off.
      "Why yes you fucking asshole, I am."
      I left, and walked into the classroom, where only 2 guys were sitting. I figured the rest was still playing audience. I wanted to play a bit of Dead Island and launched up the game. I didn't get put in the game however. As soon as I double-clicked the game's shortcut, the room turned dark and silent. The other people were gone. All lights were gone, leaving me in an Amnesia-like environment. I was scared, and walked out of the room. The whole place was dark, and everyone was gone.

      I walked outside, and watched myself exit the house in a LoL/HoN/DOTA third person perspective. I saw a person at the garden gate with a green health bar (teammate), fighting off two guys with red health bars (enemies). I went to help him, and thereby we took both of them down. My perspective switched back to first person, and my teammate was gone, leaving me on my own, in a dark environment with a scary ambiance. I looked down the road, and saw a unpleasant looking pale guy with white eyes, fast and calmly walking towards me. I figured the best idea would be to flee, LoL style. I walked around the house. Every time I looked back, I saw him being a little bit closer each time.
      I rounded a corner, and swiftly crawled down a ladder beneath a trapdoor. I stood on the ladder for a little while, listening for footsteps. Didn't hear a thing. Instead, two men opened the trapdoor and climbed down the ladder. I managed to jump down and hide without them noticing me. I heard them talking, but didn't understand what they were talking about. They climbed back up and walked away.

      Updated 03-27-2013 at 02:39 AM by 47605

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    6. Sp #2

      by , 10-11-2011 at 11:33 AM
      Fell asleep @ ~23:30-24:00
      Woke up @ 6:15

      Went to take a shower all groggy, decided to go back to bed because of headache, thinking a SP would probably work now.

      Lie down for 2 seconds.
      I hear the sound of steel rotating.
      I open my eyes to see that my vision is vibrating, and the room is looking as if someone had applied a TV noise effect to it.
      Lasted for 10 seconds even though I moved my eyelids, then stopped by itself.
    7. Have you heard the news?

      by , 10-06-2011 at 02:27 PM
      I was in my house, looking out of the window. It was raining outside. Every single light in my house was turned off.
      A guy behind me asked me if I'd heard about the news.
      "What news?"
      "A guy has stolen a car from a carport and driven it into a wall at the same house, then beat the owner of the car to death."
      "No I haven't heard that."
      "Why don't you check on your car?"
      "My car is alright, okay?"
      "Are you sure?"
      I was starting to get annoyed, but he walked out of the room.
      A moment later I could hear a loud crash from somewhere around my front yard.
      I ran down the stairs, into the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife. The house was still off lights.
      I ran into my living room, which was brightly lit up by a blue color.
      I looked out of the panorama window, and saw the moon, shining as bright as the sun, but with a blue hue. The reflections of the water drops from the rain were shining bright and clear.
      I saw a person sitting on a chair on the terrace, with it's back turned against me.
      I ran out through the terrace door, stood behind the person, and punched him in the back of his head.
      "What did you do to my car?"
      He slowly turned around in the chair, then looked at me with a psychotic smile on his face.
      My kitchen knife was gone. It wasn't in my hand anymore. I was defenseless.
      He grinned at me, and the last thing I saw was his fist against my face.
      nightmare , memorable
    8. Best dream in the world

      by , 10-05-2011 at 03:34 PM
      - Just sad it was a dream :C
      Also, don't read this if you don't want the details of me having sex with a 15 year old.

      I was at a school party, being bored. I then thought about how difficult and frustrating it could be to simply get a hang of a girl, or at least lose my virginity, and see what it's like.
      Just as I thought that, I noticed a girl sitting alone, waving for me to approach her. As I came over, I noticed she was nude, she wanted me to play with her. She was a blonde ~15 year old (I'm 16, it counts), with a perfect body and a decent 6/10 face. I crouched next to her, and felt her. I could feel her coarse trimmed pubic hair, and further down was her lips. I started fingering her, but she wanted more, and I stuck it inside. There were other people around, but we didn't care. We continued on all night, and some guy told me that a teacher at the school saw me and I would likely get expelled from it for fucking in it, publicly.
      I noticed it was starting to get bright outside, and we grabbed our stuff to go back to my room. I carried her the whole way. Someone had blocked the stairs with furniture however. I pushed it aside and we got into my room. She laid down on a mattress on the floor and used my laptop while I was undressing. She was undressed already.
      Things start to get confusing now.
      I saw a windows bar at the bottom of my vision. I wanted to do Steam -> Friends and pick her, but accidentally chose 'Exit Steam' instead. She disappeared along with Steam. I feverishly tried to reopen it, but when I finally did, she was off. I figured she left and I would probably see her again.

