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    October 25th, 2011

    by , 10-27-2011 at 07:39 AM (453 Views)
    No WBTB, or MILD. I tried DEILD but forgot. I will try all three tonight.

    All of these dreams seemed related, but involved different characters. It was as if the characters morphed into different appearances.

    To kick things off, I was in the old house in my mother's room. I was lying in bed with Anthony just having a chat. Mrs. Gunther-Brown, my music theory teacher from high school, was there and the three of us got into a discrepancy over her ability to sing certain genres, or something of the like. Anthony was on my side, and obviously she was on hers. The argument was only DE, but afterwards, she went into the bathroom to get a shower. While she was in there, she started singing. What we could hear in the room was not just her vocals, but a whole accompaniment of various instruments. Anthony and I started complaining. I used a pillow to cover my ears. I discovered that I could change the sound of her singing by bending the pillow, as if the sound waves were wrapping around the pillow in a different way. Bending the pillow more made her singing sound more tinny, and a flatter pillow meant a more crisp sound. I made a comment about it to Anthony saying something like, "isn't it funny how something so simple like this can make such a big difference?" He replied with, "She's still horrible." I was about to agree when suddenly the song changed. It sounded like a jazz/funk fusion, not unlike Hiromi Uehara's work. I said, "wait, this actually sounds pretty good." I got up to go to the bathroom to apologise about Anthony and I making fun of her. She wasn't there. And my bathroom looked very different and unusual. Instead of the normal beige walls, tile floor, and small size, I was greeted with a fairly larger (although still pretty small) room with wooden floors, and a strange looking sink with nothing in it. There was a white shower curtain behind me, which I never actually turned around to see, and where the toilet usually was, was now just a wooden floor, and across from it where the sink goes were these wooden swingy doors, like in old west saloons. They may ave led to a toilet, but I don't know. The sink was on the left wehn you walk into the room. In between the sink and the saloon doors was a strange contraption placed on the floor. What I was about to do would start a plot that would unravel in the dreams to come. I cannot describe the contraption, mostly because I don't clearly remember what it looked like. But I also cannot describe it because it didn't seem to take any definite shape. It was a solid object, but it was so conjumbled, as if someone went on Microsoft Paint, made a bunch of lines, turned them into wood, and put it on the floor, but at the same time it looked nothing like that. There were tiny, mini people on the floor by the contraption. They seemed to be hindered by the contraption in some way, so I fixed the contraption so that they could be...for lack of a better word, better. As it turns out, my teacher set up the contraption so that these mini people, who were evil, would be trapped in it forever. I messed all of that up.

    Everything that happens next may be out of order.

    The saloon doors morphed into a TV, and I was watching a bunch of child actors, one of which I knew as my childhood friend, Tyler. They gathered around this table, and suddenly I was in TV, in the setting of where the children were. Except now I was on in a field. What was taking place in this field was a situation similar to the Holocaust, and I was on the bad side, and a major figure. We weren't going after Jewish people, in fact, I don't think there were any distinctive features about the people we had captured, but they were all wearing red shirts, and my side was all wearing blue shirts. This field was grassy, and had a hill to the right. There was a path leading to the hill, and that same path, going in the other direction, went and circled around a section of the field. We were walking across this section of the field. I was with another person in a blue shirt. He was talking to someone in a red shirt, as if trying to calm him down. As we neared the other side, the blue shirt said for him to go now, because we had to be somewhere. As the red shirt went towards a group of red shirts, I patted him on the back, as to grant him some form of solace. As I neared the other side of this field with the other blue shirt, I saw on my left, a mother saying "goodbye, I love you" to her daughter. There was also this strange, carnival-like booth on wheels (they exist in real life, but I don't know what they are called). We passed this and kept going straight to another hill. We started to climb it.

    The next thing I remember is this explorer character (I was merely observing this entire part), like a video game character, running around this cave fighting enemies, getting points. Then he was climbing these strange pipe-like objects with ladders on them. They were all orange, each one taller than the last, and they were in a row. At the top of each was a traffic light with four light bulbs. At the bottom was endless water, as far as you can imagine. The traffic lights were black, and only the bottom light was green, with the rest being red. The lights were timed so that when the green light came on, there was a yellow beam of light shining down from the traffic light onto the top of the pipe, covering the entire space. When the green light came back on again, the yellow beam of light turned off. The traffic lights on each pipe was in an opposite pattern so that one would be off, while the one next to it would be on. The explorer climbed the first pipe on the right, and had to time things right because for some reason he couldn't be in the light. This was a game-like scenario after all. So when the green light came on again, and the light turned off, he climbed on top. Then he turned to the pipe next to him. This dream was in third person, so he was facing my left, to the taller pipe. It really was a lot like a video game. Since the beam of light was on pipe, he waited until the traffic light was almost green. He jumped off his pipe at the last second as to avoid the beam of light on that one, then he changed direction in midair to catch the ladder of the next pipe. He repeated the process, but failed this time. He fell and landed in the water below. The water behind the pipes was dark, and deadly (think Spyro) with sharks. The water elsewhere was clear, safe, and clean. The two waters were right next to each other, and separated right down the center. The explorer landed in the deadly water, and quickly swam back to the safe water. All of a sudden, he was on top of the tallest pipe, which had an opening at the top, and was filled to the brim with water. The explorer had to swim down into the pipe, and under the deadly water to reach an island on the other side of the deadly water. It's important to know that for the past week I have been practicing MILD with the chart that gives you circumstances every day in which you should do a reality check. Doing a RC when you see a traffic light was the one for the day before I had this dream. So when I saw the traffic lights in the dream, I thought to myself, "Too bad I didn't see this yesterday, or I'd be doing a reality check." Well, fuck.

