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I've been gone for a while, lost my motivation with my new social life. Things have changed a lot since I've made my last entry, so things might be a bit different. Not that anybody will notice. Anyways. I find myself in a sort of dome. I'm rich. I was very high at a friend's house during the course of this dream, so. I walk out of the entry room where there is no exit that I remember, and I'm surrounded with color. Beautiful landscape is around me, and there are some aggressors, but they're ignoring me. I can feel the fun in the atmosphere. I see two or three people talking, and they're obviously quite posh. At least one of them is a parent to me... Which explained the dome. They've paid for this, all for me. It was weird. I play a few games, but it's all faded since it's been a few days.
Well, I had an amazing lucid dream last night, and it had a lot of testing in it, and it was very long, even though I lost myself in the moment multiple times. It started off in a place I disliked, and I may have been having a shared dream with a friend, because he was lucid and helped me build a vessel to some place else. We landed in a CVS/gas station, so we found it preferable to have fuel and food near each other. I built a castle by myself, albeit my control was bad and the castle was tiny, it was more for my isolation and practice of control/vividness. I tried teleporting LooneyToons style, but I looked to hard at the surface of the circle, and thought to myself it looked unlikely that I'd go through. Eventually, I got to my old middle school. I saw an old lady chasing a girl I know, so I ended up stalling the old lady who wanted her for sacrificial uses. She had a book with her, and that's why I assumed she was even at the middle school. Anyways, I took her hand, one hand in front, one hand holding mine- my dream share friend was there. He grabbed our hands, put his hand in the middle, and I made a little glowing red ball appear in the middle of us.... It slowly engulfed us, and we found ourselves back at the castle, ecstatic at how cool our escape was. I didn't get any specific details as to how the possible dream sharing guy looked, I just get the feeling he's not ugly, and has brown hair. That concludes my awesome dream, and it was EXTREMELY long without any attempts to extend it, which may as well be a fucking dream goal in itself!
Okay, so it started off as a small showdown. I had smoked some before I went to sleep, and that was my first time getting high. The lucid was amazing. I had become lucid in a certain storyline setting... I was captured. By someone with low moral standards. I was pretty much her slave, but I was intelligent. I got out of it, and ran into this mining town. I went down the road a bit, and got to a town. I went lucid here, and decided to mess around with my powers, as usual. I was having difficulty, but getting better. There were fires being put out in the city I was in, and I thought nothing of it. I then put on some sort of night vision, just to be sure, and I saw that she was there. These were some serious people, planning something big. I needed to stop them. I was pretty high up, so I jumped down, but slowed myself down right before I hit the ground. I'm getting a lot better at dream control! I did some cool things, taking out the assassins, but I felt myself drifting away. I laid down in the dream, and just stayed still... I felt myself, awake. I fell into the dream, a small lapse of consciousness ensued. I was instantly lucid, but at the start of the dream I was in. Same house, same people, same scenario. I decided to do things a little differently. I had better control, and I was in some water when they were introducing me to the house. I picked some up, and threw it at her, and turned it to acid once it was on her face. She screamed and screamed, and I got out of there. I don't really feel like doing the next part. I was back in the city. Things were a bit different, I had more control. I could conjure up whole weapons and portals now. I decided to go to the fourth dimension to make the dream last longer, because I was enjoying it so much. I took a black hole out of my pocket. It turned a bit purple, and started sucking things in like a floormaster in Windwaker. I jumped in, but found myself in a shop! I cursed, and I was ticked off, but I bought everything inside, and woke up.
