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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Jessica

      by , 01-10-2012 at 07:13 PM (Dream Journal)
      I am with Jessica and we are at a baseball game looking for our seats, although it felt more like we were walking around inside of Costco. We are holding hands and walking with one another like we once did in waking life. We try to ask for help by showing our ticket to someone who works there, but it was no help. I try to bribe one of the workers to get us good seats by offering him a $20 bill. He is interested, but he could not deliver.

      The scenery changes and I am somewhere in the outdoors, like in a clearing in a forest. Jessica is in the scene but away from me. There are also now many more people. We are arranged in a big circle like a carousel, and Jessica is directly across the circle from me with her friend (Ellen?). Though I am facing straight at her, she is in the furthest position from me. Every one in the circle has a rope/branch they are holding on to that reaches into the sky and and appears to converge in the center, but does not seem to be connected to anything. The circle begins to spin and we are lifted airborne by holding onto the branch. This is similar to one of those rides at the carnival that spin around in circles.

      As we are spinning, my attention is focused on Jessica, who is directly across the circle from me. Directly next to me are some attractive girls. As we are spinning on this "ride" the girl next to me puts her legs around me and kisses my chest in a flirtatious kind of way. I enjoyed this but I notice that Jessica begins to get upset from seeing this. In this dream, she is still my girlfriend.

      I felt the intimacy and protectiveness that I had not experienced in a long time. The dream gave me a sense of nostalgia and made me miss my ex girlfriend.

      Updated 01-11-2012 at 01:10 AM by 51288

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Basketball

      by , 12-25-2011 at 11:36 PM (Dream Journal)
      I was in a basketball game. This felt like when I was in middle school and played at the CT gym. I had some girls on my team and was playing against some people I knew. I can identify only Mustafa and Craig as my opponents. There seemed to be some kind of hostility between me and them. Mustafa would guard me by basically hugging me, and I got pissed off, and Craig was talking shit.

      My team was not doing well, I do not remember scoring a single basket. Whenever I pass to one of my teammates, they would either lose the ball, or miss a shot. When I had the ball, I felt like I was guarded very tightly and forced to make a bad pass. When I dribbled, it felt like I had very little control of the ball and I was unable to make any baskets.
    3. Comic Store

      by , 12-25-2011 at 11:32 PM (Dream Journal)
      I was in the area on Brookhurst street and I see a dairy queen across the street. I have a craving for some ice cream so I cross the street and go inside. I don't get any ice cream, but I ask to use the rest room. They give me a key attached to one of those rods. I leave the restaurant and walk along the street. It is now starting to become night time. I notice Julie in her office doing Laundry. I didn't want her to see me so I just continue walking, and thought about seeing her later.

      When I get to the end of the street, I cross over to the side that I was originally on. Strangely it feels like it is day time again. On the other side of the street there is a comic book store, with one guy working behind the counter. I go in and look around briefly and then I leave. I check out some of the other stores and then return to the comic book store again. This time I stick around and check out the place. The clerk showed me some Pokemon and street fighter stuff. They had T shirts of various designs on the walls. The one that caught my attention was a series of C.Viper shirts in a Marvel comics style.

      While inside I kept checking time time to see if it was too late to go across the street. My watch told me it was around 11pm yet it was perfectly sunny outside.

      Updated 04-29-2012 at 01:01 AM by 51288

    4. In Line

      by , 12-19-2011 at 12:24 PM (Dream Journal)
      I was inside of some kind of san rio gift shop, with bright white interior. There was a line for something that went out the door onto the sidewalk and into the store next door. This place feels like those two gift shops on Irving street. I remember very distinctively that I was wearing Annayake Undo. I was with a friend, unidentifiable but feels like it was Jackie.

      Two pretty asian girls walk by us and get in line, I give my friend a silly look and follow them into the line (like a creeper). I begin to talk with the girls and we become friendly with one another. Both come in close and smell the fragrance from my neck. The hot one even kisses it.

