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    WILD w/ two successful teleportations

    by , 06-03-2012 at 10:57 AM (494 Views)
    6/3 - WILD w/ two successful teleportations

    The last couple nights I've been struggling with WILD after having two quick successes I was beginning to lose confidence. Last night instead of my normal WBTB I calculated when my REM cycles started based off when I would naturally wake up every night. I entered an alarm targeting my second REM cycle because I usually have fairly vivid and long dreams during that period.

    I found myself awake with a very odd sensation. At the time I thought my alarm had brought me to waking state and I had very strong imagery. I decided to start WILD right away and about 5 minutes into the technique my alarm shocked me awake. I became wide awake and unable to sleep for about an hour.
    The entire hour I was trying to fall asleep but I was unable to become relaxed. Finally I felt my body enter SP and I began attempting WILD.

    Soon after I found myself falling into my dream. I became very excited because of how much I have been struggling the past couple days. I felt myself waking up and I quickly attempted to stabilize. My stabilization worked and I found myself in a black void. I closed my dream eyes and began visualizing my room. After visualizing I opened my eyes and found myself right where I envisioned. I was quite surprised and began walking around my house. After exploring I walked back into the room that my GF was in and she began talking to me while she was sleeping. I got the feeling she was trying to convince me this was a dream so I sprinted through the door and went into the bathroom.

    At this point I began thinking about what I had planned for my next dream. I wanted to use the bathroom mirror to teleport into a land that would begin all of my dreams. I remember staring in the mirror and having a surprisingly vivid image of myself staring back at me. After observing the image I pushed my arms into the mirror. My arms went through the mirror like water. I began visualizing a wooded scene where I wanted to begin my dream. After thinking about trees and sunlight and buildings I pushed my way through the mirror and found myself placed in a valley surrounded by trees. I quickly took in my surroundings and turned to my right and there I found a old building with a wooden door covered in vines. I walked over to the door and tried to visualize a new area inside.

    Upon opening the door I found myself in a room with a dirt floor, in the center of the room there was a small door. I walked over to it, opened it and there was about two inches of dug up earth below it. I turned away from the door and noticed there were no walls behind me. I walked outside the building and noticed quite a few abandoned homes that had missing walls and some that were complete with damaged air conditioners in the windows.

    As I walked down the path I noticed a playground on the right side of the path. There were 3 dream characters playing on a swing set. As I approached them I said "This is a dream, you are within my dream" They tried to tell me this wasn't a dream and I replied by saying "If this was reality would I do this?" and I followed by ripping off all of my clothing.

    I do not recall how the dream scene ended but soon after I found myself back within my room. At this point I was unsure if I was inside a dream. I walked into my bathroom and pressed hard on the mirror. My finger pushed slightly into the mirror and I recall thinking how crafty my mind was trying to make me think I was dreaming again. As I pushed my finger through the mirror I noticed my dog running over to me. I began floating and pushed myself into the next room. I recall interacting with my dog and shortly after I woke up.

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    lucid , false awakening