I was in a city. I was lucid. I thought to fly over the buildings, and I did. I found that my flying lacked something. I decided to give myself wings. I flew perfectly. I flew around some, and the dream changed. I was still lucid. I'm not sure what came next, but I was friends with Trey Parker. We were in a swampish marsh kind of place. I saw a bunch of boars come out, and I had some new friends on the boat I was on. We got on a small piece of land, and the boars were pissed at us. I explained to one of the boars that I didn't do anything, and that I was just there. He understood, and let me go. I jumped into the water, and went downstream. Oh- I remember a fragment now. I was in my old neighbors house. It was a non-lucid. He had many children and- Oh! another fragment- Or was it a piece of that dream? Ah well, I was in the house, and there were many people in it. Large house, one of them was my friend that I'd never seen before. He was showing me around, and I knew the layout already. I think I liked his company, because I was keeping him around. There was a desk of some sort, it had a compartment. In this compartment was my old Guitar Hero II guitar. I was glad that I had found it, and had been meaning to use it on my new PS2. I don't actually have Guitar hero 2 on my ps2 anymore. The dream fades, and I think that this part was after the Boar apology. I was floating downstream, and there was a woman and a boy. I had sex with the woman, and the boy was encouraging me. Very strange, this dream was.
I wasn in a man's house. This man was very mean. He was also very obese. There were four each one with a riddle on them that you were supposed to solve and bring an object to. The man obviously didn't expect us to solve the riddle. He told us to get the object, we would have to time travel. I told him to go fuck himself, and left. I was in an apartment area. the buildings were tall, and one of them had a sniper on them. I took my weapon out, and took cover. I shot him down, when I realized, "I somebody just tried to kill me, and I committed a violent act... This must be a dream!" I decided to practice flying a bit. I was able to do it a lot better this time, as I managed to jump off the ground, levitate, and gain altitude by willing myself. I decided that I'd figure out wherever I was. There was a very obese black man being mean to his family, so I punched him in the face. This knocked him back about 10 feet. He got up and said, "Yo man, what the fuck?" I then called him the N word to get him to fight me, and I kicked his ass over to the fountain, where I put him in. I decided to test the RC of breathing underwater and jumped into the fountain. When I found out I could breathe, after a bit of difficulty, I got out, dry as if I were never in there. I jumped into the air, and had a bit of difficulty flying. As usual, I couldn't gain altitude as much as I had wanted. I willed myself up, but that did little good. I got back on the ground, and observed the fountain and its nearby population. Whole families were eating lunch around it, and it was very realistic until I shot and fought someone. Also, who says that closing your eyes makes you wake up?! That's dumb, right there.
I just got out of my dry spell- Wouldn't really call it a dry spell, just two or three days of not trying to recall, I finally willed myself to do so in the morning. I was looking at my mustache in the mirror. I liked how it was, and how it had grown. The dream fades, and I'm in some sort of club. I'm a full-on adult with one of my friends. We were on a computer. We were assassins. We both had targets to take out, but we were also feeling like one of us was going to turn on the other, so we both secretly hired assassins to take eachother out once our targets were terminated. We went to a barbershop, I presumed that we had scheduled this, as we were there together. I had hired a stealthy assassin he wouldn't notice, and he had apparently hired a very large and muscular black man. My first words were, "Oh, FUCK!" I then ran outside, and the man followed me. He had a staff-ish weapon with spikes on it. It was huge, and apparent that he was one of the only men in the world that could wield it with such skill. He swung at me, several times, and I dodged each one. I had to wait until he swung, or else he would have gotten me, for with the weight of the weapon, he could not make it change directions once it was in motion. I then grabbed onto a non-spike part- most likely one of the handles, and shoved it back at his head. It hit him, but not nearly as hard as I had hoped, for he had grabbed that handle and tried to keep it from hitting him. While he was stunned, I ran off. Point of view changed to my assassin. He was pissed that I had gotten away. Kept, cursing and walked on top of some cars, then jumped onto a ledge, pulled himself up. A skinny white guy was sitting there, with a computer. My attention went back to what they were saying. He was talking about how I got away, and the man was saying, "I didn't get worse or better, he's just good... He was patient, he waited for the right opportunity..." I then woke up. I haven't been thinking about my mustache lately, so these dreams about it seem unusual... I'm only fourteen, and I don't even have to shave it, but it's noticeable.
