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    Snehk's Dreamlands


    by , 05-01-2015 at 09:20 AM (478 Views)
    With group of classmates we drove for a week lasting school trip. The first day we were visiting a theme park. There were many attractions, like rollercoasters, gambling stands or punch strike meter. There was also a national park, with tree stands considered to be of ancient origin.

    After the whole day, we went to a hotel and left our stuff in rooms. I had room with two other dudes, one was blond and medium built, and the second had dark hair and weight of a sumo fighter. I went to the bathroom, to take a shower. There were no cabins, only showers standing close. Due to this everyone took shower wearing t-shirts and underwear.

    There were two bathrooms for the floor. I went to another, and saw that there are no cabins too. One of the guys that was going to take a shower told a joke. I can't recall the joke, but it made me laugh. I went back to my room, and checked my things. Then I thought "Have somebody took my phone?"

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