      We talk about how this is the 5th time they are trying to stream HBO shows in the internet. One of the girls tells me that she couldn't use her footage because I was wearing my Paul Frank shirt, and that too many people wear it. We move along in line, and at this point we are out of the first store and on the sidewalk about to enter the 2nd store. The hot girl gets out of line to go somewhere. I notice that the line is composed of mainly young Asian girls, and one of them is crying.
    5. Apartment

      by , 12-16-2011 at 05:50 AM (Dream Journal)
      I am in the backseat of a car with a group of my friends. The only identifiable person is Jonathan. We are on our way to somewhere fun. It feels like a ride to Vegas. It is dark outside and I am in the middle seat. We are passing around joints. Nam and Jackie are probably in the front seat.

      We drive by an accident on the side of the street where there are police cars with sirens, ambulances, firetrucks. It seems like this accident went on for several blocks and I thought to myself "when is this going to be over."

      We arrive at our destination and it a party at my apartment. The courtyard is reminiscent of Nah Si's apartment complex, but the inside is reminiscent of Dan and David's old house in Tustin meadows. While in the court yard, I run into Evan who is my roommate in this dream. I learn that he no longer lives there because I did not pay the rent in time. He is with Jessica Lee and she appears to be his girlfriend. She looks somewhat different with a makeup and tattoos. She pretends that she does not know me and reintroduces herself, I also pretend that it was our first time meeting.

      Somewhere in between this sequence, I notice that my phone is running out of batteries and I ask my dad to fetch me a charger.

      The three of us now are walking up the stars in the apartment. I am walking behind them and I notice colorful tattoos on Jessica's legs. I ask her how many hours did it take to complete the tattoos and she replied "fifteen."

      I am back downstairs and I notice some kids throwing fireworks in my backyard. I go out there to chase them away, and come back inside. I am now in the kitchen and my dad is there with me, and so is Evan. Dad is giving me a lecture on how it is my fault I did not pay the rent in time. I try to argue that it wasn't my fault, but deep inside I knew that I had messed up.

      Updated 12-16-2011 at 05:55 AM by 51288

    6. Ice Cream

      by , 12-08-2011 at 08:12 AM (Dream Journal)
      I was inside a fast food shop that resembled the el pollo loco on imperial hwy, but instead they were selling ice cream. I am looking at the menu located behind the counter and had a hard time reading the items. there were spaces in between letters and the titles of the ice cream ran multiple lines. I order 3 scoops, and tell the server to pick a random flavor for the last scoop.
    7. Back in School III

      by , 12-04-2011 at 04:13 AM (Dream Journal)
      It seemed to be the last day of school, perhaps last day of high school. But the setting is back in RL Stevenson elementary school, and the classroom was my 4th grade classroom in Ms. Quaily's bungalow 4. The interior looked more like my World History class from senior year. We had to take a final exam, and as usual I was worried about not passing. Before beginning the test, one of the students stood in front of the class and recited a song or poem (or it could have been me that did this).

      Time skips and it seems like the test is over and everyone, including me, is happy about it. I get a sense of joy and relief from completing high school. I go over to my seat and Tai Yang Chen shows me a drawing, it was a drawing of Ryu and Chun Li in front of a water fall.

      I exit the classroom and the whole school (RLS) seems to be in celebration. There are students all over the campus heading out of their classrooms. It feels more like the last day of Tustin High School. I run into Viet and he walks with me for a while.

      As I'm walking along with Viet among all the happy students, I suddenly realize that I have my T shirt on backwards. We walk into a shaded area and I take off my shirt to correct it. He begins laughing hysterically at me, and out of nowhere Ada walks up to me. At this point I have my shirt off and I can see myself from a 3rd person's point of view. My physique is a lot more impressive than what it really is. I give Ada a hug to congratulate her on graduation and our bare arms touch. I feel a sense of intimacy. I continue to walk and talk with her with my arms around her.

      Updated 12-04-2011 at 04:45 AM by 51288

    8. Flex for All

      by , 12-02-2011 at 06:16 AM (Dream Journal)
      I was outside my apartment complex where the entrance to the garage is. Matt Ogus was on the other side of the garage sitting, appearing to be waiting for someone to pick him up. I recognize him and conjure up the courage to go up to him and say something along the lines of "Matt Ogus? I'm a big fan, I watch all your videos." Then we shake hands and I leave him alone.

