Non-Lucid Dreams
I had a dream about war. I was in some sort of camp, and I'd just learned that there was a war going on in Mexico. I decided to go to fight, and went to get my stuff ready. Mexico was more prepared than we'd thought, and were planning on bombing us with some sort of napalm artillery that sparks and lights itself... At my house, I seemed to own my own apartment, and I was getting my stuff to some sort of shelter. There were others doing the same, so I would help out. They seemed to know I was going to fight in the war, but they didn't comment on it or even ask why I was still there. I helped out, but before I could get everything secure, they started bombing us with the napalm bombs, and buildings were catching on fire. The rounds landed randomly across the apartment complex... I had hoped to god that it didn't get a direct hit on the shelter. I was on a higher level, helping someone, and I saw the first one hit. It hit them, and it sparked, but it jumped into asymmetrical directions. I gasped, realizing the risk of this, and sprinted back to the shelter. I told them what happened, and they all gasped. A girl I like named Terra was among them, and she had to get something from her apartment. I said I'd help her out, and we got going. As soon as we got outside, I saw a round headed right in front of the shelter, and it landed. We ran as fast we could, but she couldn't make it fast enough. I hugged her to protect her, and a part of the round that shot off hit me- it didnt hurt, it didn't burn, but my shoulder was on fire. I put it out, and told her we had to keep going, and we did. Once we got to where we were going, I woke up. I instantly remembered as soon as I woke up what had happened in the dream. I might have been nearing lucidity.
Updated 10-10-2011 at 02:51 AM by 48474
This dream was VERY vivid. It was dark, the street was reflective, and it was the street my old house is on Maplewood Ct. The streetlights gave off a more white light, not a yellow one like in my dream. I had a sudden realization I was dreaming. There were a bunch of kids with some sort of power that were being hunted. I went to help them. I went into the back of my old house to find several frozen kids. One older looking teenager told me to clear the area. I told him, "I don't think so." He froze me with a gun of some sorts, but I unfroze myself and froze him, I did this with the rest. The group I saved and unfroze seemed pleased with the fact I saved them. It also seemed, that the three I saved were Terra Aqua and Ventus from KH BBS. I quickly became friends with the trio, and I seemed to have a stronger bond with Ven. I was trying to fly, and I could easily hover off the ground. I did a swimming motion. I was able to get around 40 feet off the ground before getting a bit scared. He told me to will myself up and not be afraid. I did so. I was very afraid. We decided to head to New York to blend with the freaks. I couldn't fly, so we took a boat-ish thing. Apparently, this boat went below the earth? No, there was molten hot lava in the sea. Anyways, the hold seemed to have water passing through it, and with that, lava. I was in the hold, and willed a shield around me. I was practicing my flying, and I knew it wasn't long until we hit New York. I woke up. :( During the dream, I seemed truly lucid but for a moment. The rest of the dream, I knew that I would not keep my superpowers after a certain point in time. It seemed I sub-consciously knew I was dreaming. This was the dream that inspired me to go and pursue lucid dreams. On a third note, I've noticed that noticeable memories cause me to go lucid, because I know that I won't be going back to that place for a while. Not sure how this might help me, but it would be really nice to get a helpful comment about said pattern.
Dream Lucid Reality The minute I entered this dream, I knew I was dreaming. I noticed that whenever I had a dream about my Middle School, It was lucid. This was most likely because I just promoted, and it's Summer Break. I was at the South East end of the school, near a slope that went down to the basketball courts. I had a hard time figuring out what to do. I didn't feel very much like flying, so I decided to get laid. For some reason, it didn't come to me that I could spawn a girl. I found one anyways and had sex. After this, I looked at my hands, on my left I had eight fingers! I laughed at this, then felt my hand, just for the hell of it. I could grab onto each finger. Goddamn that's weird. I then went to see how well electronics worked in my dream for future reference. The monitor in my room was a piece of shit, so I made a new one spawn. At first it wasn't a flatscreen, and I got a little frustrated. I imagined the new one again with my eyes closed, and my hand in front of where it would go- It worked this time. I remember that it worked fine, and I was a little let down. There goes a dream sign. However, I was still ecstatic that I was lucid, and the fact that I remembered to use my dream sign several times to not lose lucidity. After this, I got laid again, and woke up. I was drowsy and happy, and I didn't move a muscle so I could go back into the dream. Most unfortunately, I didn't go back into that dream. Instead, I went into a dream fragment. Apparently, there were kids running around, and a woman. I think this was a woman I had sex with in the previous dream. She seemed passive and all knowing. I woke up. DAMMIT! She might've been my dream guide! But I wasn't lucid to talk to her!
