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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Haunted House. December 2nd, 2011

      by , 12-08-2011 at 11:43 PM
      Another quick summary.

      It was Anthony's birthday. He has had so many birthdays in my dreams that he'd be in his early thirties by now. Anyway, for some reason, my mom bought me gifts even though it was Anthony's birthday. I think Vinny came up to me at Anthony's party, where a bunch of people from my school were, and he told me about that my gift cost a lot. Other people didn't want him there because he wasn't invited, but I told them, "It's alright, he just needs to tell me something." I got two teddy bears that I wanted because they reminded me my childhood. Vinny told me that they cost around $200 each (I think it was actually $186 or something). I went to my mom and told her that she was crazy to spend that much on a teddy bear. I felt really bad because I felt responsible for making her spend so much money. I explained to her that they only made me nostalgic, and I didn't really need them. I also felt bad because she spent around $400 on something that would just sit around. Anyway, back at the party, Anthony's mom had to show me my room. Apparently I was staying there for a while.

      I was at my house, which was a combination of my old house, and a dream house I've never seen before. It was VERY haunted. I didn't want to go anywhere in this house alone because I was afraid. There were a lot of stairs in this house, as if the house would be 5 or 6 stories tall, with most of them being underground. I started out in the 3rd story or something, and I was running through the house, trying to get to the living room where everyone was. I finally made it to my kitchen, where I could see the key hook with my keys on them. This part of the house was haunted too, but a little less. I ran through the kitchen, to another set of stairs and ran up them to find a small room where Ashley and Matt were sitting on the couch, and my Grandmom was on the internet. My mom was outside of the room, and I told her I needed to go to Anthony's. She said I should take my key, but I asked her if I could just go without it, because I didn't want to go back through the haunted house. I was also without my shoes, and I didn't know where they were, and I wasn't about to go looking for them. I was getting frustrated because my mom wouldn't give in, and every second I was in the house felt life threatening because of the haunting. I took out my phone (which was an i-phone) and attempted to make a text message. I couldn't make a sentence, or a complete word for that matter. Upon waking, I realised that this was because full, written sentence and dreams don't mix, but while in the dream, I attributed this to the ghost. I was getting frustrated because I just wanted to leave. Suddenly I was in a different part of the house, and I felt a sense of dread (sleep paralysis) and I thought to myself, "This is the same way I feel in dreams." I hate my brain.
    2. Magical Adventure. December 1st, 2011

      by , 12-08-2011 at 11:41 PM
      Just a quick summary this time.

      First, Anthony turned into a hipster, and his mom had another baby. I had to feed the baby. So I went to the bathroom to get food. There was a little gnome in the bathroom, and, being an asshole gnome, decided to pee on me. I stood there for a little bit confused, then I decided to kick the shit out of this gnome. He was about the size of my foot, so it was very satisfying.

      Then I was in this waiting room for something. When it was finally my turn to go to wherever I was waiting for, this guy came up to me and led me through the building's hallways. He looked like Jeff Mangum of Neutral Milk Hotel (I don't even like that band). Anyway, he leads me on this grand adventure. Before I know it, I'm with three other people (one boy, two girls) and we are on this journey to somewhere. The whole thing had a very magical vibe to it, like I was inside a story book or a children's movie. Eventually we were all standing at this man-made cliff, and down below I could see a melancholy view of the ocean, where the wild wind blew the water away from the rocks to reveal fish flopping below them, and dead birds (huh?) spread about. One of the girls had transformed into an alligator with two propellers on its back. We all had umbrellas. Mine was really short, so I had to use a pole extension. Our umbrellas were inside out, and the plan was that we were going to use them to fly to our next destination. I asked, "Fly? Like in a movie?" The guy turned to me and said, "Like in-" I don't remember what he said. We all flipped our umbrellas so that they weren't inside out anymore. Now there was only me, the guy, and two other people. We were suddenly on this grassy path in an urban city, like in London or something. There was a metal fence to our left. To fly, we had to use the umbrella as if it was a wing, and we had to flap. It wasn't working so well, and we couldn't get the hang of it. Now, I had two umbrellas, and I had to flipped them around to fly. I started to get off the ground, and I was floating above the fence, but slowly. There was a storage/mail truck about 100 feet away, and it was DE that we needed to make it to this truck and stow away to our next destination. Everyone else got to the truck before me. I finally got there just in time. In the truck, there were a bunch of foam packages that a machine pushed into the truck and then packed them against the wall. I got in just in time before one went through, and it shoved me against the wall, where I was hidden behind the package. I woke up here. The machine and truck were making this weird noise like a turkey mixed with a squeaky hydraulic.
    3. The Triple Worm Virus. November 30th, 2011

      by , 12-01-2011 at 07:38 PM
      First, was a short dream in which I was in a small room with a computer. The room was very dark and messy with books and things strewn about. It looked as if it was a room belonging to an absent-minded mad genius. On the computer I was live chatting with Ashley and Kayla. The picture on the computer was very strange. I'm sure there's a word for what it looked like, but I don't know it. Ashley's face looked very shiny, but like if you were looking at your reflection in a steamy mirror. For some reason, the topic of clear skin came up, and because of the picture, we all looked like we had perfect skin. I said that if you just don't touch your face, you are less likely to get zits, but I don't think she heard me. Then, Kayla started talking. She was in the room with Ashley, but off-screen. She didn't really say anything, but it was DE that she did. Then, I think I went through the computer screen to get to the room where Ashley was, and I think I had a huge bucket of water that I brought with me. I remember seeing Kayla.

      Next, I was in math class, but it was only math class as far as the title went. What we were doing the whole time was this mystery lesson, where hints were given in the textbook about what the culprit looked like, and someone in the class would fit the description. The classroom looked normal, except for an extra room in the back. The teacher, who kept morphing between Mrs. Enders, Mrs. Bell, and Mrs. Murphy, went first. After each description, she got closer to who the "culprit" was. The first person was Kyle. Then he would read the description. The next person was Dasha. When she was reading the description, I didn't want the culprit to be me. I remember that almost everyone in class was wearing a green shirt, and that was one of the biggest things in the descriptions. Unfortunately, I was chosen next. I don't remember what happened immediately next, but I remember after that, everyone was on this giant stage of some sort, and we were cutting logs with dynamite. They would place one stick of dynamite next to the top of the log (it was laying down), one next to the middle, and one next to the other end. Then, they would place another stick on the other side of the log wherever they already placed one. When the sticks exploded, they would create 3 smaller logs (although it should have been 4). I suggested cutting two logs at once. So we would be using 9 sticks of dynamite for two logs, instead of 12 for two. I had to explain to them (I don't know who) that the sticks of dynamite would be in the same spots they are going now, but with the addition of 3 sticks placed in the crease that two logs made when they were next to each other. We tried this out, and we got 8 smaller logs when they exploded.