      To the greatest disappointment in my life, I woke up and remembered I took a 3 hour nap, and now I am yet again suicidal because my life will never be anything great like that dream.

      Updated 10-05-2011 at 03:39 PM by 47605

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Quick fly trip

      by , 09-25-2011 at 09:33 PM
      I had a long dream which I do not remember anything from, except that I was standing in my backyard. I looked over the crop field hill, then realized I was dreaming and became lucid. I wanted to get over the hill, so I took off and flew like a professional at a high speed and full control. A small moment after I came over the hill I opened my eyes though.
      Kinda interesting actually. As I opened my eyes, I saw the dream disappear with the eyelids, as if it was some movie and you saw the person open their eyelids from their own point of view. I'm not sure if it was a false awakening..

      Updated 09-25-2011 at 09:36 PM by 47605

      lucid , false awakening , side notes
    10. Element Control [1/4] Water

      by , 09-15-2011 at 10:28 PM
      I was in a fitness hall, spraying water out of my hand, which i swung in spirals, forming a square shaped water box at the end.
    11. Hoses in stomach

      by , 09-05-2011 at 07:19 PM
      I was lying on my living room couch, with my little sister watching television, and my father next to me. I saw he had a syringe. He stuck it in my stomach, and soon after, my body was completely numb. He then proceeded to take two 1-inch radius hoses and stuck them straight into two random points on my stomach. I was anesthetized, but it was still uncomfortable as hell and I could still feel it.
      I was then put in a weird video-game-ish scenery, except it was real life. Kind of hard to describe, and I think I forgot how it looked anyways.
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. Spaghetti

      by , 09-02-2011 at 04:14 PM
      I was running around in a pitch-black middle Ebeltoft, for a reason I do not remember, along with some people I don't remember. Then I went to eat spaghetti out of the trash can.

      Updated 03-30-2013 at 05:40 AM by 47605

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Sp #1

      by , 09-02-2011 at 02:17 PM
      Okay, so last night I went to sleep at about 23:30, and fell asleep at about 00:00.
      My alarm was set to 06:00, but I woke up at 05:00. I turned around and looked at the clock, then went back to sleep. I had some weird fucked up dream, then I woke up again. 05:03. Back to sleep. Dream. Wake up. 05:07.
      Repeat this until 05:30 and some serious strange shit happened.
      So I woke up, turned around to look at the clock (05:30), then while I turned back over I thought "30 minutes left. That's like 1 dream per minute". Immediately I heard a voice angrily yell "NO". Before I could think "What?" I got hit by extremely violent vibrations in my eyes, which were looking upwards at the ceiling. My body was completely paralyzed, I couldn't move. Along with my vision shaking, I also heard an extremely loud sound of about 1000 bunsen burners mixed with a bunch of static bass.

      While I was looking at the ceiling, I saw flashes of white/light-blue light come from my television as if it was burning with weirdly colored flames, and I heard this song.

      It all ended and I was there, in my bed, completely shocked and bathed in sweat.
      It was not a dream, because I didn't wake up, I even pinched my nose and tried to breathe (a reality check) to make sure.

      I didn't sleep for the last 30 minutes after that, before I had to get up and ready for work.
      I was shocked out of my mind for 1:30 hour after that.



      Updated 10-11-2011 at 11:34 AM by 47605

      memorable , lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    14. Hot. Lesbian. Beaches.

      by , 08-30-2011 at 09:05 PM
      I was sitting in a chair, in a 'business office meeting'. Eight men were sitting in a quarter circle in front of me. I had a suitcase, and they wanted it. I was playing around with them about the price, but still kept in mind that they could brutally kill me and molest my body at any time. I noticed that they had women service them, apparently against their will.
      The meeting got called off and I went to the bathroom. It was the same bathroom as at home, except the door was in the other corner of the room and the bathtub in front of it was gone.
      [If any children are watching this, take in mind, things are about to get weird/erotic.]
      Spoiler for read the rest:
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Paranormal Activity in colosseum

      by , 08-22-2011 at 06:04 PM
      So, this nightmare occurred in the time space of one hour.
      I fell asleep at 23:30 and woke up at 00:30, soaked in sweat.

      I do not remember much from the actual dream, other than it was really dark, I was in a Colosseum, and a paranormal spirit pushed me out on the fighting grounds, to watch me battle with a paranormal enormous bull that I could only sense and hear, simply for it's own entertainment. The spirit was a teenage girl, however, I didn't actually see or hear her. She talked to me through my mind, and pushed me while I could only sense her being there.
      The bull rushed towards me, hit me heads-first, and sent me flying.

      That's all I can remember, but I am sure there was more to it. I recall something about walking through passages in darkness, but I am not sure.
      non-lucid , nightmare
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