      Time appears to skip and we are in the same situation all over again, this time he invites me to go train with him at his gym. I agree and we arrive at a strange gym. It wasn't 24 hour fitness or anything like that, but more of a private gym for MMA or something.

      The first thing we do is we slide down this pole like a fireman's pole, but it goes down this tunnel/tube like a water slide, both vertically and horizontally. I go first and I have a hard time with this exercise, I feel like it is tough on my core. Matt goes after me and I feel like I am slowing him down.

      After that he was going to do the incline bench press but I tell him that I'm going to pass this time around.

      Updated 12-02-2011 at 07:03 AM by 51288

    9. False Lucidity?

      by , 11-30-2011 at 11:05 PM (Dream Journal)
      I am not entirely sure if I became lucid in this dream. But even if it wasn't, I feel like this was a huge step forward because I can identify something that caused me to suspect I was dreaming. The first time I had a lucid dream, I could not identify the trigger.

      After becoming lucid (or not) the dream did not feel that real, it felt like I was laying down daydreaming with my eyes closed, rather than in a full blown REM period.

      looking back to it, I think this may just be a regular dream where I dreamed about being lucid. It was nothing like the first time I became lucid.
      I was in Tony's garage and I needed to move my car out. There was another car parked directly behind me (his mom's?), but there was just barely enough room for me to carefully reverse out. As I began to reverse, my feet felt extremely heavy and I could not control the braking and the gas, so the car just slowly reversed without my control. I should have already hit the car behind me, but my car just continued to slowly reverse.

      At this point I realized I was dreaming. I became extremely excited and my heart was pounding, but still remembered to do a reality check. Still I had very little control of my body, and the reality checks I did was extremely vague. I plugged my nose and tried to breathe, but I don't actually remember what the result was. Also, this dream did not seem to change in vividness after becoming lucid. It ended rather quickly after this without me being able to do anything else.

      Updated 12-02-2011 at 02:52 PM by 51288

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    10. Gas Station

      by , 11-30-2011 at 03:05 AM (Dream Journal)
      It was in the evening, just before sunset. I was in my car in the parking lot of an unfamiliar library. I go inside with the intention of studying, but inside it was more like an entertainment place. It had arcades with street fighter games. I sat and played one of the street fighter machines, and I notice that one of the buttons was missing. A girl sits on the machine to my right and begins playing.

      At this time I was ready to leave. I take my backpack and begin to walk out, now it seems like a library again, and some kids in there play a prank on me by putting weird stickers (screen covers) on my phone and putting it back in my backpack. Some blonde girl is pulling on my pants as I walk out. However I don't realize this until I am back in my car and I pull it out.

      Back in my car, it is now dark. I realize that my engine has been left on the whole time I was inside the library. I look at the hot/cold meter and it is in the middle. However my car seems to be fine, so I take off.

      I am driving back, and it feels like I am very far from home. Like I am in Loma Linda after taking Andrew to the Hospital. I try to input my address into my phone to use the GPS system, and this is when i noticed my phones had weird stickers on it, like a screen protector made for a different phone and shit. It is dark and I need to piss so I am looking for a gas station, at the same time I am looking for some fun (strip club, prostitute).

      I drive by a brightly lit gas station but I notice a prostitute walking around. I focus my attention on her first. I then notice that the store next to the gas station was some kind of art studio, and there was a naked woman inside posing as a model. I focus my attention on that. By this time the people in the gas station are staring at me, so I decide to go elsewhere.

      I go across the street to another well lit gas station, a Valero. When I get out of my car to go inside, I first go inside the wrong store, which was the one next to it.