      The last dream was pretty long, and it branched off from the log/math class dream because the room was the same. It started out in the extra room from the math class dream. There was nothing in this room except walls, and a door leading outside. But anyway, we were under attack by aliens, and I was with Ephraim, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny (from South Park). I headed outside, and I realised that I wasn't wearing any shoes, and neither was anyone else. The place we were at looked like a futuristic alien society. There were tons of skyscraper-like structure built out of pink stone, and there were cobblestones everywhere. The path we emerged on led forward for as far as we could see, but there were right turns and left turns we could take if we wanted to. Since I wasn't wearing any shoes, the ground was rough on my feet. Even though this was an urgent situation, I turned to Stan and said, "Let me go inside and get my shoes real quick." For the longest time, I couldn't find my shoes. When I finally did find them, there were spike traps inside them, set by the aliens. It was DE that we did something similar to them, and they were returning the favor. The spike traps in question looked like half a sphere with spiky needles emerging all around it, except for on the flat bottom. That's what they looked like when they weren't set. When the traps were set, they were just folded inside out (the flat bottom was folded up), so that they looked like spherical bowls with needles inside them. These traps were placed in my shoes so that my heels would get messed up.The first shoe I tried to put on stuck my foot in the very center. I was worried that maybe the aliens poisoned the tips or something. But anyway, I took the trap out, and took the trap out of the other shoe. I tried to put them on, but I was having trouble. For some reason, I couldn't figure out which way they went on, and I finally realised that they were backwards, with the tip of the shoe being the entrance, and the back housing my toes. I fixed them, and I put them on properly. Then I suddenly had a third leg, and I had to put on another shoe. This particular shoe looked...medical. It looked like it was on a crutch or something, and it was very old and brown and ragged, and also looked almost like an old rugby shoe. When I put it on, I headed back outside, and my third leg disappeared. When I got back I said, "Sorry I took so long, I couldn't-" Stan interrupted me, "Where were you? Kenny is dead and Ephraim has a disease!" I remember that when he told me that Kenny was dead, I thought to myself that he always dies, so it wasn't a big deal, but I didn't say this to Stan. We headed back inside. Now, the room had a very jungle/rainforest-like atmosphere, with cracked stone walls and overgrown vines everywhere. I went over to Ephraim, who looked very sick, but was still in high spirits, and he pulled up his shirt, and on his back were all of the symptoms of what he had, listed in blue ink (because of the disease). Apparently he had the "triple worm virus", or the "sudden awareness virus". Out of the LONG list of symptoms, I remember: Extra pain sense (every sense comes with a little pain, like touching a soft surface, or hearing something), sudden awareness (suddenly coming to. exhibited later), extra, or misplaced consciousness (because of the worm becoming part of you), and one just said "organ" (because of the worm becoming part of you). Ephraim and I thought the organ one was pretty funny because it was so vague. Suddenly the four of us were walking along a path in a Wal-Mart/jungle-like place. It was DE that Ephraim's condition was getting really bad, and he was pretty much a walking zombie. But for a little while, he was exhibiting no symptoms. We walked along this path, and there were crates of water and bananas all along the side. Since Ephraim was fine, he picked up some crates for us to bring along on the adventure we were on. He took a big drink from one of the crates, emphasizing that he was feeling great now. As we walked further, the path slowly morphed into a Wal-Mart isle. We all knew that Ephraim, if he was really better, would want to eat as well. We passed a bunch of food and cereal to our right, with Ephraim not even saying anything, much less getting something to eat. We passed Life cereal, and it was supposed to be this big thing that he passed up Life cereal. Anyway, Ephraim was walking in front of us, and when he didn't get any Life cereal, we realised something was wrong. Since he was in front of us, we couldn't see his face. I walked around him to look at him, and he looked like a zombie. His eyes were white, his skin was ragged with sores, and his expression was lifeless. We realised that he just exhibited the "sudden awareness" symptom. The symptom was that he would have points where he would suddenly feel better, as if nothing was wrong. Next thing I know, we are walking through Wal-Mart looking for a doctor. We all kept our distance from Ephraim, who I kept looking back at. Every two seconds, he would give a "UUUUUuhhhhGGgghhu," and it was very eerie. Eventually, after a long search, we found doctor, who had to walk with us, who we explained our situation to. As we discussed Ephraim's condition, the doctor asked us when he usually becomes aware. Ephraim, being suddenly aware, answered, "it usually happens right after a Zelda game comes out." The doctor then asked, "Did you perform any rituals when you found out about his condition?" It was then DE that we did, even though we originally didn't. The doctor's suggestion was to go back and undo the ritual. I thought that this wasn't going to be enough to save Ephraim, but then the doctor mentioned something about the letter "G". It was DE that part of the ritual had something to do with a word that ended in a "G". We didn't find the last "G", so we had to go undo the ritual, then find the letter, and then that would supposedly do that trick.

      I woke up at 11:30. I would have went back to sleep, but I got to bed late this night, and this was only my first round of detailed dreams (I usually have 2-3). If I went back to sleep, I would have gotten out of bed at like 2 or 3 PM.
    4. Batman and Soul Mates. November 29th, 2011.

      by , 11-30-2011 at 09:02 PM
      I had some apple cinnamon oatmeal before bed this night, and I think it helped because while I only had three dreams, really, they were pretty long and vivid.

      The first dream started out with me at school, trying to buy Yu-Gi-Oh cards, of all things. I had to take them to Mrs. Gunther-Brown to pay for them. For some reason though, I needed an ID to make my purchase. "No problem,' I thought, "I have my driver's license right here." I pulled out my wallet, and opened it up and showed her. (Also at this point, it was now DE that she was just checking to make sure I had everything. I had to go pay for these somewhere else). She took one look at it, and told me my license wasn't there. I looked for myself and, disappointed, I remember I left it at home because I didn't want to lose it or something. She told me, "I guess you could still TRY to buy them," implying that they might forget to check for ID. Suddenly I was sitting in my desk. I guess you could call this a separate dream, but I don't think it was. It was DE that I had dated Kate, and we broke up, and she was in my class. It was the end of the day, and we were all just waiting for the bell that signaled our leave. Many of the kids in class were up and walking in an orderly fashion around the whole room. There were some kids, like myself, Kate, and some others, that didn't join in. My desk was positioned by the back wall, with just enough space between my back and the wall for people to pass through. As the kids walked behind me, Amanda (I think that was her name) tousled my hair as she passed, which was really out of character for her, because she was really shy in school. For some reason this was a big deal to everyone in class, and the students were all like, "Ooooo, guess who has a crush on Chris." Amanda and I knew that she didn't mean anything by it. Rachel was one of the students that was walking around the room, and to take attention off of Amanda and I, she tousled my hair as well when she walked by, as if to show that it wasn't a big deal. I didn't get a chance to thank her. But anyway everyone forgot about the incident when the bell rang and we started home. Somehow I ended up walking with Kate. I think we were just headed the same way, and I didn't want to walk 5 feet behind her the whole time, so I ended up walking with her. It was pretty awkward, since we already broke up and everything, but I tried to make the best of it. I tried to lighten things with some jokes, but she didn't get them, and that just made things more awkward. There was snow on the ground, and we couldn't see the pavement. There were no houses or trees around, either, but eventually we made it to her house. Her mother wasn't there, but her dad was, and this was the first time I was meeting him, even though I already dated his daughter. I knew that he knew I already hurt her by breaking up with her, and I felt pretty bad about it. When I went to shake his hand (my hands were wet for some reason) and properly introduce myself, I knew his thoughts were, "Oh, so THIS is Chris." Her house was pretty small. We were gathered in her kitchen, which had pale and brown tiles on the floor, and cartoonishly red walls. There were three doorways to the room; the way we came in, one leading to a living room, and one leading to the backyard. The one leading to the backyard was at the end of the room opposite where we came in, and by that door on its right, there was the stove on the wall coming towards us. To the left of the door was a wall with various knick-knacks. Next to the stove was the sink, and then the fridge. To our immediate left was the door leading to the living room. Kate's dad was opposite the side of the stove, where there was a small cafe table and a single bar stool in the corner which her dad sat on. Her dad was a pretty big guy. He was wearing a white tee shirt, which I probably could have fit my entire body in. Sitting down, he was taller than me. He had dark, curly hair, and an Italian mustache. After I introduced myself, which made things more awkward than they already were, their weiner dog ran into the room. Kate's dad took out a pack of twizzlers and fed one to the dog. Suddenly Kate and I were in her bathroom. We were flossing, and since I was still being awkward and nervous, I couldn't get a string of floss out of the container. When I finally did, it was all messed up and tangled. At this point, I think we were back together, and I told Kate, "I'm awkward right now, but once we get to know each other better, I won't be as awkward." Out of nowhere, we were suddenly on a cruise ship, and Kate was replaced with Chrissy, although she was supposed to be the same person. At this point in our relationship, we realised that we were soul mates or some shit like that, like it was destiny that we ended up together. Anyway, the whole time we were walking around the cruise ship, the view in my dream was very zoomed out, and I could see the whole cruise ship, surrounded by dark, night waters. Chrissy and I were about half the size of the ship, since my perception was skewed since my view was zoomed out so much. In little time, the cruise ship was ready to "take off". Without notifying us, the middle of the ship was covered in a giant cap in preparation to zoom beneath the seas. We had to hurry beneath it before the ship dove down. Before we could get under the cap, the ship turned around. Chrissy and I held on tight as the ship spun with force. It turned around so fast that at some points, one whole side of the ship would be underwater. Even though it was turning fast, it took a long while to make a full 180. When it was finally done, Chrissy and I hurried to the cap in the middle of the ship. We unclipped the lock and hinged the cap open. We got underneath and closed it up. Since we were big, we took up the whole space underneath the cap, as if we were sitting underneath a giant, overturned bowl. There was very little light under the cap, and we could only make out each other's silhouettes through the yellowish conversion of light through the top of the cap. Strangely enough, there was a sense of danger in the air, and we embraced each other for the duration of the ride. When we arrived at our destination, we entered a room that seemed to be an inside dock. We were normal-sized now, and as everyone was leaving the ship, some people were being separated, with some being sent to the left, and some to the right. Everyone was wearing jumpsuits, the color of which being between red and orange. There was a conveyor belt that we stood on as we exited the ship, not unlike those found in airports, that brought us to the wall on the other side of the room. The conveyor belt split in two when it reached the wall, and that was how people were separated. The room wasn't as big as you would imagine for an inside dock. The walkway leading to the far wall was only about 25 feet long, and the total length of the wall was about 50 feet. There were two doors (one on the far right and one on the far left) and it seemed that girls were sent to the left and boys to the right. The room had large, orange, metal support beams on the left and right where the dock wasn't. But anyway, Chrissy and I were separated. The last part of this dream that I remember was that I was with a large group of boys (since we were grouped together), and we were gathered around a doorway watching live anime (although I don't understand how that's possible). Adam was there. We knew that we weren't supposed to be goofing off and having fun, but this was all we had.