I was outside a castle it seemed. There were some hostile animals that I easily overpowered. I went into the castle. It seemed to be a LoZ style dungeon, and that's all I remember about it. I got up to the boss and... It was an administrator from a game I used to play! It was John Shedletsky, AKA Telamon from Roblox! What a strange antagonist. He was planning to rid the world of said game, and I defeated him just in time to save it. I was walking around, and nobody in the game had noticed my huge achievement! What a bunch of jerks. I then realized why I had quit the game. The dream changed. I was in front of a crashed spaceship. For some reason, I knew that there were people alive in it. I opened it up, and a few people came out. They were very cranky, and they started getting violent. Some voice told me to cool them off, and I pushed them into a vat of very cold water. Apparently, their radioactivity was making them hot and cranky, and a vat of cold water fixed it. Strange. I was then in the spaceship for some reason, and we were drifting towards the sun. I then had in my possession, a parachute-like object. With said object, we had enough weight to drift downwards. I had saved the day again. The dream changed. I was an older teenager, and the time frame seemed to be in the late 50's. I had a modern car, and it was very nice. I had shown up in an auditorium with it. There was a large group of people, mostly girls in the middle of the auditorium. Some square had a nice car too. He seemed to think his was better than mine, so he revved his engine. It sounded nice... until I revved my engine. It was VERY loud. The girls squealed. The man, enraged by the fact that my car was better than his, took off- I saw that as a challenge to a race. I had to go around the group of people, who were loving every minute of this. I eventually got outside, and got ahead of the man. For some reason, My car needed Helium to go faster. And even stranger, I thought that I had to pull my pants down to my ankles and have my ass hang out of the seat to get more. While hanging onto the steering wheel, I wondered how the car was going with no feet on the pedal. I ignored this illogical finding. I won the race with the helium I had "gathered" and when the opposing driver got out, it turned out to be a girl. She said if I wanted anything for winning the race, and I said her pants. She took them off and gave them to me. I put them on. She then teased me for wearing a girl's pants, and I was reluctant to tell her why I had asked her for them. I told her, and she laughed, I took her pants off, to have my pants right underneath hers... She put her pants back on, and taught me what I could do to avoid another trouser-less race. For whatever reason, I wasn't attracted to her without her pants on. Although, I didn't pay attention to her legs when I was talking to her. I seemed polite. The dream ended when I found out how I could change my car so that I could keep my pants on for a whole race. This has to be one of my strangest dreams.
The first one started as me being Maximillion from Dark Cloud 2. (Damn, my video game related dreams are constant!) I was being taught about some sort of advanced or heavenly society, when after going into a couple rooms, I ran into... Bowser? What the fuck? I haven't thought about Mario for years, but okay. I outsmarted him several times, and he turned into a surrendering friend. The dream got hazy, and now I'm in a race up a building. However, this was unlike any building I had ever seen. There were only inclined slopes that went up, and they were thin, with no railing, so one could easily fall down. The pathways got smaller as you got higher. I ran up with ease, then started going slow. Apparently, the only person crazy enough to not quit and keep on going was Paris Hilton. She wanted the reward. She kept on saying these stupid animal names for a pet. Things like, "Dr. Snuggles". I didn't know what the reward was- until I won! It was a stupid little pink cat! I was pissed, and the dream got hazy. Next thing I remembered, was I was returned to the bottom. I was holding a... Pink KFC leg? Well, it was slightly sweet, and delicious. I guess I must have killed that cat and turned it into fried chicken. I'm sure Paris Hilton was pissed. Oh well. I'm not entirely sure about when my dreams were during the night/day Because I kept getting woken up. It's a miracle that I managed to remember this much. However, that wasn't even the whole thing! Here's the swimming part. I don't know why, but I was swimming with a group in an irregular swimming pattern. After swimming to one point, we'd swim back, and then go to a further target, still using the path we previously used, starting a new direction after swimming all of the previous path as well. I had won, finishing first. This dream kind of makes sense, as I've been swimming more than usual lately, and I've gotten better at it. The next dream involves... Sex. Yep. It happens, but in a fragmented way. I was camping... There were a lot of girls in a group, and I was with a few guys in a group. Apparently one of the girls wanted to have sex with me. I was liking the idea, and I started hanging out with her. The next thing I know, I'm working at some sort of ride. The girl approaches, and I ask her what she's doing here, then surprises me with a hug. I say I'm working, and the dream gets hazy. I'm now in front of a house, and she's there. She's freaking out about the consequences of having sex with me, and I calm her down and tell her that there's nothing to worry about, that there's nothing I can't handle. I was concerned about condoms for a moment, but that passed, and I had sex with her. I just remembered a dream fragment while typing this! Lucky me! I was on a road of some sort... My memory is very hazy. I got to the end of the road... I used a missile launcher to shoot something evil... I got into a working motor home of some sort. I know that the dream was reminiscent of Fallout: New Vegas Old World blues.