I was in some sort of drag race, and it was like preppy vs. ghetto. I was on the ghetto side, and the preppy side tried to cheat. We took this as an act of war, and a battle ensued. Ghetto turned to Resistance, and preppy turned to Security from Brink. We were battling, and doing a good job, when I went off to look around. I found some sort of... Marijuana smoker. I was confused and shocked, and then turned around to see four Security guys coming near me, I hid behind a destroyed truck and killed the two on the left with my Rhett, and walked up to the other two. It was a black man with an accent, and a Caucasian American. I walked up to the two of them, and they laughed at me. They told me that all of my friends were going to die once they had been smoked out, as stoned soldiers make dead soldiers in a fight. They were trying to figure out if they should let me get high before they killed me, or just killed me. I told them, "That's a very bad idea..." One of them held a knife to my throat and told me to shut up. I took the knife, sliced the man's stomach, deep, and stabbed him in the neck. I then took my sidearm and shot the remaining antagonist. When I got back to our leader (How funny, it was the singer for Rise Against.) I told him what happened, and he was very proud of me. After the battle was over, everybody got baked. The dream fades slightly, and I'm following the leader around. We're at my old apartments, but they seem to go much much higher. I'm carefully using parkour to get around to follow him, when I decide to do a reality check- I look at my hands- They're normal. However, when I look at my hands, I always question the reality before me, and I did the same in the dream! I became lucid. I was simply ecstatic, as I've been having a dry spell. Thankfully, I calmed myself down, and rubbed my hands together. I remembered wanting to speak to my DC's whilst lucid, so I told him I was lucid. He was very happy that I was lucid, and congratulated me. I felt very accomplished. He then told me... that he was my DG! I thought, "This is incredible..." When right after he said this, a woman appeared, beautiful and with crystal clear clarity and a great glow, and she tells me that she's my REAL dream guide. My leader looks a bit ashamed, and goes away. I felt bad for him, but I decided to follow my DG. I considered having sex with her, but decided against it. We walked up several flights of stairs, and she wasn't talking. We got to the top, and... There was deadmau5! I told him that I was a huge fan, and that he shouldn't worry about all the people saying his job was easy. He was glad to hear me. My DG seemed to get angry at his presence,and she obviously wanted him gone. I was reluctant to get rid of him, but I tried anyways. However, instead of making deadmau5 disappear, I made my DG disappear! Ah well, she was being a bitch anyways. I ask deadmau5 if he wants to look for some pussy with me, and he agrees. We search for a while, and I lost him. He became the owner of a ranch! Well, this is where the dream fades, and I would have done a DEILD, but I have orientation today. I woke up, and got dressed, then wrote this. See ya tomorrow, dreamviews!
This dream started quite oddly. I along with many people I know, but am not too familiar with were working on something that involved all the animals of the world, and a kite of some sort, that went EXTREMELY high. The dream changed after we lost the kite to the winds, and then the dream changed. My old teacher, Ms. McCandless had split into two! One was laid back, kind, the other was a strict buzz-kill. I was under the authority of the kind one. It seemed we were at the beach, and... I opened my eyes while underneath the water. It was.. CLEAR! VERY clear! Extremely vivid, beautiful ocean floor. I was concerned about the state of my eyes, and although I could not feel pain, I'm sure it was not good for them. I pulled my head out of the water, and... It became a pool. I seemed to not notice the change, and swam to a ledge, where all my friends were sitting, halfway into the water. The dream skips to a part where we're taking a test, however, the answers are all in front of us! There are several people's faces on a wall, all with their own set of answers, and I chose a tough looking guy. I wrote down his answers, but I had to keep writing and looking up to get his answers, as my memory was acting strange at the time. The numbers didn't change! If I tried hard, I could remember them, but I'm not in the mood. Anyways, it skips back to me and my friends on a ledge, and half of our bodies are in the water. We all say that our memories are seeming to fade, and we emerge from our loss of consciousness, in the same place. But we're all amphibians! I knew my amphibian was a cop, somehow. We looked somewhat similar to lakelarks/mirelark kings from Fallout 3/New Vegas. We saw more amphibians lounging near a small poolish thing, it was about 5 feet deep, and about 20-30 feet long. They were all lounging on chairs, and they had some sort of accent, like a nonchalant british accent. My friend asked them if they had ever heard of the human race. They said that they had, and that they all went extinct some time after all the animals were wiped out. I refused to believe this, and got a piece of film sheet that was laying around. There was a small cavern opening near them, and I lowered the film sheet down into it, and there was a flash, and a bat flew out. I raised the film sheet to show a picture of a bat to the amphibians. "Does THAT look extinct to you?!" They seemed interested, but not enough to get up and take a look. Had these beings really come to rule the earth? I woke up.