      The next dream I had sort of comes from the last one, in that we were trapped against our will, but it has nothing else to do with the previous dream. In this dream, Brian was evil (why is he evil in my dreams?) and he was keeping Sean and I, and some other people I think, in this house that looked kind of like my cousin's old house in Philly. I wrote down "slave" in my dream journal. I don't know this is really an accurate word to describe the situation Sean and I were in, but it's the first to come to mind. After we were already being held there for a while, one day, while Brian was out, I found out that Sean had been selling weed this whole time. He told me he makes about "$130.00 per box" and I asked him how many box he sells a day. He told me that on a good day, he'll sell up to 5 boxes. I went over to where Sean does his business. In his room, out the window, you could see a single telephone pole with a box on a small platform attached to it. Outside looked post-apocalyptic. The sky was red, the ground was black, and the telephone pole was broken and slanted. On the box, a white dove had made a nest. This dove was Sean's and he trained it to carry the weed and the money back and forth. My dream showed me a shot of what it would look like when the bird carried weed back over to the window. There was just a green orb around the dove. The orb looked like it had been scribbled with crayon by a five-year-old. The closer the bird got to the window, the smaller the orb became. Just then, I heard the door open. I panicked (since we weren't supposed to be doing this) and told Sean that someone was coming home, and we need to hide stuff. There wasn't enough time, and we both were really worried. Luckily, it wasn't Brian. It was Butch, who headed upstairs. Relieved, I went to my room, which was my old room. It was DE that we weren't allowed to listen to music, or shower, but we found ways around those things. For instance, I had this device that I needed to press my bare foot against, and it would play Beatles music.

      Before I woke up, I dreamed that I was writing all of this down in my dream journal. I woke up at 8:30, and went back to sleep.

      The last dream I had was pretty cool. For starters, I was Batman. I could just end this entry right here, and I'd be satisfied, but I'll keep going. I was lying in a hospital bed because my back and my leg had been broken for the past few months. This was the day I was finally leaving the place. Since I was gone for so long, a new Batman had taken my place. My muscles were also very weak. I tried to stand, and I could barely stay up. There was a kid in the room near me, and it was his birthday. Anyway, there was evil afoot, and I had to spring into action, which was very hard given my weak condition. The kid with the birthday and his mom ran out of the hospital through a long tunnel (like in Star Fox 64) and I had to struggle to keep up with them. We ended outside a school-looking place with a large field of grass. There was a giant pseudobot that was powering up in the field. I finally caught up with the boy and his mom. They were climbing onto the pseudobot and I was inches behind them. We were really high up. There was a riddle we had to solve in order for the thing to not power up all the way. For the riddle, we had a controller with a single button on it. Around us, in the field, there were several parking-meter-shaped poles circling around us. We had to point to controller at the right one and press the button to save ourselves.We were given a hint. The hint was, "Aim for the evening." It was morning at the time, and I noticed that the sun was coming up. Just then I realised; the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If we could find which pole was furthest west, we could defeat this pseudobot. I had little time, and I had to jump down to the ground so I could aim for the right pole. The kid's mother was worried about me and said that I could be injured all over again. I told her not to worry. "I'll land on my back," I told her to keep her mind at ease. I told her this as if it wasn't my back that was broken, and as if it would provide a soft landing. Either way, we ended up on the ground, and I faced away from the sun. I narrowed my decision down to three of the poles. If I chose the wrong one, the pseudobot would spring to action and kill us all. I faced the sun directly, and turned around to reassure my decision. Now it was between two poles. While the boy and his mom were trying to help by deciding between the two, I decided that it had to be the pole in the middle of the initial three I suspected to be possible choices. I told them, "I am positive that the correct answer is this pole here," and I pointed to the pole. I told them, "I won't press the button unless we all agree on this. We are all in this together." The button on the controller was a lot more sensitive than I thought it was, and I accidentally pressed it. Luckily, I was pointing to the right pole as it was pressed. A spray of green light was emitted from the controller and it surrounded the pole. For some reason, our efforts failed, and I had to fight the pseudobot, although it was in a weakened state. Its head was a giant tube-like structure that was surrounded by rocket launchers, with a space in the middle (inside the tube) where there was orange, organic matter. There was a pattern to its cycle of attacks, and I took advantage of this.

      This is where I woke up =(

      I'd go into detail on what the pseudobot looked like, but I'm pressed for time right now.
    5. Death Discs and Boring Conversation. November 28th, 2011

      by , 11-30-2011 at 07:31 AM
      Involuntary WBTB around 5:30, which was too soon, and I stayed awake for about an hour, which is too long.

      No LD.

      First, I was in this hotel-looking place. I was with a bunch of people, none of whom I recognised, but I knew that I didn't fit in with their crowd. The room was very well-lit, thanks to the large window that occupied the entire wall we all faced. There were various blandly-colored chairs and plastic plants placed around the grey room. The group of people and I were all gathered around the window, and looking at a person floating next to the building we were in. It seemed we were pretty high up, like if we were in a skyscraper. The person flying next to the building was pretty far away, but I could make out his flamboyant, super hero-ish outfit. What he was doing was creating these energy discs that he chucked at us vertically. When they came whizzing towards us, they would instantly and very cleanly cut through anything they touched, but then the object that was cut would automatically reassemble, as if nothing had happened. The rest of the group I was with were anticipating these discs, like it was fun when they cut through them, but I was understandably cautious, and did not want those things chopping me up. I was in the middle of the crowd, and I noticed that the floating guy was throwing these discs, and from my right to my left, so he could get everyone. I took advantage of this pattern, and tried to time them so I could hop between them safely to the right, and away from the room. I almost jumped too soon the first time, and I had to quickly jump back before one disc caught my head. There was little time between this disc and the next one, and I had to shift my momentum forward to be able to escape this one as well. I got out just in time, with only a rip in the back of my shirt.