    Then I was on 4chan as a girl. This version of 4chan was very civilized. It was implied that they get different privileges on 4chan, and so everything was different. Everything was multicolored in a psychedelic fashion, and I had to hack this girl's computer to get an IP address and password.

    After that, I was on these railroad tracks, which may have been at the top of the hill I was heading towards during the Holocaust dream. I was with Mom, and she was making a comment on all of the strange things going on recently (set in motion because of my meddling in the bathroom). She said it was the apocalypse. She started mentioning the seven signs of the apocalypse, which were somehow related to the 4chan thing, because I was looking them up or something. I wish I would have written down these signs, but all I wrote down to remind myself was "7 signs of apocalypse." I know one dealt with having seven waffles in one sitting. I thought to myself, "Let me guess, the seventh sign is that I'm dreaming, huh crazy Mom? Jeez, I really MUST be dreaming." Well, fuck. Again.

    Another part of this weird dream was that there was this really futuristic purple hover car, and Superman was driving it on this road (the road also could have been at the top of that hill) with this chick. The road was long and straight, with green pasture on either side. The girl looked exactly like a dude, but had a girly voice for a few seconds. So it was a dude down to the last detail, but it was DE that it was a girl. They got to this building, which was the only building for miles, and went in. It was like a hotel, except it lead into my house.


    I'm grabbing this fat chicks boobs. She's really old, I don't want to, but she's really desperate, and I make out with her a little bit. This is taking place in my old house, but not in any existing room. Then, I see Ms. Magro (student teacher from art. Cool gal) come in from one of those futuristic *schwop* doors. The door was on the landing on the step, where the china cabinet usually went. She says something like, "Do you guys have any important information?" I took one look at the fat chick, and said, "Yes we do." We didn't but I wanted Ms. Magro to come in the room so that I wouldn't have to make out with this old lady anymore. The information she was referring to was about some person that went missing, but is vital to winning in this battle for good that has been going on since the incident in the bathroom. Magically, we had important information to tell her when she came in, although we didn't when she asked. I said, "Yes, we know where he is." I got a hold of him on the phone, which was purple and futuristic like the car. The person turned out to be Rainn Wilson, and he answered his phone. The dream cut to a view of him driving the futuristic car on the straight road to no where. He looked at the caller ID, and seeing that it was Ms. Magro, answered the phone saying, "I told you I don't have anymore time." He then hung up, and it was DE that we couldn't call him anymore. It was also DE at this point that Rainn and Magro are ex-lovers. So it was a big misunderstanding, but now we have little hope for the good of humanity.

    The last thing I remember, and this part was VERY dramatic, and engaging, and engrossing upon waking, is being back in a building that had the bathroom from the first dream. It wasn't my old house anymore, and there was really only three rooms. One room had bunk beds, and dressers, and was pretty normal, except it had the same wooden style as the bathroom from the first dream. You could leave that room, and there was a DE hallway that I never saw. It led to the other two rooms. One room was the bathroom, and the other was this very strange, morgue-like room. The part with the TV and child actors might have occurred here, but I'm not sure, and pretty doubtful. Anyway, the characters in this part of the dream are four people. Two were the same person, which was some little boy with a come-to-the-side haircut, a white button-up shirt, and black shorts. He had brown hair, and I never got a good look at his face. The other two, have a great deal of mystery surrounding them. One was that weird-looking doctor with the white hair on the cover of the box for Operation. I leave the fourth character's description void for now. The boys passed the bathroom, and got to this weird morgue-room. It looked almost exactly like the bathroom, except there was no shower, no sink, no nothing, except for the drawers with the bodies in them. The non-main character boy saw the doctor open one of the drawers and take a body out. The body was the fourth character and was seen briefly and from behind. It was almost DE that it was the non-main character boy, but I'm unsure. The non-main boy, panicked, ran back to the bunk bed room, and started packing bags to leave because he was freaked out. Suddenly, I was in the place of the main character boy, and I asked in a panicked tone, "Calm down just tell me what you saw." I knew he saw the body, but I needed to know who it was, because this would decide the fate of the Good vs Bad war that I started way back in the beginning, and he uncovered some sort of evil plot. I thought he could have seen himself, but I had to be sure, I had to confirm it. I said again, "You need to tell me what you saw." It was all very rushed and urgent. He took one look at me, with his faceless face, and that was it. I woke up. This is one of those dreams, for me, that leaves you wondering, like the answer would have been this life changing thing. Although it doesn't compare to the secret basement door, which I will forever wonder about. Perhaps someday, I'll open it, and see what's on the other side.

    The characters seemed to morph because me and the other blue shirt during the Holocaust was also Superman and the man lady, and me and the old lady, and the two boys.

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