I just remembered several nightmares in which I became aware I was dreaming, but wasn't aware of dream control. This was many years back. I was running and hiding from a monster, I'm not talking 4 year old one eyed green thing, I'm talking huge ass scary monster with several teeth, and eyes, this thing would scare the shit out of a marine. I realized that this dream would be worse if I just kept running, because I'd be startled by my death, so I openly accepted being killed by it. I remember dying... It was painful. The minute that the extreme pain hit me, I woke up, my body feeling asleep. Back then, I was in a bunk bed, and when I woke up, I jerked up, and hit my head on the bars. That sucked. Well, the more I think about my dreams, the more old ones I recover. I seem to have done this many times in my younger childhood, realized I was dreaming, and offered myself to the antagonist as an escape. How foolish, if only I had known!
I was in a village. Maybe you could call it a town. There was some sort of... monster. Something that the townsfolk couldn't kill. I knew that if I went outside the bar we were taking shelter in, I would die. The dream got hazy, and the next thing I knew I was face to face with the monster. I was lucid. I think I looked at my hands, because it struck me to stabilize the dream. After I got rid of the monster, I rubbed my hands together. I felt my hands rubbing together... I went into a void-like space. I woke up. I wasn't conscious enough to do a DEILD, so I went into a non-lucid. DAMN! This is progress... Anyways. I... I had a false awakening! I just remembered. I make a habit to do reality checks after awakening, but for whatever reason, I didn't. After I had awoken on my bed (I wasn't even sleeping on a bed that night) I went back to "sleep". Anyways, in the jumble of confusion of switching dreams, coming out of a dream or whatever, afterwords, I awoke in a field. This dream was linked somehow to the monster dream. Anyways, because I was watching Fullmetal Alchemist a lot before I went to bed, I stayed with me a bit. The vampire seemed to have transmutation circles spread out. She was going to make a sacrifice with it. Even though there were no people. o.O Anyways, I acted like I was with her, and then took a sword out of a transmutation circle and dueled her. She had the upper hand, as I was defending all of her blows, as I had to take the time to take the sword out, and she saw me do it. Well, she had me on the ground, and I was defending from her blows (Don't get excited) Anyways, I found myself back on my feet, and the dream ended after a few swipes at eachother. I just remembered another fragment! I was running from the police... It was VERY easy. I set off distractions as I ran, and I was thinking of going into a foggy area, then escaping out the back door. I had lost the cops before I got to the building with the fog in it. I walked into a different area... There were a few guys a bit older than me. Juniors or Sophmores, I recognized them in the dream. I was on a rock, considering jumping onto the roof that it was near. The building was old, it looked flimsy. I decided that I wouldn't jump for it (Darn it, that would have made me lucid!) I talked to the two guys for a bit, and we walked down a path that went past the house. I woke up.
