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    Two planes come crashing down.

    by , 09-11-2010 at 05:11 PM (551 Views)
    Two very huge planes in my dream are going over the town I was in.. I say town because it really didn't look like a city area but more so of a town with wooded areas. These two planes were very huge not commercial planes more like ones used to move cargo or lots of people or stuff. The first plane went down hitting the woods..and the second plane had a multi flag attached.. it showed brazil, america and another country not sure if it was cuba. Anyway this plane goes over my head and it too crashes in the distance and direction that first one hit the ground.
    Some guy was trying to get into one of the mail boxes that had fallen from one of the planes and people told him don't do it. The man was shot by the military.. somehow I get the mailbox or the huge metal box and inside are letters and pencils.. weird items.
    But the stand out part of my dream was the plane coming down with the huge flag that displayed other flags of other countries.

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