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    1. The Burning House and the Army

      by , 08-22-2013 at 07:43 PM (My Humble Collection of Somnigraphies)
      August 23 2013 - Dream Fragment #1 - I was in a large mansion with my family and I remember walking out and seeing people that were neighbors. I walked out and remember something happening and then them trying to kill me. I walked outside and saw a file cabinet that said a room used to be inside that had pictures of dead bodies and I got kind of freaked out.

      Dream Fragment #2 - I see Army members playing cards at a table, and they say that people inside are playing Dungeons and Dragons. I look in and they all look older than I am, so I ask if there is an age limit. They say that I have to be “considerably older”. I remember seeing one guy that apparently wasn’t in the army but had a Call of Duty MLG series shirt on.

      Dream Fragment #3 - The house at the start of the dream burned down but yet everyone survived. There was also some kind of monster there. I remember a flashback to me in this chaotic, multidimensional complex with five different directions of gravitational pull. Each room held a Pokemon (weird, I haven’t played it or watched the anime for like a year now :p).

      Dream Fragment #4 (This came chronologically before Dream Fragment #1) - My dad and I are shopping at a department store somewhere within 100 miles of my house (can’t remember the town name) for cat treats. They say that are are anti-something to do with electricity, so your cat doesn’t shock everybody it meets (I guess in dreams cats have interesting superpowers ) but another couple grabs it out of my hands and they buy it. We then travel on the road to the house that burned down.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. Old Entry #6 - Final Old Entry

      by , 08-22-2013 at 07:40 PM (My Humble Collection of Somnigraphies)
      June 02 2013 - Dream Fragment #1 - I am on stage in front of a huge auditorium more or less directing a concert type thing but from the back. The section I am directing consists of percussion instruments that sort of look like this: bit.ly/13xI5AN. They make cymbal crash noises when hit together. They sound pretty good with the song. I see an old man walk up on stage and start to yell. I said that I am directing and he screams that they’re not cymbals but cymbal covers and that they sound terrible. I feel hurt. I walk backstage and still the man continues to berate me. I run out of there and get in a car to drive away. I can’t remember the rest but there is something about my friend and something else about Nyan Cat. I wake up at an unknown time and perform a RC. I am not in the dream world.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    3. Old Entry #3

      by , 08-22-2013 at 07:33 PM (My Humble Collection of Somnigraphies)
      May 28 2013 - Dream Fragment #1 - Cruise ship. Something about 450 million dollars. I have some kind of action sequence and awaken. I do an RC and I am properly awake.

      Dream Fragment #2 - I am talking with my friends about games. One of my friends and another kid, presumably my best friend, are playing a small co-op puzzle game, and a kid I know and I are talking. (Very realistic) We seem to go to a video rental store, (not unlike a Blockbuster in terms of shape) and rent some video games. I then immediately wake up, and perform an RC. I am in another dream.

      Dream Fragment #3 - Small bubbles are floating around; I can see small knick-knacks in them. The seem very far away, and I can’t reach them. I see one with some platonic solid in it, and will it to come to me, but I wake up for real.

      Dream Fragment #4 - I am at a restaurant. (It feels very high up and on a wing of some kind) I see a table adjacent to me, but all the people at it are vampires. I don’t know why, but then I realize the person I am sitting with is a vampire. I do an RC, but then realize I am actually a vampire, too. I wake up for real and it is time to get up.