For whatever reason, I didn't care about my dreams when I had woken up, and now I've forgotten them. I did however remember one dream after the two , because I was more... awake after the last one. I was on an island. I seemed to be on the shore. I was confused as to why I was here, and where I was. Directly in front of me was a tall rock wall. To the left was a path that split into three ways. To the left, was a bridge of some sort to a small locked room that went around the rock wall. To the right, was just a pier that went towards the water. I went straight onto a somewhat skinny slope that led onto a a bridge that led to another piece of land. Said piece of elevated land went up to some kind of cave.I assume this to be Nayru's (Legend of Zelda Goddess) shrine, as it was blue. I then had weapons in my possession, and things changed. There were monsters of some sort, wolves, a towering humanoid inferno, and a very strong sea creature that was severely damaging the towering humanoid inferno. I went down the path, killed two wolves that tried to kill me, and went back to the left path. There was a chest on the small pier next to the small room. I went to open it, and it disappeared! I had low gravity, so I could jump up and see inside the tiny room, as it was roofless. I saw the chest inside, and went to open it again, and it reappeared outside of the room. I decided to get help, and picked up the chest. I took it up to get help from somebody so they could open it while I held it. For whatever reason, I knew it was Din's treasure. I woke up.
It seems that my dreams tend to make patterns of two. I just noticed that whenever I have a bad dream, I go lucid to make it stop. This did not happen this time. I was in a Brink map... It was the same terrain as terminal, but a different appearance. It seemed similar to the place with ramps in Jak II. Video games have been frequent in my life, so it only makes sense for my dreams to contain them. Me and a friend were making our way to a location, we wanted to get laid. We used parkour all the way to the hot springs where many attractive Asian women were. We were about to make ourselves comfortable, when something happened that made the women want to leave. I don't quite recall what this event was, but we left the vacant hot springs to find more women. After searching, we could not find anymore, and the dream changed. I was in... New Vegas? Wilfred, the dog from a TV show, (guy in a dog suit with a British accent that everyone else sees as a regular dog) was leading a HUGE pack of dogs into the Ultra-Luxe Casino and hotel. I, of course, was Bryan from the show. I ran up to Wilfred and talked him out of it. He told me one day, I would regret this. Everything went black, and a white text came into sight. It said, "Three years later". I was in Wilfred's owners house, and I knew Wilfred was dead. However, there was some sort of chute for something, and when I opened it up, a Yao Guai Wilfred was sitting inside. For those of you that don't know, Yao Guai look like this: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:A...VB7z4ggAiZhGfx And this. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:A...IHyGr0-jPA4gTQ I took Yao Guai Wilfred on, in a Soul Calibur 2 fashion. I used several throws on him, kicked his ass out of the arena. I then had to use bombs on two opponents I was fighting at the same time. I used bombs to kill them, and won, then woke up.
I was in Wind Waker, it seems. There was some sort of barricade, because the Deku tree was spitting bombs. I seemed to be link, and the Koroks were holding the barricade. I got hit by bombs that went over the barricade around twice before a humanoid came up. It appeared to be Medley. I sensed that Medley was male for some reason, and the son of the Deku tree. Medley through these... Bottles? at me, and I threw my boomerang at him in retaliation. I then threw a bomb at his feet, and he backed up towards the edge, I sensed that he wanted to negotiate, but that ended the minute he threw a damn bottle at me. I jump striked him into the water, where he died. At this point the Deku tree was TOTALLY pissed, and started spitting bombs like crazy. I sprinted back to the barricade, but he was aiming the bombs perfectly. They went over the barricade right over my head. I dodged them until I woke up.
