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    1. Jackie Chu

      by , 05-21-2012 at 10:42 AM (Dream Journal)
      I was in my restaurant and was shopping online. I was at the saddleback website and saw a leather wallet with a fabric interior, like i've always wanted. I ordered this item along with a hoodie to be delivered to my restaurant. I somehow knew that it was going to be delivered by Jackie Chu. I pretend to be sleeping at table 3 when she comes to deliver the package, though I keep my eyes slightly open so I can look at her. She enters the front door to an empty dark restaurant with me sleeping in the corner. She looks confused, leaves the package on the table, and walks out. After I get up, I notice that she left her hoodie in one of the booths. I pick it up and I smell it, then run out the door trying to find her.
    2. Twice Lucid in One Night

      by , 05-06-2012 at 08:49 AM (Dream Journal)
      Continuing my experiments with supplements, last night I tried 100mg of 5-htp at bedtime, 6mg of galantamind + 500mg of Choline Bitartrate at WBTB. This resulted in two lucid dreams. They were each fairly lengthy, but not the most clear. Dream recall is also nothing spectacular.

      I've come to realize that attaining lucidity is an overrated aspect in lucid dreaming. Dream recall, and control are also extremely important to master, otherwise the experience will be a forgetful one, literally.

      Updated 05-06-2012 at 09:32 AM by 51288

    3. Supplement Effects

      by , 05-02-2012 at 03:24 PM (Dream Journal)
      Vitamin B-100 at Bedtime
      - Long uninterrupted sleep
      - Somewhat vivid & memorable dreams
      - Improved dream recall
      - 8/10

      4mg Galantamind + 250mg Choline Bitartrate at WBTB
      - Did not induce lucidity

      6mg Galantamind + 500mg Choline Bitartrate at WBTB
      - Induced Lucidity twice
      - Minimal side effects compared to 8mg

      Updated 05-06-2012 at 01:42 AM by 51288

    4. Weak Lucidity, Almost WILD

      by , 04-29-2012 at 01:06 AM (Dream Journal)
      I added an additional 250mg of Choline Bitartrate to my 8mg of Galantamind and it triggered lucidity for me. Although this dream was somewhat short and unclear, I was definitely conscious. I woke up by feeling an itching sensation on the back of my neck, maybe there was an ant on my bed.

      As I went back to sleep, I almost experienced my first WILD, although I had to bail in the middle of it. I felt my body entering sleep paralysis and the sensation I felt was one of a steady vibration as I lost feeling in my limbs. It was scary, and I thought to myself "Am I dying?" This was when I decided to quit and wake myself up. I regret that decision, as I now realize I was very close to a WILD. I do not remember seeing any particular hypnagogic images.

      Updated 04-29-2012 at 01:09 AM by 51288

    5. Heat Club, Meeting the Hodge Twins

      by , 01-17-2012 at 05:08 AM (Dream Journal)
      at club
      goes kinda outside club
      one of those digital posters like at 24 fitness
      navigating to look through pictures
      i was trying to find pictures of the panda girl
      while doing this i can see inside the club
      and i see the events from that night as if i am having an oute body experience
      i see myself viet and the others partying and dancing in the same area
      back to the digital poster, i seem to get into an argument with someone, like he wanted to use the poster, but i did not let him. i almost threatened him into fighting
      turns out that he backs off then teaches me how to use that thing
      we navigate through pictures, i see a pic of me kissing the panda girl from the back
      he shows me how you can rotate the picture so you can see at different angles
      it feels like i am standing at an atm using this, and there are people behind me
      i turn around to look at the people in line and i see the hodge twins
      i stop what i'm doing and say to them very enthusiastically, hey i watch your videos every day! you're keith right? i procede to shake their hands and ask for a picture. there was one other person with them that would take the pics. he had a polaroid camera and was snapping away a lot of pictures at once, after this i give him my phone and ask if he can use it. i tell him to hold down on the button until it focuses then let go. as i am standing with the twins, we do funny poses like flexing and shit. the guy could not figure out my phone.
    6. Nam's Garage, Felicia Day

      by , 12-27-2011 at 12:15 AM (Dream Journal)
      I was in Nam's garage with a group of people. I cannot recall what was going on prior, but it was fragrance related. We are on our way out and we play an obscure fragrance game where each one of us has to go out and find something that has a particular scent. I was assigned "Pussy and Civet."

      I am now in Jonathan's car driving in the streets of San Francisco. We are going up 28th ave. where I used to live. We get to the street where the recreation center is (Lawton?) and I notice that the rec center looks new and futuristic. We turn left on this street and I am asked if I know where we are going. I respond confidently.

      We drive into a muni station. Jonathan attempts to drive onto the platform where people wait for the trains. A security guard tells us we cannot drive through here, so we begin to reverse. After getting out of the car, we are now on the platform of the muni station, Dennis and I see Felicia day with Moe and some other people. I realize that we are on our way to comic con.

      Felicia does not look like she is in the best mood, but she notices us recognizing her and comes to pose for a photo with us. Someone is taking a picture of Felicia, myself, and Dennis with a polaroid camera. While posing, I think to myself that we should each have individual photos with Felicia, and it should be taken with a better quality camera.

      Updated 01-10-2012 at 01:32 AM by 51288

    7. dream

      by , 12-10-2011 at 08:21 AM (Dream Journal)
      driving new car SUV
      brother in car
      flat tire
      hand brake
      head lights

      100 dollars hidden
      big arms
      paper and money hidden in rock

      filling up water

      I am walking behind a girl who has the same tattoo as me on her leg, the waterfall one. I notice this to be strange so I do a reality check, however it does not work. I do not become lucid, the quality of the RC was very bad.

      out door swimming pool
      arnold schwarzenegger
      having contest of who can tread water the longest

      in a classroom
      appears to be a college physics class
      professor is an old lame white guy
      i am sitting in the back row with 3 friends, next to me is carlos
      we are goofing around and the professor gets pissed
      my computer screen becomes gets shown on the projector and the professor is controling my mouse, the whole class can see
      he accidentally reveals i am on "DAP"
      he does not know what it is and tries to look for the game i am playing
      after class 3 people come up to me and asks me about it (richard from hs, jennifer barnes, and some other guy)
      they suspect i do not have it and tells me they do not have it either

      I was on a some cross country run where there were obstacles we had to pass. like jumping off cliffs and onto another rock. after passing all the obstacles, we had to run a long distance. I took the lead, I was jogging briskly and was not getting tired.

      scene changed to being in a classroom
      not a class i was registered in, but for some reason i was in there doing the assignments. like i was trying to get credits for free. Jessica was there, she was with a guy, probably her boyfriend. she sat to my right. even in my dream i am awkward around her, but i tried not to be.

      Updated 12-20-2011 at 07:27 PM by 51288

    8. iDoser

      by , 11-28-2011 at 04:17 AM (Dream Journal)
      Last night I tried listening to the iDoser Lucid Dream track while in bed. It is about a 30 minute track that just sounds like humming. About 25 minutes into the track, I began to see colorful geometric shapes moving around. It reminded me of fragments of a stained glass window. This went on for about five seconds until I opened my eyes. The strange thing is that I felt like my eyes opened involuntarily. I suspected that this might be the hallucinations that some people experience while they transition to sleep paralysis, so I tried not to move and concentrate, however my eyes seemed to open by itself and I fell out of it.

      This night I did not remember any dreams.

      Updated 11-28-2011 at 06:40 AM by 51288
