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    June 6a

    by , 06-06-2014 at 12:37 PM (457 Views)
    I was looking down at this model of the start of a maze. There was this figure of some sort there, and I thought "I should try to go into that maze myself"... concentrated a bit and boom, I was lucid, in this small room. I examined my hands and was excited by how detailed they were, I could see all the lines in my palms. I then had a look around and left this small room into a larger one. I think it was like a video game, with various monster types coming at me. Shortly they changed slightly to look more like people in costumes, and I had a sword that was like a wide cardboard tube. One was very close by this time so I stuck my tube sword into it, with little effect. I then held up my hand going for some fire-like ability or something, but nothing happened. There were several all around me at this point, so I shouted "ok, I give up" and they stopped, pulled off their masks and showed that it was just people. The dream ended shortly after.

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