My first dream started in a field of snow, and a Mexican kid was throwing snowballs, however, the snowballs would kill on impact and I had to dodge them. The kid had a great arm, but snowballs are easy to dodge, so I made my way across the field to the kid, and he suggested to go inside. His father looked to be a stereotypical Mexican gang-banger. I was slightly intimidated, but I knew I could take him. I instantly regretted my thinking he was a gangster, because he offered me coffee and to play a game with his child. When the game was all said and done, my memory starts to get hazy. He says something about coffee, and we were in his basement. He wanted me to find AIDS to put in someone's coffee. The man was obviously totally insane. I acted like I got some, and went to leave- but he knew. My memory becomes hazy again, and I've fallen down a shaft of some sort. There's a slot in the front, and I crawled, out, and I cannot remember my surroundings whilst outside of the box. All of a sudden- Captain America fell down the shaft? For some reason, I had experience of being a hero, and sympathized with his failure. I then got back up the shaft and into... The world of Futurama? I was fry, everyone greeted me then started conversing, and then- The dream changed. I was in a car, following somebody, but they sped up, and we crashed.. It was GTA IV style... When we wrecked the car, me, my father, and my brother got out of the car. There was a gang shootout and I took my knife out. I ran up and stabbed a man with a shotgun in the heart, then slit his throat, I then jumped over the falling body of the first and sliced the other one up. There was a man shooting at me, and I sidestepped to... DODGE HIS BULLETS? I grabbed his gun in one hand, held his shoulder in the other, then pumped him full of rounds with his gun. I reloaded (Where the hell did I get that magazine?!) and continued to knife the others. We got up to a room that we took cover in. The mob bosses were firing upon us, so I went out and sliced three times into a man's stomach, then stabbed his forehead quickly and returned to cover. A man came into the room with a butterfly knife, I laughed, slit his wrists, he dropped the knife, and then I killed him. A kid came in charging at me, but my father grabbed his armed hand, twisted it, and threw him against the wall. He said "You're safe now." The kid scoffed at this remark, and I could tell he had not given up. His eyes were darting, and he sliced my father. I thought my father could handle the shrimp, so I didn't stop him. My father punched him in the face right after his neck was slit- (In a "that's GOT to hurt" fashion) and I said "OH, HELL NO. " raised my gun, and shot the kid in the face. I woke up before I saw the damage done to my father.
Updated 08-22-2011 at 10:12 AM by 48474
In the beginning of the dream, I was a small child of an unknown ethnicity, and my skin was brown. I think I was Puertorican. (I know my spelling's off.) There was a man in a mob that had my father, the father said, "LISTEN TO ME, Your mother and I love you very much, and be good to her when I'm gone, goodbye, son." I ran to him and hugged him, but the mobsters got me away from him. I went back inside the building I came out of when I heard the commotion, because I was scared I would see him killed. I changed my mind and waited until I heard them walking away, and then followed them to their Base of Operations. At this point, I seemed to be invisible to them, so I looked around the place looking for clues. I became distracted, and then I became myself again. At this point I was no longer invisible to them, and was kicked out and grouped up with... My PE class? Strange, but furthermore, the mob boss was our teacher, yet his appearance from our regular teacher had not changed. He told us to get into four groups, and told a leader of that group to pick the people who were going to die, and those that would be allowed to live. I was allowed to live, and I felt a strong sorrow for those who did not. I told them to run, but they did not. The few selected to live stepped forward, and we were to be tested on... Magic? I was utterly confused when I got my wand and scroll with the rest of my peers, however after a few minutes they had disappeared, and I was sparring my father's murderer with magic. He shot out a few at me, I was barely dodging them, when I landed a hit on him. He said something how that spell was related to his old wife, and I pitied him, but little did he know, my guard was still up, and I dodged his spell with difficulty as I was trying to put up a ruse of weakness for him. After that, I shot him with another, and he was blasted onto his arse. These wands and spells were weird, as the wands were like a conductor's baton, and the spells were like levels of charging on my periferal vision, kind of like in Fable 2, but horizontal instead of vertical. I don't understand how it worked, as I would choose my spell instead of charging for it. The rest is a blur, and the teacher was weakened by something that somebody had put down, and I helped him out. Then, I woke up, not remembering my dream, I tried to go back to sleep, and then remembering it while falling asleep, then waking myself up to do my dream journal. Dream recall is VERY easy for me, and going lucid is more of a random encounter.