      Updated 11-30-2011 at 10:45 AM by 51288

    11. Bus Stop

      by , 11-28-2011 at 11:31 PM (Dream Journal)
      This dream left off in the same location as the one prior to it. I cannot remember anything from the prior dream other than it involved my mom.
      I was waiting for the public bus at the corner of Red Hill and El Camino, where the uhaul station is. When I get on the bus, I leave my stuff on the bench, and did not bring it with me. Someone on the bus notices this and points it out to me, yet it does not cause me to go back and get it. The bus takes off and ends up somewhere in Los Angeles. It does not go along normal streets, but it appeared to go underground like a subway. I see rich people playing tennis and I ask someone "is this beverly hills?" "No" he replies. I end up in some mansion, or a museum.

      Updated 11-29-2011 at 11:02 AM by 51288

    12. Back in School II

      by , 11-27-2011 at 02:20 AM (Dream Journal)
      Reoccurring theme of being back in school and in danger of not graduating due to failing a class.
      This time I was back in Tustin High and was in an english class with a female teacher. As usual, I am in danger of not passing the class because I had not been showing up. I fear that I have missed assignments and quizzes. I see myself at home in my bedroom, waking up not in time to attend class, and trying to figure out if I can attend a different session as if it was a college course.

      I attend class on the final day, and the teacher was giving her final speech to the class. In the middle of the speech, sudents begin to leave the classroom as if the class had already finished. I stayed until the very end, then leave the classroom. The location of this classroom was across from Mrs. Doyle's classroom.

      I exit the classroom and the school appeared to be empty, like one of those days where I stayed late after school for 7th period. I run into Oleg, my friend who I have not seen since 5th grade. We talk and I tell him about my concerns with not passing the class.

      We walk across the campus to another class, this time a wood shop class. Again I have the feeling that I may not pass this class either.
    13. Mike & Jeanne

      by , 11-26-2011 at 12:22 AM (Dream Journal)
      Brian and I were in Tommy's apartment complex neighborhood. We were either trying to rob someone's garage, or we were hiding from something. We leave the place and he is driving, somehow he crosses the divider and is driving on the wrong side of the road with cars coming at us. He is able to avoid them and we end up in the backseat of a Van or SUV with a stranger woman driving, and other strangers also inside.

      Mike and Jeanne were in the seats in front of us. Mike looks different, he has ear piercings and tattoos. He shows me his 3/4 koi sleeve, which somewhat resembles mine, but has more of a water color effect, with multiple fish. He talks to me about getting a tattoo on his face, and I think of Mike Tyson.

      I learn that Mike and Jeanne are dating as they are intimate with one another. The van pulls into an alley because the driver got a phone call. We all leave the van and head for an asian restaurant. There were a lot of people waiting outside the restaurant, similar to 85 degrees.

      Updated 11-27-2011 at 01:53 AM by 51288

    14. Back in School

      by , 11-24-2011 at 07:14 AM (Dream Journal)
      I am talking to Veronica as she moves up on an elevator. She gets to a point where I lose contact. The hotel turns into a school campus. A Middle school it seems to be. I look at my watch and realize that I need to be in class.

      I go into a classroom and sit down at my desk. Mickers is the teacher and he strangely writes my name on the board within some kind of poem or verse.

      There were workbooks inside the desk and one was a science (chemistry/biology) book. The setting changes to a chemistry lab where it was raining indoors. I am performing a chemistry exercise and trying to fill in the workbooks. the rain washes my pencil marks from the book. there was also a lady helping/monitoring me through the assignment.

      I believe the raining indoors has to do with my listening to RainyMood that night while I slept.

      Updated 11-27-2011 at 01:54 AM by 51288

    15. Plane Crash

      by , 11-24-2011 at 06:37 AM (Dream Journal)
      This dream was particularly vivid
      I notice from my bedroom that a plane in the sky is falling & and black smoke. It gets closer and closer to me as it falls, and eventually it goes over my roof where I cannot see it anymore. So I run out to the front porch to continue watching it.

      I get a sense of relief that the plane did not crash into me. The plane ends up falling into a body of water far away, but I can still see it from the porch. The crash creates a large impact like a bomb and sends me flying with great force. My body is thrown towards the International University as i shatter the glass when I fly into it. After recovering, I rush back to the apartment to see if my mom is OK.
      non-lucid , memorable
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