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    Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness

    Attacked by Invisible Force

    by , 05-22-2014 at 12:27 PM (301 Views)
    I'm walking down the hall in my dorm room, on my way to watch the new Star Wars movie. I see one of my friends in his room as I pass, and ask him about it. He asks which one it is, and I tell him it's the fourth, although technically it's the 7th one. Someone else walking through the hall overhears our conversation and tells me, "That one is lame. Skywalker goes off on some mission, and you never hear what happens with it, then the rest of it is just boring stuff." "That is lame." I tell him. My other friend agrees that it's not one of the better ones.

    I continue down the hall and approaching my door, see 3 girls standing around it and talking to each other. I give them a friendly smile and half a nod, as I open my door, and side step past them into my room.

    I climb into bed to watch the movie, but it is being projected onto my room mate's chest, as he's laying down. I think, "This is a really awkward way to see a movie" as I sit back up to see the 'projection screen.' I decide that it is indeed too awkward a way to watch a movie, and get out of bed.

    Other people come into my room now, and begin talking about something. I join in, and then am hit with a huge wave of ocean water, that quickly submerges me over my head. I have been holding onto something, but have to let go of it to swim up to the surface and breathe. Once at the surface, I wipe some of the salt water from my eyes, then open them. Jelani from one of my classes is there, and we're all treading water in the ocean that is in my room, still with my walls, but with a higher ceiling to accommodate the raised water level. Some more large waves come through, but I tread water and remain on the surface, rising and falling as they pass.

    The water disappears suddenly, and an invisible force is holding me hovering in the air, by my feet. I am asked questions, and talk to people as I am swung around my room by my feet. There are many attractive women in my room as well, and I get opportunities to see things from certain angles that don't come very often, yet don't take them, instead focusing on their faces and what they're telling me.

    I now feel the force switch from holding onto my feet, to holding onto only my two big toes. It is more of an intense feeling, like when your toe is about to crack, but you don't crack it. Almost painful, yet bearable. More of an intense pressure, or pulling sensation. I am still swung around the room by this invisible force.

    I am allowed to hover nearby someone sitting on the heater near the window, and he asks me what makes the squeaking noise. I rub my hands together until they make a semi-squeaking noise and tell him, "being squeaky clean." before I am pulled off into more circles around the room.

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