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    In a Purple Game Room and Dream Frags

    by , 02-10-2012 at 03:18 AM (352 Views)
    Dream Non-lucid
    There I was, inside of this purple room. It was a game room where you could ride roller coasters, play videogames, play pinball, and everything else that you can dream of. My friend, Lindsey, has always wanted to listen to dubstep, so I tell her to go to the roller coaster and I will chose the song. She went on, and I went up to the person that was controlling all of the lights, music, etc. When I was next to him, I saw that he was on a ledge. On my left was purple stairs, and right in front of me was a purple rail. The man, which was supper old, was controlling a computer that was white on top of a purple stand. "Can you please change the song to umm... Neopolitan Dreams," I asked the old man that was on the computer. He opened up a software that he was using to open the songs. I started to head away, and was about to get onto the roller coaster when I heard that it was the original. I was all confused, and I guess that Lindsey could tell because she said, "Is it the wrong song?". "Yeah," I replied as I stepped out of the cart I was in. I headed back up to the old man and said, "I mean the dubstep remix." He opened up Firefox, and sighed. I guess he didn't have the song on the software. I headed back to my friend, and hopped into the roller coaster. I then woke up.

    Dream Fragment Non-lucid
    My details are very hazy, but I am trying to remember it the best as I can. I was on a map, I can't remember the name, on Call of Duty. My friends and I were talking about submarines. We would also drive the submarines, even though we were not underwater.

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