      Next, the cast of Everybody Loves Raymond was standing on top of a square platform with sewer water below them. There was another similar platform adjacent to the one they were on. The background to this part of the dream had dirty orange and green colors, and the cast didn't pay attention to this, and just went about their business. I don't remember what they were talking about, but eventually, Raymond turned into a pig, and fell down a sewer grate on the second square platform. Frank then morphed into a pig as well (although he had an apple in his mouth), and went after him. The sewer grate led to a series of see-through tubes that the two were just zipping through, like some sort of carnival ride, with the occasional build up of dirty garbage water, where everyone held their breath through. Soon, my dream forgot all about Raymond, and it was just watching Frank, the pig, sliding through the tubes. There were a lot of parts of the tubes that went through strange places. One part was a supermarket, in the frozen food section. Right where one of the glass doors would be was the tube that came through the floor, around one of the doors, and then back into the ground. The dream only showed a glimpse of this part, with Frank flying through the tube. There was also a dream with the best train conductor in the world, but I don't remember it.

      There was one dream I vaguely remember where I had to get ready to go somewhere, and I shaved off all of my body hair. The hair on my head was blue, and I was procrastinating something. Meg from Family Guy was there. Coffee had something to do with this dream too. In the end, I was embarrassed or something because I did all of this for nothing. I forget.

      Lastly, I was at some sort of newspaper stand, and there was a giant stack of video game pamphlets or something. They were red and black on the front, and were reserved for people who work for IGN. I was talking to some guy with a coffee and a soft pretzel I think. He made an exception for me, and I took a pamphlet and did a "game of the year" review. There were also meatball sandwiches that were "not for guests." Suddenly, I was in Anthony's kitchen, and his house looked kind of like his grandparent's house, but the table was on the wrong side of the room, and the doorways leading to the living room were too...unrealistic? But anyway, we were eating meatball sandwiches, which were delicious because of the sauce, and we were talking. There was some other third person there, but I don't remember who it was. It may have been Matt. The subject of a Sony Super Smash Bros came up and I asked if Sonic was still going to be in it, since he's not a Nintendo character. I got a yes, and I said, "Who is going to replace the rest of the characters?" I'm sure I got a list of characters, but I don't remember who they were. I asked if Mega Man was going to be in it, and the other guy who was there said yes, but I knew he was talking about some other Mega Man. I thought to myself, "Oh, wait. THAT guy is Mega Man, too." I clarified and asked if Protoman (huh?) was going to be in it. I turned to Matt and said I should have said Mega Man Volnutt, because then they would know who I was talking about. Anthony and I went to sit down at the table. His brother and his sister were there, and we were all listening to the radio. The radio was on the table with a big plate of roast beef, and I was flipping through the channels. I wasn't hearing anything I particularly liked, but I knew the Jazz station was coming up. Just as I thought, it was the next one that came on. I knew that his brother would probably complain about it, so I kept flipping through the channels after i gave a look of "cool, jazz. Too bad we can't listen to it right now" to Anthony, and he returned to look. We settled on this one channel, and Anthony was sitting across from me. As if he was answering a question, Anthony said, "Yeah, this is Bob Cole." I called him an idiot and said, "No, this is Bob Dylan, you idiot." I changed the channel again, and American Idol came on and the radio started flashing red and blue, like a police car, because I guess those are the show's colors in my subconscious. Suddenly I was in the mall with Matt and the other kid. We were all sitting at a table chatting. I got up to walk around and put a coat on. I went back to the table we were at and I picked a piece of bread, and held it in my mouth while I continued to put my coat on.
    6. School's Out. November 27th, 2011

      by , 11-28-2011 at 09:27 PM
      I slept over Alec's this night, so I didn't get to record anything down (of course on a day I have a bunch of dreams), but I remember some stuff. Hopefully it will come back to me as I'm typing this up. (It didn't).

      The dream I remember the most is this one where I was at school, and it was on the verge of being taken over by a swarm of thorny vines. We all needed to get out because once these vines took over the place, we could never escape. I vaguely remember a mine cart in one of the rooms or something, and it may have had something to do with our escape. But anyway, eventually, after a bunch of stuff I don't recall, I was outside the school. There was still a little bit of time left, and I knew that there were a lot of people in there that weren't going to make it. I summoned up the courage to go back inside and save some people. The one I was after was Jenn. She was with some other people on one of the mine carts, so they came too. We got outside just in time, and I thought about all of the people I couldn't save, and I also thought about all of the stuff that I left inside the school.

      There's a glimpse I remember of this dream where I am in this record store and Lindsay happened to be there. She was complaining about all of the records being mainstream, and I muttered that she shouldn't be talking, because that's all she listens to.
    7. Strange Closet. November 26th, 2011

      by , 11-27-2011 at 10:16 PM
      There won't be much today because my mom woke me up early.

      First, there was this dream where Anthony and I were in this Egyptian pyramid. We were in a golden, stone hallway just hanging out. Behind me, there were two sarcophagi, although I never actually looked at them. There was a supporting pillar in front of me, and the place was lit by many torches. I went around the pillar because it was in my way, just in time to see Anthony do this weird ballet jump. I looked at him and said, "What the hell was that?" We both laughed and this became an inside joke. We both then did a bunch of half-assed mock ballet jumps to make fun of him.

      There was one dream that involved a game show I think, and Butch was there, but I don't remember the details.

      The next dream I had took place at this lady's house (may have been Ms. Ward). She was either a friend of Mom, or some relative. We were on a road trip to various states that had family in them, and Mom and this lady, who was very big and in a red sweater, were talking about where she would go next, and how long each trip would take. I don't remember the exact states, but I knew that there was one we could have went to out west that would take 18 hours to get to. There was another one more south that would take around 14 hours. Mom thought these rides were too long, and the lady mentioned that it was only 8 hours to New York (we were already somewhere west of New Jersey). To emphasize how easy the trip was, the lady mentioned that we would only have to "land the plane right on the bay." When I heard this, I became slightly apprehensive about the trip. I didn't want to get all of my bags and everything wet. This whole time, Sean and I were eating platefuls of meat. There were ribs, meatballs, pork, and other stuff. The meatballs were the most important, like they were the lady's specialty or something. Sean was having a hard time getting some of the meat off of the fat from the ribs, and to show him that he had to use his hands, I ripped a big chunk of meat from one of the ribs, and showed him, as if to make him jealous that I was doing it right or something. The plates of meat were on the counter of the kitchen we were in. The whole room had a very cozy vibe to it, with the walls being dark in color, and all the cabinets having a log cabin aesthetic. The counter that had the plates had doorways to the left and right of it. The one to the right led to some sort of living room, where I could vaguely make out a fireplace (I think). The doorway to the left was very dark, and I couldn't see where it led, but I knew that it wrapped around to the other room. There was a giant table behind me when I was facing the counter, and that was where Sean and I were eating. There was also a counter/table in the middle of the kitchen (one that you could walk around), and that was where Mom and this lady talked. The house looked very nice.

      I might have had a false awakening here, because I think I looked at the clock, and I saw that it was 4 pm. I thought to myself out of frustration, "how is that possible? I didn't want to sleep that long, but I'm still tired." Then I went back "to sleep".

      In the last dream I had this night, there was an eerie closet in my room where my dresser would be. my room looked pretty much the same except that next to the door to my room, there was another door that led to this enormous walk-in closet, which looked a lot more like an empty basement than a closet. Inside, there was just a big, empty space with mirrors on all of the walls. The room inside was about 20 feet by 20 feet (however, I'm bad at guessing measurements) and had about 6 dusty, old support beams scattered around evenly. One of my cats kept going in there, although I don't think this really had anything to do with the dream, so much as it just being something the cat would do. Mom thought the room was haunted, and I didn't want to go in there, mostly out of the fact that it was completely dark in there, and just creepy looking. I'm sure there was a door to the room, but it was always open, or maybe there were saloon doors or something. But anyway, whenever I tried to look inside the room, I couldn't see anything, as if I had taken my glasses off, and my room suddenly became dimly lit.

      Mom woke me up around the second or third time the cat went into the closet.

