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    Chronicles of the Cosmos

    The King and Queen's Priest

    by , 03-18-2012 at 05:58 PM (413 Views)
    I had this dream after the Sphinx dream this morning. Although, I only remember bits and pieces. Also, this is the very first dream I've ever had of being inside a castle, believe it or not.

    I'm somebody else, I look human but I am not, and I'm some kind of priest or something and I "work" for the King and Queen. I've never seen the King, however, I did meet the Queen and her twin sons (they were probably around 15 years old), who were both Princes inside the castle. I'm not sure why, but the Queen did something that upset me, and I threatened her when I met with her alone in one of the rooms. There was no electricity but they did have lit candles on the walls.

    I don't remember what I was saying, but she was afraid of me and she backed up against a brick wall. I held up the scepter and it turned into a snake, and the snake launched at her so fast that she didn't have time to react. It went into her mouth, down her throat, and all the way inside of her with only the tip of its tail hanging out of her mouth. If I had wanted to kill her, I would've had the serpent eject a dagger from its mouth while inside of her. But I didn't. I only meant to frighten her and remind her of her place.

    She was gagging and fell to her knees, then I held out my left hand and the snake pulled its self out of her just as fast and came into my left hand as a scepter. The rest is a blank. I also met with her sons, but that's mostly blank.

    What I do remember is being inside of the castle's library which was several stories up. I sat at a wooden table near one of the windows. I looked out of the window and saw the two twin Princes picking on a guard just outside the castle. One of the brats patted the guard on the cheek, as if to say, "it's ok, just don't do it again." The guard's face was bruised. I thought to myself "those damn brats." And then I snickered.

    I turned around and noticed that I was holding paper documents in my hands and I was about to read them. There was one very young girl in the library with me. She looked to be about 12 years old. She must have been a servant because she was standing half way across the room with her hands cupped together, watching me. When I noticed her, she immediately said "aren't you going to take a break?" I held up the documents and said "I am" with a smile. Apparently, I enjoyed doing what I was doing and I didn't consider it to be work in the slightest. End.

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    Updated 04-14-2012 at 03:18 PM by 53119

    non-lucid , memorable