      Also, I wrote down "club/closet in room" so I guess it was also a club of some sort at one point, although I don't remember that part.
    8. Trip To Paris. November 25th, 2011

      by , 11-27-2011 at 07:34 AM
      This was a nap I took from 1pm-5:30pm. I pulled another all-nighter this night. Gotta stop with that.

      First, I was on the internet with this chick. She seemed really interested in me, and we were going to go to Paris together. Tickets to Paris were only $1.04 per person, and I was going to go without even telling my parents. I forget why, but something happened and the girl from the internet suddenly thought I was a creep or something. There was more to this dream, but I only wrote down vague notes.

      Then, it was the last day of school, and I was in a class taught by Madame Arcusi. The class was very large, and pretty much my whole graduating class was in there (DE). I was being very annoying the whole time, because I just wanted to get out of there and go to Paris. I knew everyone was getting annoyed, but I didn't care, and I said something like, "Everyone is listening to-" Then I corrected myself, "Everyone is hearing me complain and make annoying noises on purpose." Kate, who was sitting next to me kept asking me to stop. The teacher kept morphing into different people. It started with Madame Arcusi, then they might have been Mrs. Gunther-Brown, but I know at one point they were Mr. Yourison and I remember him coming over to my desk and I was worried he would find something (can't remember what) so I distracted him or something, and he talked to the kid next to me. Behind my desk was a large window, which sometimes led to another classroom, and sometimes showed a go-kart course, depending on when you looked at it. When it was another classroom, I remember seeing this girl who kind of looked like Nicole, but I don't think it was her. When we were finally leaving the school, I mentioned to Kate (but mostly offhandedly to the class) that I finally get to go to Paris now, and she said it was pretty cool.

      In the last part of the dream, I was finally in Paris, but I found out that my $1.04 ticket only got me the most run-down room in this hotel. The hotel had nice rooms, but the quality of your room was determined by the amount of money you paid. Outside didn't even look like Paris, by the way. It looked more like a park in Philadelphia in the fall. But anyway, at this point in the dream, I was just watching, and my character had morphed into Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. His room was just this one bed suspended on this platform on a really high ceiling. The bed had a lever that flipped him forward so he would be facing the other side of the bed. Since this was Carl, he was fine with having a crappy hotel room if it meant he was in Paris, and he was trying to justify it by saying that he'll get bed in breakfast, and that he could put a newspaper on the other side of the bed so that he could pull the lever and switch activities quickly. He kept pulling the lever and saying, "See? Breakfast, newspaper! Breakfast, newspaper!"

      Updated 11-27-2011 at 09:40 PM by 50698

    9. November 19th?, 2011

      by , 11-26-2011 at 08:13 AM
      Pulled a few all-nighters here and there, along with sleeping out, so I haven't recorded many dreams. I have three entries that I need to write down though.

      Don't expect good detail or anything. Probably won't remember these too well by now anyway. These will probably just be quick summaries.

      First, there was this part where I was with some people from school. Ephraim was there. We were at a tennis court, and I remember this one part where Eprhaim, Donovan, Nick and I did this group beat box thing.

      One dream had this crazy lady, and I was in her house. She owned a bunch of these realistic-looking dolls, and she left the room, leaving me alone with them. I noiced there were security cameras all around the room, hidden among all of the dolls. This freaked me out.

      Then, I was in my backyard with Ashley, her boyfriend, and some of her friends. We had ordered a trampoline, and a keg. I suggested that we move the trampoline further away from the porch just in case our parents get home. I get frustrated because no one is listening. So I take one of the kegs out front, which looks nothing like my house, and I take it to the curb where this guy is. The guy is a construction worker who recently lost his wife. The dream then cuts to this tribute song he made for his wife with a bunch of co-workers. The song is in a video game (Rayman) on one of the hardest levels. Then I almost accidentally let this little kid drive. Weird stuff.

      There was also this dream where Anthony and I were going on this really long road trip. We were driving a school bus. We pulled up to this one store in like Tennessee or something to make a pit stop and I see Jenn and Kate there, and I remember thinking something like, "What are the chances?" Debbie was there...somewhere.
    10. Waiting For The End. November 18, 2011

      by , 11-20-2011 at 05:33 AM
      I pulled an all-nighter on the 17th, so I didn't do a dream journal entry. This night, I was planning on just taking a break, but I felt I needed to write down this dream. I had other dreams, but this one stood out.

      I'm probably missing a few details, but this is the general gist of it.

      The dream started out, and I was this character in a TV show. I'm pretty sure I was Robert DeNiro. The dream started in the middle of the show, so I didn't know what was going on. This black guy, who I think was my partner, was standing next to me, and we were talking to this guy in front of us, who was supposed to be giving us orders or something. We were in this well-lit room with blue pipes all around. Anyway, the guy giving us orders said, "So then, we gotta go after him, and beat him up." I interrupted him with, "I'm sorry, who's 'him'? I just got here, so I don't know the plot or what's going on." He specified that it was just this guy who we needed to beat up. I wasn't okay with that. So then we're walking through the halls of my school, which is like a mix between my high school and my elementary school, and I'm trying to avoid this group I'm supposed to be with to beat up the guy. My dream cut to a shot of them beating up this random guy, and he was pinned down in this circle they formed. I knew I was breaking this HUGE rule by not helping them, so I was getting a little scared. While avoiding them and trying to get away, I ran into Kate in the hall. She was confused and I was a little distraught so I began explaining to her, "Look, I was watching this show, and then I was in the show, but my character was having this dream where he was watching the show too, so we both didn't know what was going on, but now I'm not with them, and I'm supposed to be and they might come after me and so we probably need to hide." At this point I wasn't DeNiro anymore. But anyway, we go to this room and we build these large, wooden, towering platforms, which were layered on top of each other. The entrance to the room we were in was down a flight of stairs and through a door. I knew we weren't hidden very well. The room itself was too large to be inside any building, and instead of a ceiling, you could see the night sky through these branches and leaves. There were stacks and stacks of random objects and items (TV's, paint cans, old furniture, wooden scraps) off to the right, and there was a large, pink/violet, window to the left which seemed to be a shimmering, physical embodiment of magic. The platforms we built were very tall, and we hid on the top one. We had all of these bags of money, and we spread them around the top platform with us, and our plan was that if they entered the room to look for us, we would lay down flat on the platform, and for some reason this was supposed to make us hidden.

      Anyway, we stayed hidden on that platform for a few days, although the sky remained night. Over the course of the days, Kate and I stayed mostly silent towards each other, although there was this strange, emotional connection between us that I wouldn't describe as love or friendship, but they are the first words that come to mind. Really, it felt like a pure feeling of familiarity, or just a "knowing" feeling. At the same time it felt like she was rejecting a love that I didn't even have for her. Better put, we knew that we were going to die, and because of this, we felt closer, although we didn't love each other. This feeling seemed to alternate with an unrequited love feeling. It was very strange. As the days passed, Kate and I got intimate a few times, perhaps out of boredom, and there was always a sense of doom in the air, as if I was just waiting for them to find us and kill us. I was sad and a little worried, but I knew there was nothing we could do about it. This is what was going to happen, no buts about it. Sometimes, it seemed like I knew this wasn't going to end well, but as far as she was concerned, things weren't that bad. Kate seemed unhappy for the whole time we stayed on that platform, and while there were times where we would just lay down, her head upon my shoulder, and gaze up at the night sky, it was like she only did this because she knew that this was the last moments of her life. A feeling of dread overthrew any feeling of love, or familiarity I may have felt in the dream, because I knew I got us into this mess, and it was all my fault that she was going to die. I remember on one of the days, I found these capsules. Each capsule, when used, would fire off like a rocket into the sky and explode like a firework. It was very pretty. I showed these to Kate to try to cheer her up, but it didn't work.

      On the final day, we heard a group of people coming down the stairs. Kate and I laid down on the platform like our original plan, although I knew this wasn't going to really keep us hidden for long. I felt such sorrow and guilt for dragging her into this. The group entered the room, and looked around for a bit. They were all wearing these police-like uniforms, with astronaut helmets that had police lights on top. Their heads were very round, and their bodies were very cartoonishly shaped. After a few tense seconds, they looked up, and saw us. They started shooting at us with these guns that weren't flamethrowers, but shot flames. The flames hit some of the paint cans, and they exploded as if they were reserves of gasoline. Kate and I were immediately set on fire, and melted in the most violent and gruesome display of death I had ever dreamed of.

      After this, I awoke on top of the platform, in daylight (still dreaming), with Kate nowhere in sight. I was a little confused and worried about this, but I knew it was only a matter of time before the group comes and destroys the place, and my priority was leaving. As I climbed down from the platform, I felt guilty. I felt like I was cheating Kate, and just leaving her there, even though I knew she wasn't there. I felt like a hypocrite, as if I kept her there because we had no choice but to die, but here I was climbing down to leave. When I reached the bottom, I walked over to the giant window and opened it. I looked back at the platform, which was now two couches on the ground with blankets on them. One blanket in particular looked as if someone had just gotten out of it, with one corner folded open. Running out of time, I quickly ran over to it, scrambled it around so that it looked like it had been there for ages (dream logic), and ran back to window. I thought about hanging off of the ledge of the window until they came and went, but then I noticed this floating, translucent, magic block that I could stand on. It was the same, shimmering, pink/violet color of the window. I climbed on top of it. I looked back at the room, where I could see the group now entering. Then I looked up at the moon while the block ascended into the stars.
    11. Birthdays And Bathrooms. November 16th, 2011

      by , 11-17-2011 at 07:43 PM
      I think it's safe to say that my dry spell of dreams is about over. I even remember the order of most of the dreams. Also I'm feeling better, so I will try a WBTB next night.

      I also did a reality check, and I may have been lucid for a few seconds. Unfortunately, on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the most lucid, I'd say I was around 1 or 2, but since I'm not sure if I was actually lucid, I'm not going to mark this down as a lucid dream.

      First, I was at Alec's house. It was set up differently in that it was a lot bigger, and it had a lot of winding hallways. The overall look of the house was different, too, with all the walls having this old-looking wall paper, and the floors were carpeted with antique carpets. Anyway, Anthony was there as well, and we all wanted to go get some pizza. The problem was that Alec's parents weren't home, so we couldn't leave because then his grandmother, who is very old and shouldn't be left alone, would be left alone. This was immediately apparent to us, so we considered leaving, but then the subject of her medication came up, and we figured that if we weren't there, she would "probably die." Somehow that was supposed to be a joke, and it came off as a joke in the dream, but I don't remember who said it. I know either someone said it to his grandmother, or his grandmother said it about herself.

      Then, I was in the car with Brian and Ashley's baby. There were other people in the car, but they were faceless dream characters. The car was not my car, also. The seats were leather, and everything was colored grey. The baby's car seat was somehow in the same spot that Brian was sitting, which was in the middle seat in the back. I was in the seat by the left window. Every time I picked up the baby (Seth), which was by his armpits, to put him in his car seat, Brian would yell at me asking me what I was doing. I didn't know what he meant, and I ignored him. Then I picked up Seth again, who, by the way, looked like a newborn rather than the six-month-old he is, and I put him in the car door compartment. You know, the place where you usually put an umbrella or something. The compartment was just big enough to fit Seth in a standing-up posture, and he fell asleep. Brian yelled at me again, but I figured it was only because Seth would be uncomfortable in the door compartment. I figured I'd let him go until he woke up and started crying, and when he did I picked him up again to put him back in his car seat. This time when Brian yelled at me, I said back to him, "You're telling me I'm holding him the wrong way, but you aren't being specific! How am I supposed to know what you mean?" After I said this, I realised that I was yelling at him the same way I would yell at one of my friends if I was mad at them. When I said this, all the characters in the car turned to look at me, and I think my mom was driving. Anyway, Brian told me, "You can't just pick him up by the armpits, you have to support the rest of his body." To demonstrate this, the baby morphed into one of our cats, and was laying sprawled out on Brian's hands. The cat's head was on his right hand, and his body was on his left. Brian's hands were slightly apart, so that in the space in the middle, the cat's body was sagging down.

      The next thing I know, I'm at school. So far in the dream, the school looks almost exactly as it normally does. I'm at the hallway intersection by the nurse's office, and the stairs are behind me, and everything is where it should be, although the walls are orange.. I'm about to go somewhere when this kid, who looked a lot like Alaric, but slightly off, like he could be his younger brother or something, pulled me aside and said, "Hey, I lost my Gameboy Advance in the other classroom, could I borrow yours?" I said that I didn't have one with me, and he said, "Don't lie," while nudging me with his elbow. I could tell this was a joke; a way of saying, "Hey, we all can't stand these boring classes, so we all carry around Gameboys to keep ourselves occupied." For some reason though, in this dream I was socially awkward (more so than usual ) and instead of making a joke back, I kind of just said, "I'm not lying." I felt pressed for time, however, and I had to go. This kid was interesting though, and I felt that we could have been great friends. Anyway, I walked off down the hallway that leads to the cafeteria. This is where the architecture of the school goes a little off. Instead of leading to the cafeteria, I could look down the hallway, and see that it just kept going forever, the orange hue of the walls leading the way. However, when I started walking down the hallway, I immediately ended up in this other hallway. This hallway was completely blue and there were boilers and such all around the place. I saw a person in the distance, who waved at me. I thought it was my old math teacher, but as I got closer, I realised it was this girl, Kristen, who had a crush on me. She was with her friends, who I happen to not like. It's worth mentioning that this particular dream is the only instance in which her friend, who is also named Kristen, was attractive. Then I was suddenly in this other hallway. This one was a lot like the unnecessarily wide one in most of my school dreams, but it led to the gymnasium. And instead of a door to the gym, the hall just opened up, and there it was on the right. Also, the wall on the right didn't reach all the way up to the ceiling. If you wanted to, you could feasibly climb the wall and climb over the top and get to the bleachers in the gym. As I was walking up to the gym, Donovan was with me, and I was trying to make a joke but he didn't think it was funny. A basketball from the gym fell over the top of the wall and bounced towards me. I could see the ball bouncing towards me in third person, and I knew it was going to hit me in the head. It did. Then I walked around the wall to get to the gym, and I saw some kid on the bleachers playing with a basketball. The bleachers were tiered, but not in the normal way. I would say that normal bleachers were tiered horizontally. These ones were tiered vertically, and there were no seats on them. It was more like they were just steps, and I was walking on the edge of the wall that these bleachers made. As I was walking on the wall, I could look down and see the hallway from where I came. Suddenly I was sitting by these lunch tables on the other side of the gym, and I could still see the kid with the basketball from where I was. There was a basketball hoop at the bottom of the bleachers and in front of it, there were also a lot of hard, plastic benches. As I watched the kid with the basketball, he would jump really high on the spot where he was, and aim for the hoop, and make it. Then he would move up a step and do the same thing. Eventually, he was at the top, and I had a feeling he was going to fall. He jumped up really high, and the ball when in the hoop, but he took a nasty spill and fell face first into this metal bar and the plastic benches. Somehow, he managed to get up and walk this off, and the whole gym was amazed that he mad the shot. I turned around and I was suddenly in this room with Tom and Kyle. The room was dark, and there was a couch, where Tom and Kyle were sitting, and there was a small rug on the floor where I was sitting, and there was also a TV. This class had something to do with music theory because Mrs. Gunther-Brown, my music theory teacher, put on a video for us to watch. The video had a Caterpie from Pokemon trying to climb these vines, but things were shooting at him. In the background, Daisy Bell was playing, but it was in an, 8-bit style. For some reason, it was DE that church was relevant to the song and the video. I made a joke saying that this was "Super Church" or "Super Sunday" in reference to Super Nintendo. Tom and Kyle didn't think these were funny, and I continued with, "Church 64." It was like, in this whole dream, everyone thought I wasn't funny.

      I woke up at this point, and forced myself to write down some dreams.

      Next, I was at a relative's house. It may have been my aunt Sandy. The place was very run down, and the wooden floors and walls were getting torn up. I was on the computer for a little bit, but then I walked to this one bedroom. This room was very nice looking. The place was very orange, but it wasn't torn apart like the rest of the house. There was a bed to my right, and a support column to my left. I don't know what was on the other side of the support column. There was a small TV to the left of the bed. Anthony was there, and so was this other kid. They made a comment about how this Metal Gear Solid game sucked, and was a "bad game". I turned it on and realised that they came to this conclusion because his gun was shaped weird. Snake's gun was a marshmallow gun, and it was very small where he held it, and giant on the other end, with a yellow tank on the side. It actually looked pretty awesome now that I think about it. I mocked them, and they agreed with me, saying that it probably wouldn't affect the game. I turned it off, but then the other kid mentioned that there were other things wrong with the game. I turned it back on, and I started playing for a little bit. The setting of the game was this small military camp. Snake was wearing khakis, a wife-beater, black boots, and he had camouflage face paint. As he ran, the game was glitchy, and his arms folded back behind him. It looked pretty funny. I turned off the game. Suddenly this girl from school, Coralis, was in the room with us, and she was wearing this bionic suit, and it was DE that it was her birthday. She was playing Yu-Gi-Oh with some other person. There were two a big stacks of cards on this table between them with a magic card on top of each, and I realised that she needed to get magic cards back. I asked her if she had any cards that would bring magic cards back. Then I was sleeping. It was night, and I was sleeping in the bed that I saw when I walked into the room. The room was empty except for me, and I think I had a false awakening. I woke up, and it was still dark, but it was morning. I had morning wood, and my dick was pretty huge, and I marveled at this for a while. I got up and left the room though because I didn't want anyone finding out. Suddenly I was in this really large, walk-in bathroom complex. The whole place had bathroom tiles on the floor, and all the walls were like the walls to a bathroom stall. There was a giant window that spanned the main hallway. I walked down this hallway as I passed by paths I could have turned down in order to get to other bathrooms and showers. From a top view, the place was probably shaped like an "E", with the last hallway turning into a large room. There were a lot of celebrities there, but the only one I remember is Mila Kunis. I passed her as I turned down the hallway towards the big room. She was sitting on the window sill reading a book. Michael Richards may have been there as well. Anyway, as I walked past Mila to get to the larger room, I looked back and Sean and a bunch of mutual dream character friends replaced Mila. This new kid was with me, and Sean was yelling out to this kid, "Call me fatty," like that's the nickname he wanted. Recognising this as a really bad joke, I turned to the kid and tole him not to call him fatty. I knew it would just encourage more bad jokes from Sean. Anyway, this kid was new, and we were hazing him or something, but I was being nice to him. Then he turned to me and tried to show me his secret handshake. It started out with this constant and rapid high-five, and I suggested that instead, we could just shake hands. I demonstrated with a normal handshake. Then he insisted that his was more fun, so I let him continue. He mentioned that the shake then goes into this dance, and this is where he lost me. The dance involved waving both of your hands, one at a time, and then doing a pirouette. I mocked this stupid shake, by going along with it until it was my turn to do it. Instead of doing what he did, I punched him in the face twice, once with each hand, and then spin-kicked him in the jaw. One of the people from the group of friends came over and I told his about it and he said he did the same thing. We laughed. As I left, the placed was suddenly empty, and I saw Coralis by one of the bathroom stalls. I went out on a limb and asked, "Wanna fuck?" To my surprise, she was like, "Sure," and we went into a bathroom stall, which had a whole room, complete with a bed . I told her, "Just so you know, I'm a virgin." This discouraged her, and I said, "Well, then just give me a blowjob or a hand job." She said something about not wanting my dick to poke her or something. It was DE that dicks have this odd, poking, uncomfortable quality. I assured her that i didn't have this quality, and she would be fine. Dreams, man.

      Woke up here, too. I may have had a slight sleep paralysis at one point. Maybe not here, but some point. And I was still half asleep, but I recognised it, but it went away fast. It may have just been a dream sleep paralysis that could have occurred during my false awakening.

      The last set of dreams started out with me observing this one room (I wasn't there) with two characters from Star Wars. One was supposed to Darth Vader, but it looked nothing like him. The other was supposed to be a good guy, but not anyone specific. The room looked more like the set of Star Trek than Star Wars though. Anyway, this was supposed to be a Star Wars reunion special or something and this one guy was going to reprise his role as the anonymous good guy I saw. This guy looked like a mix of Mark Hamill and Pete Townshend from The Who, but was named Richard Keithson. It was DE that he was from The Who. After this, I was in Brian's truck. He was driving, and my mom was in the front passenger seat. I was in the back right seat, and it was DE that Brian was evil. There was some danger and fear surrounding him, and we drove off. This part of the dream repeated, and this time, this faceless dream character, who I felt a strong connection to, was sitting next to me. They knew what just happened, but I had to explain to them that he gets this way when _________ (I don't remember), or he gets like this every once in a while or something. Something about the situation came up a lot. Then they realised that this just happened recently, and they said, "Wow, already?"

      Then there was this really vague bit that may or may not have involved a desert, Frieza, and me being a doctor with super powers. There also might have been some research facility in the distance or something. After this, I was in this very vibrantly colored town, as if everything was made of candy. The sky was lime green, and the roads were brown, and the side walks were yellow, etc. Alec left with his dad to go somewhere, and I had to move their car. In this dream, Alec's house was a pink mansion with a yellow fountain out front that spewed out a pink, cartoon liquid. His car was a limo-van. I had to put it in neutral and push it into the spot in front of their house. I was getting frustrated because I couldn't get it straight. It was around this time that I performed a reality check. I noticed that I had six fingers on one hand, and nine on the other. I had to count them a few times because I thought something was off but I wasn't sure. I may have been slightly lucid for a few seconds, but it was like I decided there was nothing to do, so I let go. Also, I remember accidentally thinking about waking up during my reality check, but I never woke up, which is the main reason for me not thinking this was lucid. Anyway, I was suddenly hundreds of feet above the car, and then the dream shifted to this room with a bunch of posters all around. This part of the dream may or may not have including climbing, or a bunch of high places, but I get that vibe, like I think I was climbing on these stacks of posters, and I could see miles below me, even though I was inside this room. As I'm typing this, I remember that there were other people in the room. They weren't people, but they were into the same thing I was doing. Anyway, accidentally ripped down this one poster of Speed Racer. Then my dream cut to the set of Friends, with Rachel and Monica. It was DE that they were all playing a prank on me, but Monica wasn't in on it, so she was inadvertently being pranked, too.
    12. Random Events. November 14th, 2011

      by , 11-15-2011 at 11:34 PM
      Gonna go from least remembered to most on this one. I should go back to typing these up in the morning instead of later, when I already forget the details.

      First off, I wrote down "celebrity", "piano", "relationships", and "train station." I can not even remember the setting of this dream, never mind the details.

      The first dream I remember, I was going to get this tattoo or something. I had already gotten plenty of prison tattoos (with a needle and ink) and this was my first official one. I asked if the prison tattoos would ever fade away, and this big buff guy said no, and I was pretty mad.

      At one part, I was outside this school with Anthony. I think it was supposed to be Ben Franklin School, but it was a lot bigger. Anthony and I were chatting, and we were waiting for his mom to come pick us up. We were getting really hungry, so we had to eat these worms that we got from the basement of my old house. In that basement, there were sewer canals and it was very spacious. Inside the worms, when you bit into them, there were dollars, but you could only spend them on Tums. We could see the store across the street from where we were. We were sitting on the curb outside of the school. Then, there was one really vague part where we had to drink water, and I also wrote down "nervous acting" and "Verizon". I also have "Spongebob" and "maints". I know maints is supposed to be a made-up word, or someone mispronounced something in the dream.

      Next, I was in my room of my current house (it was a little bigger), and I was with Sean, Anthony, and these two girls. The girls were named Ngoc (pronounced "knock") and Kim. In real life, I know this girl named Ngoc Kim, but in my dream it was her and this girl who was supposed to be her sister. Anyway, we were all sitting on my bed, although I don't know how we all fit, and we were playing video games. My TV was on the opposite side of my dresser. Also, before they came over, I was getting dressed because I just got out of the shower. As I was getting stuff together they all walked into my room without knocking. For some reason, this wasn't embarrassing, and I had all my clothes on. I was just surprised that they were here so early. I wrote down in my dream journal "Emily door." I don't know if the Emily is my dog or my neighbor, but either way I don't remember what it means.

      Then, I was in my backyard, and there were a lot of people over. There was a long table with a turntable and lots of food by the horse shoe pits. There was also a very large tree in the middle of the yard. The people were there for the performance I had to put on, but the show had to be at the top of the tree. So we rigged up these ropes and pulleys all over the tree, and when the time was right, we yanked the band up to the top, and they played their music. The first band to go on was Grizzly Bear, and they played "Two Weeks". I don't remember what the second band was. This dream led into this one where there was snow all over our backyard, and Sean and I had to do yard work. The tree was still in the middle of the yard. There was this candy inside the house, and we kept going inside to get candy, and then going back out to work. There was only Swedish Fish left or something, and we weren't allowed to have that, so we had to eat this really sour candy.
    13. November 13th, 2011

      by , 11-15-2011 at 11:08 PM
      First, it was Halloween and I was wearing high heels, don't ask. Anyway, There was this one part where I was in my old house, but it looked very different. I was in my parents room and it looked like the attic, and it had a hall leading to a different room. Then I was wearing work boots and I was at school in this really long lunch line. Nicole was there, and so was Mrs. J, my second grade teacher. I walked out of the lunch room, and some kid who was in front of me closed the door behind him, so it was slam in my face. I told him he was an asshole, and he laughed at me and did it again.

      Another dream was this bus ride and I was telling people this funny story that involved the c-word, but I didn't want to say it.

      I waited too long to type this one up. Forgot most of the dreams.
    14. Pig Man. November 12th, 2011

      by , 11-14-2011 at 02:43 AM
      For the past two days, I haven't gotten lazy. I simply didn't have any dreams, I swear. It's not that I didn't even remember the dreams, I didn't remember having any feelings associated with dreams, like how you can usually remember the feeling that the dream evoked. Not this time.

      This night, I had only a few dreams. I don't remember the first half of the night because I woke up startled because I thought something smacked my bed. I figured it was my friend who was staying over, because he was sleeping on the floor next to the bed. I sat up and felt that sleep paralysis was about to take effect, but didn't because I freaked out. My arms felt all wobbly and wavy, like they weren't there, my whole body felt weird. I did a reality check and I wasn't dreaming, and it just occurred to me that I may have been OOB, but I doubt it. Anyway...

      The dream that I remember (vaguely) was that I was with this person, and we came from some building or something. We walked into the street in this city at night time, and this car stopped in front of us. Then I was in some other car with Alec's dad, and we were driving on this very dream-like road and I saw a man in a pig costume on the highway. It was DE that there were a bunch of creepy people in animal costumes running around the neighborhood. We thought we got them all, but this guy was standing there in a pig costume, threatening Alec. Alec's dad got mad and started cursing at the pig man. The next thing I know I'm at the old house, although it is very different looking. Alec's dad is there and we are the kitchen and he mentions that, "Boy, Chris, I think she takes a liking to you. You outta make a move." He was referring to this very evil and dangerous woman that was putting on this act in front of everyone. I knew her true motives. Everyone thought she was the kindest person, and she was the life of the party (there were a lot of people and family at my house). There was a lot more to this dream, and it was very good, but I don't remember much. All I remember is that she was after these stars. There were seven of them, and they belonged to me and my family. They kept balance in the world, and they were hidden throughout the world in places we own. She is very powerful and I can do almost nothing to stop her and she has like 5 out of the 7 stars. This one part of the dream had me in this large room where we kept one of the stars. The room looked like it could be the lower-deck storage room of a pirate ship. The walls and floor were wooden and slanted in that manner. There were a lot of cube-like cabinets throughout the room. They unlocked at the top via a latch and a lock. I opened one to make sure the star was still there. Just then, I hear the woman coming into the room. Ashley is with her. I know she is after the star, but there is nothing I can do right now because Ashley is with her, and this woman will act like a kind person, and as far as Ashley is concerned, I would be attacking an innocent person. I see them come in, and I hide behind the cabinet I opened, panicking to get it closed before she noticed. It's too late and she saw me, and knew where the star was.

      I think I'm having a dry spell or something on these dreams, because I've been pretty bad at it lately.
    15. The Olympics In The Ditch. November 10th, 2011

      by , 11-12-2011 at 06:39 AM
      No WBTB until I'm better.

      Also, I'm going to write this one as if it's a story. Let's see how this'll work out. The parts I don't remember will be represented as an ellipsis.

      Expect it to jump around. There's going to be a few plot holes.

      I could only use one element at a time, it seemed, represented by my failure to fuse rock and water. The mud born from the experiment sank me down to the bottom of the pond, where it then proceeded to restrict my movement. The room I was in was just large enough for a small pond, and a path around it that seemed to lead into the next room, marked by a dark doorway. The pond itself was wholly artificial, and resided within a large cubic indentation in the middle of the room. Lily pads of varying size and shape populated the surface of the somber-colored water, and every quick glance at the pond emulated within me the sense of danger that mixing elements presented me with. ...and jump from platform to platform, as you would in a game...on our adventure.

      Anthony and I, along with some faceless friends, thought it best to use the rocket scooter. ...We knew we wouldn't be able to get out so easily. I took inventory of our surroundings. Snow blanketed the entire area, and business was booming. Crowds devoured the product stands, and tourists walked about the place. To my left, there was a stand built out of the walls of the enormous, inside-out hill we were all inside. While business was indeed flourishing, many people seemed eager to play in the water at the shore to my right. I could see through the hole above the stand in front of me that the Olympics were going to start soon. I looked up at the snowy hill we flew down, and could barely make out the top. The wall behind me responded to its doppelganger with a half-pipe sort of shape. With a bit of thought, I arrived at the idea of momentum. I mounted the rocket sled we came on and put my plan into action. It seemed to be working for a little bit, but I found myself sliding back down the hill only inches from my goal. Another man grabbed my attention when he grew frustrated with a similar problem to mine, and decided to dig his way out. Just then the dog was in many, tiny, blocky pieces, and committed a foul act on the red carpet. The house we were in consisted of only a single room, and a door to the road from where we came. There was a red couch at the far end of the room, and complemented the position of the door. Miscellaneous pictures and paintings hugged the maroon walls, and where there were none, there were windows from which I could make out the Olympic ditch far down below.

      We needed to execute a quiet escape if we were going to get away from the experiments they were performing on human subjects. The sheer size of the island would be enough to discourage most people, but we were up to the task. Dylan and I kept our cool for the most part, but James Franco was nervous about our plan. The prison complex we were getting out of turned out easier to navigate than initially expected. Dylan's acid spit kept spewing from his mouth, and served as a constant reminder of the position we were in. We were out of the bulk of the complex, and we enter the night air. There wasn't much room on the metal rafters that we had to continue on. From the rafters, I could see the ocean. The calmness of the dark waters juxtaposed the danger we all faced. ...As I pulled myself up on the platform, I froze. The surveillance monkeys fled their cages, and knew their targets. I had to keep still until they turned away, and when they did, I seized my chance and climbed up. Hitler below me several stories down was not a happy fellow. James Franco chose a very bad time to have a nervous breakdown.

      Sorry the third dream isn't written as strongly as the other two. I got lazy.

      Also, I might do this again, but a little differently. I felt limited the way I did it this time.
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